Are most Christians aware of the fact that Jesus (pbuh) was a Muslim?

Are most Christians aware of the fact that Jesus (pbuh) was a Muslim?

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Only if you believe in the ultra heresy of Islam, you know that religion with no prophecies pertaining to it in either the old or new testaments, that religion founded by a man who resorted to violence when no one listened to his preaching, ya that religion.

I don't really understand what you are saying, Islam is as old as mankind, the first Muslim was Adam (pbuh)



I don't understand what this means, is it some kind of degenerate American term that shows solidarity with "gays" getting "married"?

me thinks he was trying to type Sharia

Is it possible he is one of those unfortunate individuals who is best described as a retard, user?

Wow, religious banter aside you really don't know much about Muhammad

do you not speak arabic?

I feel like OP does not speak Arabic, and probably is not really a Muslim. It seems like OP is just trying to get a rise out of reactionaries

Not an argument
Enlighten me
You don’t understand what Christianity is and how it is legitimate as the final evolution of the Hebrew religion according to the prophecies told by the *prophets*

Of course I do.

Jesus himself claimed he was the son of God. If you aren't willing to admit that simple fact, don't try to shill him as one of your kind.

that was just a dramatic way of saying he was the king of israel

It's sort of silly to claim that Muhammad "resorted to violence when no one listened to his preaching". Muhammad had many, many followers long before his war with Mecca began. It is also disingenuous to present Muhammad as an outlier among the prophets/leaders of the Abrahamic tradition- while Jesus may not have led armies, other prophets/leaders recognized by Jews, Christians, and Muslims did.

Everyone is the son of God, user, Christians claim Jesus (pbuh) was God, which is obviously silly. Is this your first introduction to Christianity?

That argument might be fair if Jesus lived more recently years ago and we had better records of his deeds and sayings. As it stands, many different traditions ascribe different actions to him.

Mashallah what cute cartoons

I don't understand who though it would be a good idea. Isn't anime against islmaic virtues anyway?

Although I will admit that any claims of violence because muhamud was angry that no one would listen to him I will say that any wars instigated by Jews in the Old Testament were to get to, conqourer or defend the pre Cristian area of Israel. Muhamuds war was not to revive the state of Israel it was to start a new empire with a religion separate to that of the Jews. Christianity and the coming of Christ was referenced in the Old Testament over 300 times, while the coming of the prophet mohomud, atleast to my knowledge was never implied or referenced in either the Old or New Testament. The founding of a successful large religion to replace the Hebrew religion had already been established, although most of it had become more corrupted they all followed basically the same religion. Infact at the time of Mohamed’s conquests cristianity was flourishing with the grand faith being followed from the Nile river to the coast of Iberia. There was no theological reason to found a new faith, or to evolve the previous one, Islam is illigitimate and not the true successor of the religion of Abraham

If that girl doesn’t cover her hair and make her body apear as a floating bedsheet then she will be sending a beacon to every man that she wants to be raped

The thing is, within Islamic tradition, the coming of Muhammad was actually predicted by Jewish and Christian sources (just like the coming of Jesus, according to Christian tradition, was what was predicted in Jewish messianic texts and prophecies). Islam self-perceived in a manner similar to Christianity; it was a perfect on a line of earlier, corrupted traditions. So it is iffy to present Muhammad as an opportunist, when (according to Islamic tradition) the coming of Islam was predicted and necessary.

based animeposter

>Isn't anime against islmaic virtues anyway?

Did they follow a different translation of the bible that, for some reason contained these different scriptures? Or was it addded during muhamuds life as a restored version like what the Mormons did by adding genesis 50 and whatnot


the same way christians can see jesus in the OT

Those cringy South-East Asian Muslim anime poster piss me off. They're trying so hard to appeal to normies but it's really just pathetic.

In the last 30 days, there were 104 Islamic attacks in 19 countries, in which 679 people were killed and 966 injured. Your "prophet" is nothing but a warmongering tyrant, a pederast and an agent of the devil.

Not an argument

It actually was. He cited evidence and then proceeded to make a claim based upon that evidence.

