Why can’t capitalists into aesthetics?
Why can’t capitalists into aesthetics?
*bans art from capitalist countries for being subversive*
>muh aesthetics
Individualism is better than collectivism and totalitarianism
We can into food and personal freedom instead.
>Hideous piss coloured hammer and sickle and a bunch of ugly red curtains
Holy shit you and the Chinks who made that have literally no taste.
Dude hope lmao.
That looks, infinitely more bland and dogshit than Congress, the Supreme Court, or the White House.
Communism must be the subhuman ideology.
>Red and piss yellow together
This iis what communists actually think.
>piss coloured
Slow down on the Pepsi and your piss won't look like that
>starves to death
>gets genocided
>no freedom to do anything
w-well at least these buildings look nice
Hey now, communism ain't the subhuman ideology, you take that back because that is offensive even to subhumans.
Communism is the non-human ideology.
>Congress, the Supreme Court, or the White House.
tbf they were just ripping off the Greeks
>Why can’t capitalists into aesthetics?
Because capitalism is about efficiency, not propaganda.
>implying commercial marketing isn't the most successful form of propaganda
They can.
>all these triggered cuckpigtalists
>Communist/Nazi aesthetics
>Bright red everywhere, literally the most clashing monstrosity of a color ever, which removes attention from anything else in frame, allowing no gentle contrast or anything deeper
Lmao dude.
You know, the lighting on that picture makes it look kinda nostalgic and comfy.
>commercial marketing is analogous to state created and sanctioned ideological propaganda
>two forms of propaganda can't be compared because they have some differences
Uhm sweetie...
Oh nevermind
Is that supposed to he impressive? Here's a city by the "communist" chinks with no aesthetics
>"Buy this item now for only 29,99$!" is analogous to "Report all class enemies to your local party office for processing!"
mcdonalds building cured from capitalist degeneracy
Dumb phoneposter.
And it looks better than that garbage in the OP.
>urban industrial hellhole
This is Hong Kong, you know... before it went to the Chinese gvt
>Congress, the Supreme Court, or the White House
>looking good to anyone but amerimutt who will blindly defend his disgusting country
>implying that industrial hell holes aren't A E S T H E T I C
That's HK btw. Not really relevant to the debate of communist aesthetics.
sure frendo
...just like in one of my japanese animes :)
Oh, backpedaling away from defending the OP image already? You retarded shitskin mongrel.
>taking efficiency over propaganda
This looks a dilapidated social housing block in my city, but more depressing.
No shit, that was my point
my bad
That's not capitalism you retard. In the society in your picture I can guarantee you the state and the church controlled everything.
That's feudalist. If it's pre-industrialist then it's not capitalist.
Two fold:
1. Liberal Societies have a random assortment of art and style due to individuality so their is no over arching aesthetic but rather multiple non universal styles. You'll notice in communist and Fascist nations all art looks similar (usually to convey power especially in Fascist regimes) whilst in Liberal democracies there is way more variety because of the individual rather than the state or class being the focus of the ideology.
2. Totalitarian Regimes use aesthetics as a form of propaganda to maintain tight control over a state compared to Liberal more hands off approaches which don't.
>TL;DR Cool aesthetics are to make up for shitty ideology.
Something's wrong, the lights are on
>that shitty hammer and sickle
get on my level plebeians
You can't have a decent aesthetic when you put all your resources in uncultured "investors" and "owners"
Marxism doesn't work. Communism doesn't work. Socialism doesn't work.
Non left socialism work far better than capitalism
That's an ugly place
no its comfy
That's the definition of not-comfy
>doesnt think hes an actual wage slave
unironically aesthetic as fuck
The Old Church is the last vestige of Aesthetics; Eastern or Catholic, take your pick.
Everything other modern institution is shit tier at best.
Nice example of capitalist art bro
off yourself
I have a feeling the architecture and design of cities is due more to geographic and technological differences rather than cultural or ideological differences
where is that?
Excuse me?
>communist is unironically defending commieblocs over actual architecture
How can one empire be so beautiful and so ugly at the same time?
what are the little plastic things on the stands next to the podium for?
that is the nature of an empire.
on the surface it is graceful and indestructible, on the inside it is a complicated maze of bureaucracy and fighting.
>literal fasces in the capitol building
The Vatican Assembly Hall
So the audience can look directly at Trump without being blinded by his excellency and charisma.
cursed image
>the one smog free day of the year
That looks like villain shit from those shitty harry potter movies
Oh mama I got trips twice in a row.
The villains were the good guys in the Harry Potter movies though
They still had shit tier aesthetics
>t. hogwarts fag
better asthetics than the wizard autists
>art deco
>wood and marble
>all in one block in
America was a mistake.
Looks significantly worse than 3rd world shitholes desu
t. pathetic barbarian larper
>chinese parliament or some shit
>unironically using syntax popularized by polandball, which is anti-communist
Tfw when [Placeholder Text]
at the expense of others.
Capitalism is imperialist and colonial. Communists believe we can prosper without exploiting less developed countries
Your entire notion of human aesthetic is based on capitalistic values
It's not communist if countries exist you idiot.
And all it's predecessors desu
>Communists believe we can prosper without exploiting less developed countries
what is reading comprehension
That's a funny word for "cooperation".
Just remove the poor people and it would be great.
Where did you learn such a bullshit?
>t. chink
It isn't and I'm not even a commie. Individualism is the Jew's tool to destroy societies, while the Jew remains a collectivist himself.
Calling everything that's not cancerous modern individualism totalistarism
>Implying joos don't use both collectivist identity politics and individualist "I do what I want mom!" ideas to 4d chess the populace.
Where do you see brutalism and art deco?
If it's necessary to see an elephant to criticize america, he will see an elephant
Individualism is how the Jew took control of all institutions
This individualist meritocratic bullshit where your background and culture isn't accounted for is how the Jews wormed their way in, especially in Anglo societies.
Notice that cultures like Germany and Russia that aren't very big on individualism, resisted this Jewish influence violently. In England/USA the Jew took power without a single bullet being fired.
Communist red and gold is ugly as shit though
It need the right shade
If it's that cherry colour it looks like shit
>red and gold is ugly
mccarthyist tier autism
>t. commie with no taste