Is this accurate?
Or is the Eternal Anglo lying once again?
Is this accurate?
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Is this accurate ?
>"A bloke called Napoleon took over in France, and declared war on just about everyone in europe (including britain)"
Eternal anglo lying once again
Boots did not rule Britain as Nappy ruled France, big decisions were left to the collection of wily Anglo spies, bourgeois profiteers and politicians. Boots had to keep his army intact while applying the pressure his majesty's government wanted on nappy. Every move was scrutinized, yet he was compared to his alternatives and how well they would have done in the same situation.
Boots was not a brilliant genius, I'm not even sure if nappy was or that is just a fantasy of armchair generals, Boots was very competent however.
>Britain (and her allies)
>implying it’s not the Allies that did all the work while Britain showed up at the end with a big “Mission Accomplished” banner
>Napoleon is the one who declared war on everyone
>Wellington led the Allies
Has Horrible Histories been taken over by Lindybeige?
The way it acts like the French Revolution itself wasn't an absolutely horrible thing, like Louis "had it coming to him," it disgusting. I'd behead the man who wrote this, the Republican fucker.
They've always been like this, though they've got a bit more meme-y recently.
It's not accurate at all. I don't see a single POC.
>Napoleon declared war
Lel their perfidy knows no bounds
>Napoleon declared war on everyone (including Britain)
But in real life
>Matters reached a diplomatic crisis point when the British rejected the idea of mediation by Tsar Alexander, and instead on 10 May ordered Whitworth to withdraw from Paris if the French did not accede to their demands in 36 hours.[42] Last minute attempts at negotiation by Talleyrand failed, and Whitworth left France on 13 May. Britain declared war on France on 18 May, thus starting the Napoleonic Wars that would rage in Europe for the following 12 years.[43]
>itt adults seriously discussing comedy-history meant for children
>let's teach kids that it was Napoleon rather than Britain who started the Napoleonic Wars
Pure revisionism
>Eternal Anglo
Why do people to this day still get buttblasted about British colonisation and imperial expansion.
It's fairly accurate except for King George III being mad. He had a blood disease called porphyria with symptoms that Georgian doctors foolishly took to be madness
yeah so what? theres a fuckton of misinformation in media. most people still believe slaves built the pyramids and plate armor greatly limits movement
you seem to be under the impression that the 10 year olds reading are going to basis their world view on it and run around demanding 'muh war reparations' or some shit
those books are written by liberals
>itt adults seriously discussing inaccurate comedy-history meant for children that feeds them literally wrong information and then they go spreading this misinformation everywhere believing it's real
they gave gladiator an oscar.
why don't you pick apart that
Pretty much this.
Newfriend, I...
>implying Wellington was white
> > Pure revisionism
> yeah so what?
Hello again fellow Veeky Forumstorians. Today is the 2th day of the Winter Cup.
Today we are wrestling body builders of Veeky Forums. We are starting in 30 minutes
>What is this?
A virtual divegrass tournament run in Pro Evolution Soccer and streamed for the enjoyment of anons everywhere.
>Why the should I care?
Dank memes, high levels of bants and hype by the bucket load. For more info see
so you can't actually say why it matters? because it literally doesn't.
you're acting like one line from a comicbook for children is going to cause the world to end.
if you're gonna go down the route of 'well kids don't know any better!' they pick up far worse stuff from shows like the simpsons
Fuck off you philistine fuck
You have no respect for history, no basic understanding of it, and no fucking self-respect to hide your blatant ignorance. School has failed to teach pleb filth like you history as well as ethics. Go defend literal propaganda on reddit, it's a website in which people feel like they're obliged to show respect to your shit opinion.
>its propaganda!
>its totally unique!
