Is eastern philosophy of any use or is it all pseudointellectual bullshit

Is eastern philosophy of any use or is it all pseudointellectual bullshit.

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Eastern philosophy presupposes an epistemology that doesn't isn't implicitly eschatological like all of post-classical Western thought

>eastern philosophy

eastern thought is philosophical but cant be reduced to that. before understanding that, one wont see anything in its philosophical aspects.

He means don't give a sword to someone lacking social skills (or physical fitness). They might RRRREEEEEEEEEEE and do something stupid.

I say this as someone whose social skills aren't particularly sharp.

Mohism is nice, and Confusiusism has its good sides, but stuff like Taoism and Japanese Zen are retarded

There are some good pre-Han works. What subjects interest you?

In metaphysics and morality, they're strictly second tier; daoist works make important points but ultimately they are incomplete and inexact compared to the Hellenes.

As a result, the ethical works suffer, but I still like these works and there are important practical observations and lessons.

The Chinese texts excel in the practical fields of political management and organisation, economics, and discussing various strategies on a multitude of topics. They're much different from the Hellenes and there are some really fascinating texts available.

There are a lot of things that are just unique to them. For example, I'm not aware of any text from Classical Greece or Rome that resembles the political ideas contained in the Book of Lord Shang.

this. Consider also that 'giving a sword' carries the connotation of rank or authority. Unadjusted individuals are poor authority figures

Source for the quote?

This is actually pretty useful advice.

Dancing and sword-fighting are quite similar, both require a good deal of agility, footwork, and awareness of what your body is doing and how it's moving.

Y'all aren't taking it literally enough

Could Confucius dance? Seems like a fat bastard in most representations

This is a good overview of Taoist philosophy:

>The term Dao means a road, and is often translated as “the Way.” This is because sometimes dao is used as a nominative (that is, “the dao”) and other times as a verb (i.e. daoing). Dao is the process of reality itself, the way things come together, while still transforming. All this reflects the deep seated Chinese belief that change is the most basic character of things.

There are two kinds of change: instantaneous change in the present, and cumulative change over time. These are Yin and Yang respectively with superstition and arbitrary associations removed. We experience these as two basic modes of consciousness or reference frames of time and moment. From the perspective of the present a singular, always-present moment is experienced, with continuous change in that moment. Past and present are not experienced. Mindfulness meditation is training this mode by quieting one's inner monologue, and conclusions from meditative experiences such as the self being an illusion and only the present existed come from observation. From the perspective of language and narrative the present doesn't exist (as it is gone as soon as it comes, being an infinitescimal) and what is experienced is change over time. This is how we usually perceive change as Westerners, and is the reason for statements such as "I think, therefore I am" and notions about the self being the foundation of reality.

Both perspectives are "right," they are merely two different reference frames, with the over-arching metaphysical reality being that of omnipresent change. The relationship between instantaneous and cumulative change is formalized in the fundamental theorem of calculus that shows that these perceptions are no accident of evolution or psychological construct, but an intrinsic part of reality which our brains evolved to conform to.

He preferred to sing than dance,

It only sounds pseudointellectual because pseodintellectuals keep making bad translations or outright making up fake quotes.


Physical fitness was a part of his interdisciplinary style of teaching.

Ancient Chinese dancing is war dancing and the basis of Kung-fu, not the nigger trotting you're familiar with.

Westerners are too stupid to understand philosophy.

Oh my God it's an Amerimutt projecting his culture into ancient cultures completely different from his

No, it foesn't mean the man lacks social skills, it means he can't dance, so he lacks coordination and cannot use a sword properly, Chinese societies 2500 years ago had nothing to do with your social media obsessed sex-centric party culture

Now That's What I Call BTFO

Stop being so pretentious . There is no reduction

Holy shit user better kill himself he got ruined by this reply

What do social skills have to do with being American?