Although I will not argue whether early muslims used the term you mentioned but (ignore all the probability stuff)

Saracens deny that Jesus is the Son of God. He who rejects the Son rejects the Father. The "Allah" of "Islam" is Satan, and the "Isa" of "Islam" is the Antichrist.

The only argument with islam is fire

the book of revelations is literally a prophecy

As it stands we have one major source 60 years after his death that says he claimed he was the son of God. What other, more reliable sources do you have that indicate otherwise?

Muslin "forget" it

>Old Testament

So do you Muslims completely disregard the New Testament or only the bits that completely contradict your religion?

In what way was he all that notable? There were likely many people claiming to be a messiah, and any official documents could have been banned by the powerful saducees. And if you are talking about any criminal records then please give me the percentage of sites that had lots of criminal records on relatively small time criminals

Provide examples of prophecies about the coming of the prophet mohomud

world dominated by jews

>the Revelation says Jesus will come on an ass and the First Horseman and the antichrist will come on white horses

>Islam says the mahdi will come on a white horse
REALLY makes you think

So you agree that Jesus did claim to be the son of God? This means that Islam disagrees with it's own prophets, making it one of the most contradictory religions out there.

The Koran wasn't compiled until 70 years after Muhammed's DEATH.

By the muslin Jesus didn't claim it

I don't care if your book says he didn't say it, HIS book said he did and if you are
then you agree that he said he was the son of God. If you are saying it doesn't matter what he said because the Quran overrules him then why admit he is a holy prophet if he contradicts your whole religion?
What's your point here?

Didn't this artist make a hentai comic about a muslim girl with a cock fucking her brother in the ass?

These are an eco-friends cartoon that some autist made muslin

No. But the artist you're thinking of is the one who did the futa on femboy political compass. The comic you're thinking of doesn't involve the characters brother, and basically all she does is futa on femboy.

Probably. I wouldnt be surprised if the artist was malay or indonesian since chink muslims are pretty degenerate.

>depicting art of living beings

A fatwa upon you OP!

Animes are dead inside user

Some scholars think that they used a variant bible yes. Just like there is a Gospel of Mark and a Gospel of Matthew and other noncanonical ones some think that the Jewish Christians in the area had their own one. One possible basis is the fact that the Quran refers to gospel in the singular.

if these images are supposed to cause annoyance, its working

I saw these on /b/ a while ago. They are some of the most annoying images I have ever seen. Whoever designed them is a VETERAN shitposter.

I find these images amusing precisely because the idea of cute Muslim anime characters is so incongruent and ultimately harmess because they're not likely to persuade anyone of anything. Please post more, OP.

He looks pretty cute desu. Too bad real muslims are almost all butt ugly.

American here. Joining the marines, will be killing muslims soon. Mohammed sucks pig cock, Jesus would win in a fight.

back to eating crayons pog


what was it like getting a 5 on your asvab

>No prophecies
What is the Dajjal
What is the Beast of the Earth
What is the return of Jesus PBUH
Who is Mahdi
What is the prediction of Heraclius' campaign of 622

Only if it is lewd

We accept Jesus PBUH as a prophet and the Messiah.
There is no Hadith or Ayah about Mahdi coming riding on a white horse AFAIK.

>Implying the Gospels are authentic sources on Jesus PBUH
>Implying Jesus PBUH ever claimed to be God's begotten son

They were created by some autist specifically to trigger a certain Muslim tripfag. It worked, and mashallah he no longer shitposts among us.

The Quran was compiled in 633. ONE year after the Prophet PBUH died and the oldest COMPLETE manuscript is dated at the latest to 750 AD just 120 years after the Prophet PBUH died.

whereas the Gospels were written around 90 AD which is 30 years after Jesus PBUH was raised to heaven and the earliest complete manuscript is dated to 360 AD which is 330 years after Jesus PBUH was raised to heaven.

