>*is the most progressive place in Europe*
*is the most progressive place in Europe*
Other urls found in this thread:
So progressive, raiding France and Italy constantly like savages
Muslims inveted Algebra and medicine
>our only contributions to human civilization occurred 1500 years ago
Too bad it stopped there for them
*kicks you back to the desert*
Most "Muslim" scientists were atheists, they just couldn't come out as such since apostasy is punishable by death
>so this is the power of modern atheism
Literally every christian scientist could be a proto-fedora edgelord according to this line of reasoning
how convenient
*revisionism intensifies*
No it was not, read pic related
>published by a Spaniard
this is how you know it's legit
They did not invent algebra, ONE Muslim modified its purpose into a secondary form to solve a few astronomy problems. But yeah, MUSLIMS INVENTED ALGEBRA.
So progressive the Christian majority was more than happy to cooperate with the kingdoms to the north.
>Come from Scottish and Irish herritige
>believe i am 100% white
>start looking down my ancestral line with my mother
>find out mothers fathers side is spainish
>start looking deeping into surname
>find out surname comes from a place in leon
>tfw my spainish ancestors were never ruled by muzzie dogs
It was until the arrival of the almoravids
They were Moorish subjects for a short while though only the Asturias held firm against the invaders.
Wrong, Leon was never conquered by the moors.
Most of north west Spain wasn't.
That is wrong, the Moors effectively controlled almost the entirety of the Iberian peninsula. The only place that was unconquered was a small monastery hidden in the mountains were a Visigothic nobleman hid with an army of 300. When they were forced to surrender they fought instead and slayed the Moors. When they tried to flee they were captured by local villagers and killed. This was the starting point of the Reconquista, an incredibly important battle in the history of Iberia.
it's not that the natives became berbers by converting to Islam.
It's funny how every single map showing the moors control over spain shows that they never conquered that area.
Hmm interesting, but i will not listening to any of that nonsense and believe a stranger on the internet.
I literally posted it here you brainlet, ask any Spaniard about the importance of Don Pelayo and they will tell you
Sorry i'm a brainlet i can't read.
*BTFO'S you*
*humilliates you*
*genocides you*
*destroys your culture*
A pity the plague killed him. He was about to conquer all of Morocco before it killed him and his pussy as fuck son refused to follow his orders
The Portuguese tried it but it just ended up as a burden to their treasure. Not worth it desu.
Most "European" scientists were black, they just couldn't come out as such since being a person of colour is punishable by slavery.
Saint Ferdinand is based as fuck
>Comparing the Portuguese to the saint king.
Yeah don't be a moron. You are comparing one of the most brilliant commanders and military leaders of the middle ages to a the kingdom that was carrying his cocktails. San Fernando would have gone all the way to Mali and tap all those gold mines
As opposed to all the "Glories of the Islamic Golden Age in Iberia" written by Arabs.
Yeah, Asturias was pretty cool.
the hell? so you just had to reach your grandparents to realize you were not of Irish and Scottish descent?
what kind of "muh heritage" guy were you before?
t. Castellano morĂ³nico
That's so wrong. Algebra was postulated already be Egiptians, Hindus or Greeks, what the dude did was codify it an make more sense of it.
And medicine is as old as humans.
So you substitute one type of propaganda for another?
At which color you are a proud MOOR descendant and not a filthy Ib*rian?
at none
Imagine a world where the plague didn't kill him
>Not knowing San Fernando
>Posting about him
Portugal would kill for having one person in all its history half as brilliant as he was
treating spaniards as tax slaves and being 2 class citicens ,you deserve all you get subhumans ,it was sad that we didnt continue and conquer all north africa ,you were very lucky taht in that moment we discover america and all the resources were sent there
dude relax, he wasn't that much of a ubermensch
I have literally never seen a European use this word when describing themselves.
It is the place of the strong to exploit the weak
You know that it's just shit propaganda, right? They weren't all living in fucking peace like it was some wet hippie dream nation.
So in other words it's just as shit as some random piece of Saudi circlejerking?
He is in the top 3 of greatest iberian rulers of all time with Trajan and Cisneros.
The man was a military genius,ended the Almohad empire,created the pax hispanica diplomacy,designed one of the first amphibious attacks in history in the battle of Sevilla,he was probably the best pregunpowder besieger in European history,he developed the university of Salamanca,him and his son did a revolutionary work regarding laws and language,he unified Castile and Leon and he stablished the school of translators in Toledo.
He put the basis of the Spanish empire which Cisneros would build upon. He is the most unknown and underappreciated leader in European history and accomplish way more than his cousin St.Louis.
France and Italy were the savages at the time and being enlightened by Islamic culture and knowledge.
Both of whom relied hevily on their mothers.
>France and Italy were the savages at the time
No they weren't you fuckwit, Amalfi had tens of thousands of inhabitants, the reason why many coastal cities were abandoned was because of the constant raids from the idiotic inbred baboons known as muslims or "saracens"
ha ha you posted it again
imagine being this retarded
wait hold up
*adjusts fedora*
are you saying
*chews cheetos open-mouthed*
we was...we was
*gulps loudly, skims Wikipedia article for al-Andalus*
muslim polymaths and shit?
>muslims invented medicine
You're the retard Muhammad
probably le 56%
Imagine calling Andalusians inbred while defending Franks
Uh Oh we got someone who actually knows what he's talking about in an al-Andalus thread for once
>look up some people from theIslamic Golden age
>they either took something from the Indians and translated it for the West or invented a way a new way of writing
>or they were executed for apostasy
Because they were? They were savages who constantly raided coastal towns in Southern Europe, they were savages you mudslime apologist, they were worse than vikangz.
