Is the "College breeds communists" meme true at all?
I've lived in San Diego county for 17 years and attended multiples colleges, but I've never seen an actual communist in the flesh in all my life (outside my Dad technically being a former Commie)
Is the "College breeds communists" meme true at all?
I've lived in San Diego county for 17 years and attended multiples colleges, but I've never seen an actual communist in the flesh in all my life (outside my Dad technically being a former Commie)
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Just a meme.
It's true.
Marxists dominate academia.
How much did you hear about classic liberal economic theory in school? None.
Did you hear any arguments against welfare, regulations like rent control? No.
1: communism = "the people" run everything, ie. the state
2: the state pays their salaries
>Marxists dominate academia.
Empirically wrong, Marxists are a minority in every field of the humanities.
Mostly yes, academic career is far easier if you are a commie
Just from reading my college textbooks, yes.
>Marxism is the support of welfare and rent control
what the fuck are you on about?
My lecturers straight up like to bash Marxists.
Marxists are, most of them not even know what marx said
> Objects to government-run welfare
> Complains over a government-run Internet
Makes sense.
This I agree with...
But then they aren't really Marxists, they are just people who call themselves Marxist
These "marxists" are about 80% of a university
Every non natural science student i know is a russiaboo commie
It seems to be a /pol/ meme. I've been in community college and state college, and none of the teachers have praised or advocated communism. Many discussed the shitty things communism did in Russia and other countries.
It's a meme except for a maybe a few specific departments in the social sciences.
In undergrad, the only place I ever encountered Marxism was in a history of economics class, and the instructor there shit all over it. I went to grad school in statistics and never even knew any of my professor's political beliefs.
>surely the statement "there are many X professors" is false because I have never experienced it
Not a meme. Can confirm. Sjw stuff, gender politics , communism , etc. It's all true
It's all my campus
t. /pol/ who probably never actually went to uni
None of the people I know at my school (a staunchly left wing liberal arts school) have encountered it either.
>surely the statement "there are many X professors" is true because it's a popular meme among /pol/ NEETs
>implying i didn't experience this when i was in college
nice try /leftypol/
I'm literally a student right now
>surely the statement "I experienced this" will be true if I mention something about /leftypol/
depends what you mean by communists
Doesn't that invalidate the claim in the first place when most evidence for it comes from supposedly personal experiences of strangers on the internet?
You get a lot of people trying to prove themselves as smart. Well, how do you do that? You tell everyone that what they believe is a lie.
This could mean denouncing theism, or opposing capitalism. It is all a way of protesting your intellect. Here in the UK, the commie movement is not so virulent at university.
No, there is nothing inherent to college education that is intended to turn college students or employees into communists. Communist professors might attempting swaying their students onto holding similar political opinions, but there's no reason to believe that it's in any way widespread. Also, /pol/tards and other low IQ groups have a hard time differentiating between communists and anyone they don't like/understand.
I didn't hear either because I was an english major.
Ive met explicitly Marxist professors and others who while not Marxist had sympathies with Marxist and socialist regimes and causes
But I imagine the majority of professors would be best described as modern progressives rather than socialists or communists
Not him but maybe I just was in college before a lot of this took off.
>How much did you hear about classic liberal economic theory in school?
Plenty, even in high school. Go back to McDonalds, your shift is starting.
>Sjw stuff, gender politics
Ah, yes, SJWs and transgender people, the great two pillars of Soviet ideology and Marx's writings.
It really depends on the department and school. I went to school in California and Iowa, and can only think of one professor who was a dyed in wool Marxist (he taught physics, interestingly enough).
True communists? No
Progressive scum, SJWs, Socialistes, Atheites...? Yes
its the only place youll still actually find uniromic marxists. but in my experience its confined to certain departments. my history department certainly had some leftists (non marxist though), but they kept political class discussion neutral.
now the english fags on the other hand have unironically pushed modern political discussion and marxist ideology whenever ive had to take a class
This. When you're studying nothing but Shakespeare and Tolkien, communism isn't going to come up much.