Besides the Heraclius' campaign of 622 all of these prophecies have to do with the end times, something which Islam would share in common with cristianity because Islam uses Cristian and jewish scripture as a base to expand on. Please provide sources for the references of the Heraclius' campaign of 622 and how they relate to Islam (besides the fact the campaign destabilized the two biggest obstacles to Islamic domination)

While your argument does show how the gospels may be illigitimate it does not show how it is truly wrong through any criticism of consistency or contradiction of other scripture

The 30th Surah Rum (Chapter Rome) begins with the Ayah

"Alif, Lam, Meem.
The Byzantines have been defeated
In the nearest land. But they, after their defeat, will overcome.
Within three to nine years. To Allah belongs the command before and after. And that day the believers will rejoice"
[Quran 30:1-4]

The Surah was revealed in 614 AD when the Byzantines were defeated by the Sassanians and the Meccans mocked the muslims over this. 8 years after is the Byzantines defeated the Sassanians and on the very same day the muslims triumphed over the Quraish on Mecca which fulfilled the prophecy of verse 4

I would've talked about the adultress story and the resurrection in Mark IF the guy I was responding to had presented anything of that sorts

An interesting peice, but like the prophecy of the destruction of the temple in juruselum in the New Testament it seems broad, also please provide prophecies that fortell of muhamuds conquests, his coming or his birth. Or perhaps something similar from the parts of the bible considered canon in Islam. I do love enlightenment

Both you and him should have either provided sources or researched this topic before hand, so please do that. It would help yourself (or him) be seen as more trustworthy on your statements if you had provided such references or admit that you (or he) are wrong

>Jesus the Jewish Carpenter was muslim

Colossians 1:15-18

As revealed to us in holy scripture, we know that Christ is God. The Son is part of the Holy Trinity, by which all things exist and are sustained.

horrible bait

If you had researched this topic you would be able to tell that the user you are speaking to clearly knows what they are talking about. Please do that next time rather than sanctimoniously lecturing people.

None of the Bible is considered Canon.

The official Islamic stance is that we neither rejct nor accept the Bible. A more indepth analysis would be to accept the parts that are also mentioned in the Quran, reject the one's that contradict and he neutral on the ones that neither contradict the Quran nor are mentioned in it.

There are two prophecies in Isaiah
Or if you give the scroll to someone who cannot read, and say, "Read this, please," they will answer, "I don't know how to read."
Isaiah 29:12

"A voice says, "Cry out." And I said, "What shall I cry?"
Isaiah 40:6

Compare this to
the Truth descended upon him while he was in the cave of Hira. The angel came to him and asked him to read. The Prophet replied, "I do not know how to read. The Prophet added, "The angel caught me (forcefully) and pressed me so hard that I could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked me to read and I replied, 'I do not know how to read.' Thereupon he caught me again and pressed me a second time till I could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked me to read but again I replied, 'I do not know how to read (or what shall I read)?' Thereupon he caught me for the third time and pressed me, and then released me and said, 'Read in the name of your Lord, who has created (all that exists) has created man from a clot. Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous." (96.1, 96.2, 96.3) Then Allah's Apostle returned with the Inspiration and with his heart beating severely.
Sahih Bukhari 1:1:3
And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter,
John 14:16

Compare this to
Jesus, the son of Mary, said: "O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad."
Quran 61:6


The word used by Jesus PBUH for comforter is Parakletos which is quite similar to periklutos meaning praised one which in arabic is Ahmed. We believe that scribes confused the two and changed the wording with time.

Deutronomy 18:18-19 also mention the Prophet PBUH as follows

I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee; and I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto My words which he shall speak in My name, I will require it of him.

And the Pharisees asked John the Baptist PBUH the following

"Are you the Prophet?" He answered, "No."

This shows us that the Jews anticipated a the prophet of deutronomy and that ot wasn't John PBUH and it couldn't be Jesus PBUH as the similarities between Jesus PBUH and Moses PBUH are just that they were both Jewish Prophets sent to the Israelites.

Whereas the similarities between t the Prophet PBUH and Moses PBUH are numerous ( both started their ministry as humble preachers and ended them as rulers of a kingdom, both married and had children, both were raised in the house of someone other than their parents etc.)