Yeah lol indeed, you're pathetic.
wow a cursory google search confirms the biases of an amateur, more at 11
Nice jpg bro, too bad in reality classical knowledge was preserved by Muslim scholars and only went back into circulation in Europe with the crusades
There's no evidence that Andalusians, Berbers, and Western Arabs were any more inbred than their Christian neighbors, in fact, it seems likely that they were less inbred as a whole.
Like who?
God you're retarded
>bad in reality classical knowledge was preserved by Muslim scholars
It was preserved by monks too, retard. Those dumb fucks are not justified for behaving like violent monkeys, enslaving, pillaging, being fanatic tards
>Coastal cities were abandoned
>Except for this coastal city with tens of thousands of inhabitants
Who is the other one? Berenguela was a good regent for sure but she was not able to keep the Castillian nobility in check which slowed down Ferdinand's conquests in the south. Her greatest achievement was the concordia of Benavente to make a smoth transition in aquiring Leon,eventhough Ferdinand had alredy pulled succesfully his coup d'eta against his father's
Yeah, monasteries became cultural centers in West Europe during the Dark Ages. Doesn't mean that certain texts (a lot of Aristotle) were primarily preserved and commented on in the Islamic World. Seems like your knowledge about Muslim actions in the medieval era is more grounded in polemical hate for the religion than historical fact
European culture was invented by the Moors.
>I'm an educated retard
I didn't say all, I said the majority, a lot of coastal cities were abandoned in Italy because of the frequent raids
No he doesn't. Both the emirate and the caliphate were pretty awful and degenerated pretty fast. The Taifas were indeed kind of a golden age every time the spawned but that they were too weak to survive
Muslim debating ability at its finest
As opposed to the Franks, Lombards, Norse, Magyars, Greeks, and Saxons who constantly raided like gentlemen?
Like what? What cities were abandoned? Plenty of Italian and French coastal cities in this period grew at a rapid pace. Many of them traced their founding to abandoning the country side because of the Lombard invasions and wars.
As opposed to Byzantines? Yes
As opposed to Genoese? Yes
As opposed to the state of the church? Yes
>Magyars, Norse, Saxons
They didn't raid those guys, they raided Christian byzantines and Christian Italians
>What cities were abandoned
Almost all of the coastal cities in Sardinia, Corsica was so depopulated almost no one was left, Carthage was destroyed
>As opposed to Byzantines? Yes
Funny you should mention them, Marseilles was sacked in this period by Greek merchants.
>They didn't raid those guys, they raided Christian byzantines and Christian Italians
Who do you mean by 'those guys'? Magyar and Viking raids reached all over France and even into Italy, and the Ottonians certainly waged wars down into Italy constantly.
Again, what actual cities in Sardinia and Corsica? Can you name one, and what archaeology has shown that they were abandoned in this period?
Carthage is hardly an abandonment of the coast when everyone moved a few miles away to Tunis, which became a massive coastal city.
I don't think savages are known for setting up productive agricultural colonies like the Moors tended to do.
1500 years ago was the year 518, and Muslims didn't exist yet.
>Again, what actual cities in Sardinia and Corsica? Can you name one, and what archaeology has shown that they were abandoned in this period?
Tharros, Nora, Carales
The majority fo the inhabitants had to migrate to Rome
>What evidence?
They were abandoned during the period of the Arab raids, even Muslim accounts report their constant attacks on those cities and Christian account mention of how the relics of Saint Augustine had to be moved from Sardinia to Italy
This is probably the same guy who reposts the black Turk guy and his cuckold fetish everywhere, the quality of their posts' content is about the same
Tharros was abandoned for Oristano, Caralis was abandoned for another nearby region, and Nora declined during the Vandal era.
And when did the majority of the inhabitants of nearly an entire island up and move wholesale to Rome? The original claim was 'the coasts were abandoned' and now we're talking about a majority of inhabitants.
The coasts were not abandoned. Certain small towns were more vulnerable in one area and so moved their centers to a nearby place, and yes, this was in reaction to raids, but not always by Saracens. The same thing happened during the wars of the Vespers, and even Tunis was chosen by the Moors to defend against Byzantine naval power. These new towns tended to be close enough to engulf the old eventually, as Tunis did with Carthage, and Genoese Caralis did with the old town.
Coastal towns were not abandoned, they were better fortified. This was even instrumental to the rapid growth of places like Venice, Tunis, and Genoa.
That is not what I'm saying. Instead of dismissing the entire thing as propaganda from either side. It's good to see to radically different viewpoints. I have also seen the muslim side of this debate taken entirely as fact by most mainstream history teachers and it goes almost completely unchallenged.
>replying to a post made 7 hours ago.
Are you a madman?
They replied to my post, so I felt I should do the same and clarify my original point. I was busy until now :(.
Gee i bet theres no social and political bias behind this book!
Well thanks for clearing it up after all this time.
It's actually pretty interesting book. It doesn't bash Muslims so much as bash historical revisionism of the period. The guy basically goes through a lot of cultural and religious reasons as to why the "Golden Age" is a meme created by modern day historians. His bit about the crackdown on the arts during this time period by the Caliphate side of Iberia was particularly interesting. He also makes a point about how a lot of Iberian just converted to make their lives easier and not have to deal with the ridiculous jizya tax. It wasn't just Christians that converted by Jews too. Many of them converted back to Christianity after the Muslims were kicked out. It was also interesting to see all the court intrigue between the Sultan and the generals that carried out the original invasion of Iberia. Basically the Sultan didn't like them being so successful and decided to ruin their lives rather than solidify their position in the region.
Indians invented Algebra, medicine has been a concept for the entirety of human history.
>I have literally never seen a European use this word when describing themselves.
Are you blind?