Any advice?
Depressed LINKie here
2 options, either A.) Sell and leave it in BTC or B.) Don't check the price until March 2018. Good luck, user
Delete blockfolio. Stop visiting biz. Seriously
Either go for the long HODL or sell now and jump on something more proven. I final dumped my bag after losing 70%. Feels good man. Have a look at Vertcoin. It's got the goods to challenge Litecoin. It's better in many way.
Dont sell at a loss bro. With this bleeding across the board, a significant retrace is almost guaranteed
It gets easier.
Sell back into BTC and move it coinbase. Collect free B2X...and gains
Sell and rebuy below 2k sat
Saw this posted a few times and honestly it's true.. A lot of alts are bleeding so it's not a problem with LINK:
Antshares went from 14 to 4
Walton went from 3 to 1
Chainlink will go from 45 cents to 15 cents
Buy high sell low. Do it.
buy more. make daddy happy.
Try to set aside your emotions for a while and answer the following question:
Do you think the Chainlink token will have a marketcap that you're satisfied with in the future within a timeline you can wait on?
I'm not going to answer that for you, but if you're having trouble dealing with this loss emotionally, expect to have a bad time in crypto. It happens all the time. See
Thank you anons. I feel a bit better now.
don't let the FUD replace real food
I actually fud link while im watching it fall, at least i can have a little chuckle as i watch my money disappear
Yeah seriously, where we're you in september? Right after the "crash" they all rebounded. This happens over and over... if you bought in high wait for the rise again.
its over. what the fuck was that Sergey tweet today. what in the FUCK was that. someone should go find Sergey
First, I'm a millionaire (don't care if anyone believes me). I've been in crypto since early 13, and I've seen this stuff time and time again. Seriously, people are in panic mode and it is irrational.
It is like every FUD event...China ban, Segwit, Jamie Dimon, China ban again, etc...history repeats itself.
Even look at the stock market...people freaked out in 08-09...look at it now.
Just hold. Relax. Don't be swayed by people who have nothing better to do than photoshop sad Pepe's and wojacks all day...this is your financial future and these people aren't your friends, they just like to troll people on Veeky Forums because they have nothing better to do.
Instead of being helpful, or empathetic, or trying to share advice/experience, they insult's like taking life advice from the schoolyard bully...only the bully is a cynical, self-loathing, edge-lord who probably had a terrible home life, so they want everyone else to feel as bad as they do.
Chill man...everything is going to be alright.
Fap, watch a movie or play some games.
I have a group of friends and we do the same thing...making up alternative names for the coins we hold: 'trashcoin' 'bankruptcy coin' etc...something about laughing in the face of the tragic makes it not so powerful. We still hold, though.
You're so right...I come here for a laugh now and then, but there is something almost...I don't know...demonic, for lack of a better word, about how much glee some people take in inflicting imaginary pain upon others...Veeky Forums is like secondhand smoke...inhale too much and you'll get cancer too.
It's time to let go linkies.
do you see all those banks/swift/paypal logos on chainlink website?
chainlink can't put them there without their permission or that would hurt those big corporation's reputation.
you can't have no companies putting your logos on their website. hint hint
it makes me laugh when I see fudders go "wow so you think because they just slapped logos on their website that they're working with those companies"
they would get fucking DECIMATED in court if they actually did that. they were on American Banker and Gartner, this isn't some under the radar no name shitcoin, if they weren't actually working with those companies then every penny of the ICO would belong to jew bankers and Sergey would be in prison for years
>linkies put too much effort to shill the coin
>end up losing a lot of money
>people now can buy link x3 cheaper, if they want to
Literally shill to lose.
You're invested long term. That means you have faith in the technology like the majority of people here. Market's are irrational and this kind of shit happens all the time. Forget about biz and link for at least a couple of weeks or a month. It will become easier to chill out, checking this shit constantly is like drugs.