>it doesn't exist anywhere else in the world!
grow up
I dont see a problem with this
Never forget the 6 million blokes napoleon killed
you what, faggot
>napoleon declared war on everyone in europe including britain
>including britain
Lindy seal of approval
true, there is a responsibility not to lie to the public, let alone children about bare facts
Considering the fact that you're all talking about 'anglos' as an entire race, why do you even give a fuck? They're feeding this to basically only British children anyway, or are British children somehow corrupted into perfidious anglos?
you mean these pupils?
This has got to be some sort of special school for like foreign students
Whiter than Napoleon's beloved France.
Pretty sure the man did invade and conquer all that opposed him and his whims. Not to mention plant members of his family in positions of power over other countries. It was the duty of all people that love sound governing and sanity to see that he's stopped.
>Pretty sure the man did invade and conquer all that opposed him
He invaded the countries that declared war on him
the man was mad with power, his will was top, his invasion of russia was proof of that, and what of the ottoman empire? his invasion of Egypt and Palestine?
But everyone declared war on him.
Really a lot of it was Austria early on.
From a certain point of view it's kind of neat that britain's influence is so great that such a diverse array of nationalities feel enough of a tie to it to have their children in british schools.
>so you can't actually say why it matters?
No, you're just not worth replying to beyond a "fuck you, retard".
Jacques... get the guillotine.
So the UK was to the Napoleonic Wars as the USA was to WWII?
This except unironically
Yes, very accurate
I don't get it, what is this?
There really isn't anything at all incorrect there. Spiritually he's much akin to Hitler, a man with insatiable ambition, who sees his way of doing things tramping over all others on the continent in his vision of personal glory. A man above, that's how they each saw themselves. That their empires were equally built upon scores and scores of bodies is only the most trivial of similarities.
His Dominance of British politics after the war literally created the pax Britannia. We live in a world boots created
>his invasion of Egypt and Palestine?
Serious argument can be made that he was trying to replicate Alexander
think that's t. Lindy though so who knows
In real life France had conquered a quarter if not more of the rest of Europe
Napoleon as a person wasn’t the reason for the war, it was the French territorial gains from the first two wars of the coalition that were to blame. If you honestly expected Europe to actually be peaceful after those two wars you probably thought WW2 was a surprising development
t. nigel
Sickle cell disease is one almost exclusively caught by blacks.
*Found in, sorry, no sleep.
I am thoroughly shocked at immigrant children being in a class for learning English.
Is there a more misunderstood king than George IV? He didn't deserve all that hate and disrespect
Yeah, except the UK started the Napoleonic Wars while the US didn't start WW2
>Austria, Prussia, the Netherlands...etc attack Revolutionary France
>War ends with France controlling Italy (former Austrian possession), the Rhineland (former Austrian possession), Belgium (former Austrian possession) and the Netherlands
>"Oh noes! France is too big!" Let's declare war"
>France ends up controlling all Europe
Of genius
that's gotta be like "genetically predisposed to" or something. If 60% of the population of Paris had full-blown sickle cell anemia, the city would grind to a halt just in terms of labor.
But anyway, yeah, it is rare for a non-black to get it.
Kek reading Horrible Histories as a kid fostered my interest in history, but I wouldn't recommend them today - the tripe in the OP pic is standard (mostly the historically inaccurate parts) in all of the books and there are only a few instances where claims are fully referenced, with no bibliography whatsoever.
Terry Brown, who writes these, dislikes the school system which is fair enough but he thinks schools are meant to turn kids into geniuses, and is surprised when that doesn't happen. Hence why he wrote these books, but in hindsight they are mostly awful, and like I say I wouldn't recommend them to kids today.
It's the 'target population' as it says, yeah.
It should also be noted that it says 'metropolitan france' so one would imagine there's an exclusion of the vastly white rural areas.
Metropolitan France is France minus Corsica and overseas possessions dipshit.
rly maks u think
I had the rotten romans, groovy greeks, and the one on egyptians myself as a lad. Great stuff, loved the humour. It was also complementary, since my class studied that period of antiquity that year. Fun time to be alive, when the world was new, and the mountains green.