What are some proven historical examples of controlled opposition?
What are some proven historical examples of controlled opposition?
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The various factions of the IRA were infiltrated by MI5 and Special Branch at every level.
>Spencer has been politically active for nearly a decade
>newfags think Hillary Clinton invented the alt-right
Richard spencer is the most obvious controlled opposition I’ve seen in any context ever.
Germany's far right NPD party. The party ended up being more or less run by infiltrated verfassungsschutz agents (secret political police). This led to prosecutors dismissing all charges against the party as it was impossible to distinguish hate crime/speech committed by actual members from those committed by infiltrated agents.
This is exactly why the far-right will never achieve anything politically. You're all a bunch of paranoid, self-defeating mongs who think the feds are hiding under your bed.
This is such a dumb theory. Even if he's done some stupid shit, Richard Spencer's brand of white nationalism is a lot less toxic and retarded than what came before. If the feds are trying to subvert and destroy these ideas, they're doing a really shitty job.
People would unironcally say McCarthy was controlled opposition if he operated today.
The John Birch society was claiming Eisenhower was a communist.
Most of the White Nationalist movement in the 20th century was composed of FBI agents trying to disrupt their activities.
Interestingly, Trump supposedly stopped these activities which suggest to me he's willing to work with them at least in some limited sense.
What a disrespectful thing to say to my future followers user
For a non-meme example, basically all of the relevant opposition parties in Russia.
Impossible, he balanced the budget
On the contrary, Richard Spencer destroyed the movement he created.
Trump was their peak, but street LARPing destroyed their rep forever.
They'll need a new brand without the original gen x failures like Mosely, Enoch, Spencer, which will surely emerge.
No movement with an "ethical pedophilia" enabler will survive.
The upper echelons of the Nazi party were all Jews, right on up to Adolf (((Shicklgruber)))
link related
beware of whignats
stopped reading there
Very Good.
So Truman was black?
What the fuck does Trump have to do with the interests of ethnonationalists? Do you really think he's le god emperor that's going to restore western civilization?
How exactly did Billy think that chrome helmet was a good idea? The rest of the aesthetics are great, but the fucking pickelhaube shouldn't be chrome.
No, but the alt-right had a better image when it was considered tighter to trump's ides.
This isn't an example of controlled opposition, but supposedly some media outlet in Germany while the Nazis were rising to power claimed that Hitler was being funded by a rich Jew. Also, Codreanu complained in For My Legionaries a lot about people saying his movement was secretly run by Jews.
In commie Czechoslovakia we had like three or four controlled opposition parties. Obviously everyone knew they were controlled opposition, they existed just to create an illusion, especially for foreign press, that it was a real democracy and not just a single party system. Their leadership was handpicked by the Communist party, and another purpose of these parties was to detect people retarded enough to cast a vote for them - since the ballots weren't secret and there was always some designated fucker watching which name you're writing in.
Similarly, there were groups of Catholic and Protestant priests like Pacem im Terris ( en.wikipedia.org
>t. I became aware of what the alt-right was in 2016
Controlled Opposition isn't the big thing. It is popular with nutbags because they are dumb. Organizations are undermined by role players. Look into COINTELPRO. Leaders of groups might be informants, but the FBI, and any intelligence organization, will insert role players especially analysts that undermine groups that way. Spies are almost always low visibility.
A modern example is the quick collapse of Occupy. This coincided with a bunch of seemingly "do gooders" forcing diversity concepts like "Progressive Stack". The FBI probably orchestrated this, and if they didn't, they definitely excellerated it. The people pushing "Progressive Stack" were role players, not leaders. This is intentional. Were all of them FBI? Of course not, most weren't. The point is that to undermine a group or a movement you start with ideas and ideas can be inserted at the middle management level.
It's amazing to me that people still think occupy was ever capable of anything. Or maybe it's just Berniebro nostalgia.
>Occupy collapsed because of FBI infiltrators
>NOT because they were a bunch of screaming retards with no clear structure or list of demands
Literally only Reddit believes Occupy was sabotaged. They were so incompetent it makes me laugh when I hear some delusional people call it the "last revolution" of the US.
Yeah, you are both dumb as fuck.
So who were the leaders of Occupy and what did they demand?
How would you know? You're dumber than I am.
