I've lost everything...
Altcoiners support thread
I've lost everything
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You lost nothing kiddo
>invested $1500
>now have $400
Oh fuck.
You have to take the long term view of this. Not even the long term, the mid term view of this. All will be well in 6 months.
Damn you were killing it before the altcaust though
This is what I'm thinking too but god it sucks to wake up to getting reckd every day. Anyways when is the fork happening? I'm having a break and I'm gonna come back after the fork
At atlcoin bull run had evaluation of 415 btc, at this morning my evaluation is 163 btc. And best thing about htis is that timeframe is only 1.5 months
I sure love this BTC bull run :^)
P.S I don't have a single btc, everything on alts