He said, "The Lord came from Sinai and dawned from Seir upon us; he shone forth from Mount Paran; he came from the ten thousand of holy ones, with flaming fire at his right hand."
Deuteonomy 33:2

The mountain where the Prophet PBUH recieved his first revealetion was and is called the Mountain of light and he conquered Mecca with 10,000 of his followers.

Psalm 45 may be reffering to the Prophet PBUH as the triumphant king. The kings bearing gifts being the Patriarch of Alexandria who sent two slave girls and a mule to the Prophet PBUH and the the daughter of David PBUH being Safiyya bint Huayy who married the Prophet PBUH after the conquest of Khaiber. The Psalm refers to her forgetting her family and her father and brother had indeed been killed in the fighting

Are most Muslims aware that Jesus died and was resurrected?

Jesus was a Jew, you actual moron. And even Jews who didn't see him as a Jew, he certainly didn't prescribe to a religion that hadn't even reared into the spotlight until ~700 years later.

Jesus (pbuh) was a Muslim just like Moses (pbuh). Do try and educate yourself.

Muslim:A person who submits to the will of God
Jesus PBUH: For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.
[John 6:38]

Unless you believe that someone other than God sent him (Nauzoobillah) he is a muslim

Jesus was a jew


You're actually retarded.

Christians claim to submission to the (true) will of God makes you a Christian.
Does that make you a Christian?
Why haven't you been baptized as a Lutheran yet?
It's like you want to burn in hell forever.

Jews believe they have submitted to the (true) will of God.
Are you a good Jew, user? Have you converted to Judaism yet?
It's like you want to burn in hell forever with your false god.

How do you even know whatever you're submitting to is God's will? Muslims don't even have an proper priesthood. The only guy in town that knows how to read calls himself Imam, and the other stupids just take his word that God's will is being done.

I'm talking about the word muslim. The word Christian means follower of Christ. And the word Jew means descendant of Judah or follower of the descendants of Judah. I am neither.

Also, we don't need some priest to tell us right from wrong. We have the Quran and Sunnah and that is suffecient for us. The Imam is simoly required to lead the prayers and give a sermon. Also, there are Islamic Schools that teach the scholars on varying degrees of learning and there are grades of scholars like Muftis, Fuqaha etc. The Imam can be challenged over anything he says and he must be abpe to back up his statements with references from the Quran and Sunnah

>the son is PART of the holy trinity
Fucking partialists

That's my point, dipshit.

Muslim means "One who submits." Basically, "a bitch."
It doesn't mean "One who submits to the will of God."
It just means you're a bitch.

Jesus wasn't a bitch. Therefore, Jesus was not a muslim.

If your entire argument hangs from the literal definition of the word "Muslim," then you fail.


By your logic, if jesus was muslim, then so are jews and christians of today.

The world wasn't created by any kind of god, get over it. When Jesus decided to form a different pranch of Judaism, currently called Christianity, he was jewish. That happened around 2000 years ago. Islam was created by Muhammad roughly 1400 years ago. First part of the Quran is very peaceful, Muhammad wrote it in Mecca, which afterwards Muhammad gained tens of followers. Afterwards Muhammad moved to Medinah, which had a percentae of jewish population. He tried to convince them that Islam is the true religion, but the jews rejected his offer to convert to his newly founded religion. As a consequence Muhammad wrote the second part of the Quran, which was much more aggressive, and showd hate towards other religions, especially Judaism. After that, Muhammad started getting followers rapidly, probably because of the aggressiveness of his writing. He instilled hate in people, which allowed him to gain more and more power - that's the easiest way to gain power, by instilling hate towards the other, instead of love. Reminds me of a certain Hitler btw.

Jews and Christians are people of the book, it's just some of their teachings have become corrupted.

Are you implying Islam is not?

>Islam repurposes every religion before it
>Christianity repurposed the Torah
Scientology does this shit too. What's the deal?

Of course it isn't.

There was no religion before Islam.

And Torah repurposes Babylonian and Assyrian scripture.

You're brainwashed. read some history books, go to museums, and get your head out of the brainwashing machine called the Qur'an.

fanfic of a fanfic of a fanfic of a

You should learn more.

Now dom me a favour and say that to yourself.