/pol/ack here, I have heard that you niggers are making a fuck ton of money on Bitcoin? How do I get in?
/pol/ack here, I have heard that you niggers are making a fuck ton of money on Bitcoin? How do I get in?
buy btc, dont buy alts, dont trade, do not spend it, you will be rich,
We let black guys fuck our wives just like you guys but we rope them into pnd's first
Sorry mate you missed the boat by about 7 months
back to redit plz mate.
buy high sell low
You're late, go back to your containment board
Buy chainlink
Thank you
Fuck off you filthy subhuman.
no way user buy all you can right now- it's possibly the best time to buy because we are going directly to 10K.
Fuck u poltard
Sage pol threads.
Buy KYS lol
stay in /pol and complain about shit you will never be able to change. so glad i left that nigger dumpster, nothing would have changed for me if i stayed and i would still be a nocoiner like you
For christ sakes use google, literally type in "buy bitcoin", spend even 15 minutes researching if you're going to put money into this fucking historic opportunity. GTFO and come back when you have a base knowledge and polished questions so we don't have to spoon feed you everything.
we don't make money here
but it doesn't stop us from trying
Buy as much BTC as you can now, the price is skyrocketing, and it will keep so until the upcoming fork. Then, like with previous forks, you will get free new coins, the same amount as your amount of BTC, because the chain splits into two branches. You can then sell the new coins, it's basically free money, that's why everyone accumulates.
Back to /pol/ you degenerate faggot.
Go /pol/lute another board.
The problem with investing right now is that there may be a big correction soon. Following the correction, BTC will very likely skyrocket due to the upcoming fork in two weeks. After which it might crash. Or not.
I think the best way forward for you is to work out how much you can afford to invest. Put all on that on an exchange that allows you to hold USD or USDT. Convert half to BTC to catch the current wave. If the correction happens, buy the dip with your USD. If it doesn't dip, wait till just before the fork to buy a good altcoin (like ETP) at a bargain basement price. Then just hold while learning more about trading. Welcome aboard.
And never invest more than you can afford to lose
Fuck off
Oh, and don't listen to pajeets talking about no replay protection and shit, they are trying to stop bitcoin so that their shitcoins can start going up again.