Why do so many just ignore, or outright hate, this fascinating, powerful and diverse empire?
Why do so many just ignore, or outright hate, this fascinating, powerful and diverse empire?
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Because Ottoman Empire was literally Wakanda IRL
Whites are extremely jelly about Ottomans and they try to shit on it every day
Fuck crackers
Because we will never know what it's like to wear tights and listen to classical music thanks to those smelly roaches and their backward "empire"
Because edgy poltards view history through brainlet emotion lenses, hating anything islamic or the like, instead of enjoying all of it.
/pol/tards will say it's because of pisslam
L*fties will say it's because of /pol/tards
The real reason is because it was a generally shitty empire with a weak economy, below average development and appalling human rights
>human rights
This board is worse than /pol/.
Because they attacked us and we waged a desperate war for survival against them for about 300 years. Unlike your bullshit fairytale about a "fascinating, powerful, diverse" multiracial fucktopia dream the reality of it was that the Turks were barbarian savages who created nothing but misery and pain wherever they went. There are zero buildings, zero writing, zero anything sans mosques in shitholes left behind them. They built nothing and did nothing except rape and pillage.
And I'm not even a Serb. Go on, ask the Serbs how they had it under the turkish yoke.
In other words you can shitpost about the Turks to those who never dealt with them, like say the Americans. Your sad, insignificant brain cannot concieve of the horrors that these animals carried wherever they went.
There will come a day when Constantine XI emerges from the Golden Gates with the legions of Augustus himself and he will ride upon a magnificent chariot of four white horses in a grand triumph to the Hagia Sophia cleansing all in his path.
Hello Osman, still hogging the hookah in the harem, I see.
No, human rights weren't as good in empires back then as they are today, but compared to Austro-Hungary, the British empire and France, the Ottomans still treated their subjects as neglectable resources, whereas the rest of the great powers had instated various benefits for their subjects in the form of citizen oportunity. The Ottomans were still extracting jizya and imposing archaic restrictions on non-muslims. While the great powers were building cities, paving roads and creating factories, the Ottomans focused on a few trading points and struggled to industrialise.
Why do people sound all confident when they clearly know jack shit? Also it is disliked because of all the current controversy around Turkey and the Middle East. It was also the 'big bad' of the Early Modern period. Also there's the butthurt balkanlars.
Forgot to mention muh byzzies muh constantinople
>with the legions of Augustus
Byzantines were NOT Roman you retarded LARPer
>Why do people sound all confident when they clearly know jack shit?
You say this but then you describe why people today don't like Turks, not the Ottoman empire
>Also there's the butthurt balkanlars.
That alone should be ringing serious bells in your head
Yeah, fuck first hand accounts and actual experience. Choose to be a retard like (you) did and buy into propaganda and bullshit your liberal cuck professors convinced you was real. Clearly they are objective and have no vested interest into shilling these turds to Europe.
The Ottoman empire you envision existed only in fiction. It was a primitive and brutal creation that existed only to enslave and bleed dry everyone and everything who wasn't muslim.
Above all, I repeat - they built absolutely nothing. No roads, no wells, no buildings, no nothing. Even the fucking Italians built shit in places they conquered. The Turks only syphoned wealth and children out of everything they touched.
I did not say 'why' people today dislike Turkey at all, I mentioned that there is controversy.
t. seething Arvanite
Truth hurts, doesn't it? That's how Turkey will be remembered - as it was. Savage, cruel, meaningless.
Fuck you
>I mentioned that there is controversy
Did you ever stop and think to yourself why though? Other than all the blind animosity and turkophobia, haven't you noticed that not many people in the Balkans value the Ottoman empire? Wouldn't you reflect on the countless rebellions and what they had to say about the general condition of the subjects? Or, on a simpler note, couldn't you be able to spot that, the most redeemable traits and the most favoured tourist spots, in terms of historical remnants, in the balkans, are Venetian settlements, Orthodox Churches and ancient monuments? All of which, have nothing to do with the Ottoman empire.
Good point. Even people in former British possessions have some positive emotions towards Britain. Hell, even when I visited ex-French colonies (admittedly not Algeria) there were some positive things to be said there in regards to the French legacy.
Biased Westerners who hate Turkey for political reasons and who only care about WW2 history. these same people whine on about "Armenian genocide" and stick up for the kurds when they don't know much but what their European education "teaches" them
Because it's named after something you put your feet on. How impressive could it possibly be?
I know nothing about the ottomon empire. What did it contribute/destroy?
It's fucking hilarious seeing Balkan rapebabies argue over who was the biggest slave to the Turks. It's like some kind of harem anime where a bunch of lolis fight over the protagonist, and he doesn't even notice them. The Balkanoids are extremely tsundere about Turkey. Especially Greece, holy shit, fucking Greece. I have never seen a more butthurt nation. We're talking multi-generational butthurt, passed down and inherited from grandmother to granddaughter, infused in their very DNA to cry about Turks. Entire mythical history, poems, war songs, mantras, rituals dedicated to Turks. And this psychotic
>muhh constantinople
Shit. That just can't be healthy to be thinking about that shit literally all the time, and not just you but everyone in your family, and your ancestors and so on and so forth.
