>Napoleon was real
>Napoleon lived 200 years ago
>We are closer to having lived in Napoleon's timeline than Caesar was to Alexander
Napoleon was real
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw if Napoleon was a TES elf he could still be alive right now
the world changed a lot more in these 200 years though
Lol fag
>If Napoleon was a California Redwood he could still be alive right now
I'm not sure what the point is here, everyone knows Napoleon was real, if you had used a fictional character created by the Jews like Hitler then you may have a point.
>mfw he fell for the "Napoleon was real" meme
We white people changed the world an insane manner during our short domination
Much moreso than any "great" ancient shitskin civilization
Before/During/After Ancient Egypt
>Travel: horses
>Housing = stone or wood
>Communication = letters
>Depiction of the world = drawing or painting
Before/During/After Islamic Golden Age
>Travel: horses
>Housing = stone or wood
>Communication = letters
>Depiction of the world = drawing or painting
Year 1800 (beginning of white hegemony)
>Travel: horses
>Housing = stone or wood
>Communication = letters
>Depiction of the world = drawing or painting
Year 2000 (end of white hegemony)
>Travel: cars, trains, airplanes
>Housing = steel and glass skyscrarpers
>Communication = telephone, the internet
>Depiction of the world = photography, movies, cgi
>Napoleon's legacy
>we white people
>we white people
>there were people alive during the American Civil War who witnessed the American revolution
>there were still mammoths alive when the pyramids were being constructed
>there were people who fought in the American Civil War, then went on to witness both World War 1 and 2
we held first place for 1000 years and counting bucko
Which Mer though?
>held first place for 1000 years
>those 1000 include the medievla ages
lol no
same with 1812 and WWI
>there are people who invaded Russia in 1812 and then saw it lose WW1
I wouldn't say 1000 years but Europe was already on top by the high middle ages
nop, yes by the Renaissance. but Asia/Middle East were on top consistently throughout the medieval ages.
>Hammurabi and Nebuchadnezzar both fought and lost to armies of ape-men wearing armor during failed invasions of Sub-Saharan Africa.
>The armor had needles inside that would infuriate the apemen and drive them mad with berzerk rage.
>Nebuchadnezzar died less than a year later from wounds received in this battle, including having his jawbone completely shattered.
>Plenty of people have lived to 115
>There were people born in 1855
>Who were old enough to remember the Civil War
>Saw German and Italian unification
>The rise of America onto the world stage
>The invention of flight, electricity, radio, the automobile, computers, and television
>The rise of Communism
>The invention and threat of the nuclear weapons
>The end of the colonial era
>And died in 1970 having seen a man land on the moon
i mean while that's theoretically possible, are there any people documented to have experienced that exact set of circumstances? I mean I know there are people alive right now who were born before the Wright brothers' first flight and lived through the Cold War and the Space Race and now live in the age of pocket computers and shit, but seeing the progression from horses to literal rockets must've been insane.
>There was a man who lived long enough to participate in the Russian Revolution, befriend Stalin, survive Ww2 and die just a few months before the dissolution of the Ussr
There was probably someone who lived to see Jerusalem fall to the First Crusaders and its collapse to Saladin generations later.