>a historian who denies words change with time
Come on.
Also I never even implied that
Colleges don't create the future vanguard party, just the useful idiots to fill the ranks
>now the english fags on the other hand have unironically pushed modern political discussion and marxist ideology whenever ive had to take a class
Really? here, never happened in my classes. But the head of my english department was a cool dude, was a friend of Terry Jones (the python), studied under Tolkien's protege, etc.
>be libertarian economics professor
>try to include a defense of child labor in your upcoming economics textbook
>be forced to remove it because of ""pushback""
I've met a few unironic communists as well as representatives of just about any flavor of Marxism you can name. They're mostly concentrated in humanities, it seems. My school also offers a major in "social thought and political economy", which is literally, overtly just Marxist indoctrination.
What did he think was gonna happen?
Theyre not, in my time at uni i encountered a bunch of communists and sjw types but they were vastly outnumbered by people either too sociallybawkward or who did not give enough of a fuck to express any strong opinions on anything. None of the professors every expressed any support of communism and most of them just seemed bored of having to teach it.
The whole university is full of communists thing comes from overbearing parents who cant handle that univeristy taught their children to actually rationally challenge what they were indocdrinated with as a child and reactionaries who are annoyed that university no longer indocdrinates students with their ideology
>mfw threads like this are popping up more and more
This is great. Academia was the last and only bastion far left marxist ideologues had in the western world and they know the heat it being put on them. They have already burned their bridge with the working class in order to foster their new relationship with students and its all coming down.
you just KNOW the people who say shit like they have never seen any professor shill communism are the type of person that would say shit like "b-but hes an intersectionalist socialist, not a communist!"
That academic would still matter something
Not for nothing but if either scenario the book describes is happening, there's seriously something fucked up in your country.
>someone made a thread on 4 chan about how university professors arent marxists
>truly the marxists time has come! How will the ever recover?
You can basically publish pedophilia and apology to genocide in most English universities
Academia does seem to have a certain effect on people, but it can’t really brainwash you unless you were a brainlet to begin with.
The prevailing theme at universities nowadays is not actual Marxism. It's anti-whiteness.
The only time I can legit say I had the experience was when in a paper I argued that Othello wouldn't be black, since the moors weren't black and that Othello was a moor. However I made note that since the moors had already been kicked out of europe by then, it's possible Shakespeare didn't know that and just assumed they were black since they came from Africa. But my teacher was like "no, Othello was black"
But that sounds more like we wuzzing to me than communism.
only class ive ever had nonstop mention contemporary politics and FUCK Trump was a course on politics in English literature during the 16th-17th century
mind you ive taken several courses on modern or near modern american history (ideally ground zero for this shit) and never had this
>Oh look, it's another everything I don't like is Marxism thread.
Yeah none of those would've come up for me as I was in college from 05-10
>But that sounds more like we wuzzing to me than communism.
That is just part of this retarded chimera that is communism now. White guilt is an integral part of it now.
The teacher was black though
most people who end up in unis are brainlets, user
Also I should note, he thought Cleopatra was black too.
>left wing
communism is dead, Fuck white people and other progressive buzzwords are another matter entirely, again though it varies by department
most people in general are brainlets.
>not muh special brand of communism!
lol just like I called it.
>that pic
No what Paul Hogan was, was someone that pretty much single-handedly created the australian stereotype in the west that persists to this day. Even though the people like him here are our equivalent of rednecks.
If you replace class with race and gender, then yes it is a Neo-Marxism
>doesnt care anout economics beyond some pseudo social democracy
>obsessed with an anti egalitarian racial dogma that is nothing like marxism
>barely has any ideology at all beyond social issues shit
its not communism, and marx must be doing flips in his grave thinking brainlets assume this left wing idiocy is even close to his original dumb ideology.