Kek fucking balkanniggers would have been shit without the ottoman corruption.
Regarding human rights it was better than most european countries which killed jews whenever they got bored.
Its not the ottoman's fault that savage balkan nigs destroyed everything.
You can find enough ottoman buildings in turkey.
How many times are you going to use this copy-pasta mehmet ? It is not that you will stop being an inferior ignorant turkroach in your everyday life as always. Maybe a greek fucked your girl or something, i've seen some of your mongol sprouts coming to this side every now or then. Stay cucked with your circumcised prick.
>turkey is still better than any balkan country aside from maybe czechia
American education
So that makes turkey still better than any of its ex subjects.
>turkey is still better than any balkan country aside from maybe czechia
> worse capital per capita
> fucking dictatorship
> reaches bottom in every human rights watch map
> have circumcised pricks and brag about it
It's not better than Greece, Hungary, Israel, probably some other countries.
The eastern part is poor as fuck but because only kurds live there nobody gives a fuck besides its not like the balkans are a fucking beacon kf democracy and human rights you faggot.
The normal citizens life is much better than in other balkan countries.
I'll give you israel but greece and hungary aren't thay good especially greece after the shit they pulled the last few years.
Apparently even Serbia (a shithole) is better than Turkey.
Honestly I'm a bit sceptical about indexes like this too much politics gets involved.
Provide what you consider to be a better metric and we'll see.
>The eastern part is poor as fuck but because only kurds live there nobody gives a fuck besides its not like the balkans are a fucking beacon kf democracy and human rights you faggot.
The normal citizens life is much better than in other balkan countries.
Still better than you.
>I'll give you israel but greece and hungary aren't thay good especially greece after the shit they pulled the last few years.
Per Capita income:
Greece 26,783
Turkey 24,244
Democracy index map.
>Yeah, fuck first hand accounts and actual experience
Oh, you live in the 16th century?
>Oh, you live in the 16th century?
He means first hand accounts and actual experience of historians and travelers of that time, plus data.
>western culture has its roots in the Roman Empire
>Ottoman Empire was responsible for the final demise of the Roman Empire
>why do westerners dislike them?
As meme as this is, it's actually true. I mean, how the fuck do you people get so butthurt about centuries old history is beyond me.
my bad then, people larp as their perceived ancestors so much here, I jump to conclusions.
Let me guess, a turk ? Who spoke about butthurtness, if anything in the balkans the turks even beat albanians in nationalistic irredentism and butthurtness , plus some things are recent, in living memory.
Here is you celebrating an event like madmen 600 after, celebrating ethnic cleansing and enslavement of tens of thousand and you speak about reason ?
no, I'm actually slovene and I'm not celebrating anything, I'm just amazed that you guys buy into your educational propaganda wholesale and then personalise the struggles of people living 300 years ago as your own, just so you can argue with some NEET Mehmet from Izmir on a bosnian coffee burning forum.
I mean ok, I get it, we're sold the whole "evil germy, keepin da slav man down" propaganda in school as well, but if you're not 16, you gotta get beyond that and take a cool headed, analytical approach to understanding historical events, not "evil personified killing my ancestors"...
because except for maybe coffee and chevaps there is nothing good to remember them by
another thing is that before the late 18th century the main point of their whole entire internal policy was to keep everithing stuck in 1529, people miss that this wasnt a accidental failure or a demonstration of internal weakness, it was a deliberate attempt to make time stop like in some p.k.dick novel
its not that they couldnt, say, increase literacy, it isnt that they didnt care, its that the notion of large swats of the population being literate would be seen as a serious problem, its not that they didnt know about or couldnt import printing presses and similar inventions, its that by their basic political and ideological thinking a printing press is a dangerous and destabilising thing that can only cause trouble etc etc... they just constanly did everithing they could to stay in somesort of archaic slave-state comfort zone
>no, I'm actually slovene and I'm not celebrating anything, I'm just amazed that you guys buy into your educational propaganda wholesale
We learn nothing about what you said, there are agreements between Greece and Turkey about education that at least we keep.
We learn nothing about enslavement, killings or struggle what so over or anything about the last two hundred years let alone 600.
As i said we remember events that stayed in living memory in recent events, some of them not even 50 years ago. The guy as you mocked that some of them are incarnated in tradition or songs and i simply said that he should look at the mirror.
>no, I'm actually slovene and I'm not celebrating anything
You take a nationalistic "meme" as truth and correct at the spot and then you continue to speak about reason, you are being self-contradictory here.
Alright the next time i will go to Slovenia i am going to speak about the good Serbs and the Yuguslav wars and check reactions.