Dubs of truth
really good pic. One thing I found interesting is that Zizek made a movie all about how films and pop culture are subtly brainwashing people to support capitalism, and it is really popular with the left. But when you say that they believe that culture being dominated by capitalism is an obstacle that communist seek to overcome by taking control of that culture, they say its a paranoid conspiracy theory
also, here an interview with Marcuse
There's a difference between the Frankfurt School of real life and the Frankfurt School of legend.
Not an argument
game over. gg
If you replace Jews with white men and "degeneracy" with "objectification", then SJWs are /pol/.
>meaningless statement in the face of your entire meme argument getting blown the fuck out
>who had never worked a day in their lives
Didn't Engels run a factory that he owned?
>/pol/ meme images
such as?
The real Frankfurt School wasn't a Jewish conspiracy to destroy civilization or institute Soviet-style communism
Criticizing western civ for the sake of knowledge, not some secret intention, people later would change it.
still not an argument in the face of
These regulations are intended to reduce class inequalities which is a fundamentally communist position even if it is not specifically Marxist.
Stop being an ass, no one has time patience to answer /pol/'s infoboards
Again, the cultural Marxism discussed in academia is far removed from the conspiracy theory.
Not that far, people in academia provide the tools, they don't use or know how they are used.
What the hell does that mean? Is everyone who isn't "in" on the conspiracy theory a "useful idiot" like that bullshit interview says?
So in other words, you have no argument to the fact that your entire meme argument of cultural marxism just being a made up right wing conspiracy theory being completely and utterly destoryed? Got it.
heres pdf from Kellner about cultural marxism btw
They are academics that follow an school of thinking, the critical school, nothing more
Seeing things only in terms of class inequalities is a fundamentally communist position even if it is not specifically Marxist.
More broadly it's a Hegelian view of history and progress as a source of ethical meaning.
Nationalism is Hegelian yes. It's looking towards a "nation" for meaning instead of your fellow man.
Not a very convincing statement
But going back, the only mention of the Frankfurt School in that infograph is that Marxist thought descended from it, not any conspiracy theory. And according to this, yes the Frankfurt School was run by neo-marxists
>The Frankfurt School (German: Frankfurter Schule) is a school of social theory and philosophy associated in part with the Institute for Social Research at the Goethe University Frankfurt. Founded during the interwar period, the School consisted of neo-Marxist dissidents uncomfortable with existing capitalist, fascist, or communist systems.
Get off your phone and get back on the grille. Those burgers aint gonna flip themselves.
>College creates smarter people
>Smarter people are more likely to see the bad bits of capitalism
>Become communists
Ha jokes on you, I'm a neet.
>you may be right, but /pol/ is retarded and doesnt understand it beyond "jews!"
what point are you trying to make user? That image didnt ONCE mention any /pol/ view of the frankfurt school or cultural marxism.
I meant students you actual retard, I don't take political classes
>someone made a thread on 4 chan about how university professors arent marxists
No, I said I've never seen a student communist despite it supposedly being a huge thing
Academia is full of liberals who believe in unlimited immigration, general redistribution of wealth, secular society, cheap sentimental moralizing over classroom substance, and revisionist history where an indian tribe in washington has more right to new york than a white man living there.
But no, not too many proper marxists.
If you honestly have never seen a communist leaning student at college then you either go to some literally who community college and/or you dont talk to anyone at the school and/or you are oblivious to the fact that they exist short of them waving a hammer and sickle flag while screaming "I AM A COMMUNIST"
even if you do go to some small time community college, all those weird goth/emo kids you went to highschool will undoubtedly end up becoming antifa types.
I've gone to both state and community, the crazy people at State were anti-abortion proponents who would set up massive displays of dead fetuses everywhere and some crazy religious guy who would come onto campus and scream about the bible
Although that guy nearly got assualted by a student who proudly proclaimed himself to be a communist
Fuck me I was wrong