*This guy like you ,ocked the fact that some of them :
The muslim peoples in the balkans are cordial. It is logical that such a religion based empire as the ottomans would be seen as unwanted occupiers by christians. The ottomans also largely let the balkanites do their own thing to keep the peace(they really really needed that balkan jizya) so Ottoman monuments are mostly found elsewhere.
You want the honest answer?
Not a very pretty culture, when people think of Great Empires they generally make the mistake of thinking of white people clean faces and bathhouses, great circuses and theatres, huge royal courts with marble pillars.
Honest truth is people dont like sweaty brown people and their massive desert empire.
Found the Turk
Turks had shit aesthetics and were generally retarded
what the fuck is that wallachia
Because like the Greeks they started out strong but then slowly died after second siege of Vienna.
I really like Turk aesthetic desu, not necessarily the greatest but its very interesting mix between east and west
>Commit three genocides
>Wtf why don't people like me!?
>ever sieging vienna
Retarded post
It's actually pretty simple.
the part of the balkans that wasnt stained by ottoman occupation is doing much better
>even fucking Cyprus, a country where its half is occupied is richer than Turkey
Turkey was a mistake
>I don't understand how economics works
kys honkey
Turkey has a future unlike the West, that's because they have still room to growth and are filling it rapidly by producing and dumping it to less industrialized places like the b*lkans, central Asia and Africa
>Turkey has a future unlike the West
Do it again Timur
Turkey has a future and that future is the Kurds. Demographics are destiny.
>ITT turkroaches and rapebabies mad
Croat here.
Let me put it this way - we hate the Italians and Italians hate us because of WW1 and WW2. Italy indeed had chunks of Dalmatia from time to time. Guess what? Even this incompetent fuckhole country actually left infrastructure and buildings which we know are Italian and don't mind. There is still a sense of "these guys did something that wasn't shit." The same applies to the Germans, the Austrians, the Hungarians. Basically every country that dabbled in the Balkans left something worthwhile after they fucked off. Everyone, except the Turks. Centuries have passed since then and I still feel the emotions of pain, suffering and disgust when I read first hand accounts of how they acted and what they did.
Do you understand what I'm saying here? Is it reaching you at all? Even centuries after all was said and done, after everyone involved is long dead and forgotten the sheer amount of hatred, contempt and disgust for the Turks persists. They sucked THAT bad. And meme as much as you want about the Balkans, but we've been through heavy shit all the way up until the fucking 1990s. Serbia got bombed in freaking 1999. And yet despite all this it is only the Turk that is truly, utterly despised.
You cannot comprehend how shit they were. But yes, some "enlightened" american teenager will shitpost like OP, forever, and he will think he is right, that he understands. And that is the depressing part of this story.
Found the Armenian or westerner
It's alright, brother. There's already books written about their atrocities and failed empire.
There are very comfy public baths in hungary today thanks to the turks.
>public baths
Boy brothels.
Nothing wrong with picking up a cute boy to fuck, it's not like it's gay after all.
Because it is boring and shitty empire...
Like yeah, the early period of Ottomans was very interessting and exciting to read about how they managed to conquer balkans and btfo every crusade that tried to stop them, and it is interesting reading about how Suleiman managed to solidate Ottomans into a massive empire.
But other than that, it's empty... Ottomans have never achieved anything other then conquer some of their neighbors and hold on to their territories for centuries. There weren't any huge shifts in culture, technology or ideas or ideologies that occurred in the empire... They always stayed a backward, hanafi islamist, absolutist, multicultural empire and never change until the young turks started their "enlightened" revolution, only to return back to same old authoritarian islamic state.
If you are only interested in ottoman expanding borders of history, then yeah... you would probably like them.
>Why do so many just ignore, or outright hate, this fascinating, powerful and diverse empire?
Because the Ottoman Empire is THE evil empire in the Europeans' collective consciousness. It was the state which for centuries encroached and conquered European kingdoms, crushing their native institutions and imposing its own in social engineering and forced resettlement unseen until the rise of 20th century totalitarianisms. The stories about what was happening inside the empire were utterly terrifying, with thing like Devshirme (blood tribute) i.e. the kidnapping and brainwashing children into state service. And don't be fooled by stories about the benevolent Millet system which let Christians keep their identity. Christians and all other unbelievers were second-class citizens who were subjected to a plethora of discriminatory measured.
Moreover, the Ottomans were protectors and defenders of bandit states like the Crimean Khanate or Barbary sultanates which for centuries raided Europe causing untold harm and suffering, including the capture of several millions of Europeans into slavery.
It's not surprising that people hate the Ottoman Empire. It's surprising it wasn't glassed when the means to do so appeared.
What happened between 1389-1451?
Oh that's right. Timur the Great happened.
>It's not the Nazi's fault that savage slav nigs destroyed everything. You can find enough Nazi buildings in Germany
Slavs are an annoyance to every Herrenvolk trying to rule Balkan
the really are the niggers of Europe