They idea that they were undermined by the FBI or that things like diversity or the progressive stack caused a quick collapse is the type of weak, tenuous reasoning conspiracy theorists or those with an axe to grind use.
>They were so incompetent
The worse part about that is I remember how criticisms of their lack of demands, organization skills, or a plan were brushed off and treated as revolutionary in themselves like "demand nothing".
Any Scandinavian ''National Resistance''/Neo-nazi group
>the FBI inserts middle managers
Jacobites and Jacobins are two different things. Jacobite is a reactionary magazine. Some of their articles are pretty good.
>They idea that they were undermined by the FBI or that things like diversity or the progressive stack caused a quick collapse is the type of weak, tenuous reasoning conspiracy theorists or those with an axe to grind use.
1. Conspiracy Theory is literally not a bad thing.
2. No data for a claim that is based on data. Surprise.
3. No altertaive explaination. Surprise
The Left's avoidance of the Occupy collapse shows that they are controlled by the System (simply money and government).
I can't. They're FBI. They wouldn't be very good spies if they got caught, now would they?
No shit. Where would the FBI insert assets? At the idea level. Cunt.
I'm asking who the leaders were to begin with...
>2. No data for a claim that is based on data. Surprise.
The is the beauty of conspiracy theories like that is there is no way to prove them right or wrong and you can apply that type of reasoning to almost any event you want to show shadowy forces are at work. There is almost no where for any argument to go.
Game Theory. Dumb cunt.
Why do they need to insert assets? Why not just approach the leaders and cut a deal. It's easier to cut a deal with too brass, because they truly did not give a shit about all of the dirty hipsters living in Central Park. Their goal was to have a better life. The FBI approaches them and makes this happen. Their goal wasn't a better life for everyone.
>Game Theory.
Which does in no way explain why one should think that it failed because of FBI inserts instead of its own failures. Keeping looping around.
Not everything you like is reddit
Even worse than Jacobin
1. They have no control in that scenario.
2. That isn't how they acted in the past, and past actions are the best predictors of future actions. See COINTELPRO. This is literally 50+ years old.
The loop is your own. Reread.
p.s. suck by cock
I said nothing about Reddit...
You reckon some of the agents went to the deep end and became actual ideological national socialits?
Now provide proof. You asked me to provide proof, and I can't. So here is no reason for to believe me. Now it falls on you. Provide proof, or there would be no reason for me to believe you.
A controlled opposition is a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents.
There are many of course, but my favorite is the Brooks Brothers riot
For you middle class; Brooks Brothers has been providing well dressed men in America since 1818.
>Even worse than Jacobin
Nothing is worse than Jacobin, you communist faggot.
God save the Queen.
I did you stupid fucking cunt. COINTELPRO documents are easy to find.
Did you even read your own infographic? The protest failed because they were incompetent, not because they were sabotaged. Exactly what I said.
Also, get out, pic related.
No, no. I'm saying prove middle management is controlled. But just because the FBI did it before doesn't mean they did it again. Japan went to war with the United States in the past. Just because we're at war again, doesn't mean it's the Japanese. Either post proof or put a bullet through your frontal cortex.
There is nothing to reread but weak speculation.
No dumbass, the progressive stack screwed them over.
>calling someone who posts a /pol/ screencap reddit
Wew lad
That can't be true since Jacobite exist
we aren't in a criminal trial here
historians do not use reasonable doubt
you want the impossible because you are a tool of the system
False. You demand a absurd amount of evidence for an obvious inference. You might as well such cock at your local Police precinct. You probably do alerad.y
>But just because the FBI did it before doesn't mean they did it again
Why are you even on Veeky Forums anyway?
No, I want the impossible because I'm trollong. I've been in this thread less than 20 minutes. I just wanted to point out your hypocrisy.
People don't even need to be aware that they are controlled opposition.
>I am pretending to be retarded all along to prove that someone else is retarded
People like you ruin board quality
>the progressive stack screwed them over.
So their own incompetence.
Also, muh /pol/ boogeyman
Still waiting on a lost of Occupy leaders and what their demands were...
Perfect examples of dumb cunts.
Keep protecting the billionaire class with the three marbles in your head.
>absolutely prove people who have undeniable incentives to fuck you over are really fucking you over
>fear my magic the gathering hand
Sho sho, lefty/pol/.
>You demand a absurd amount of evidence
I was aware you wouldn't be able to provide anything from the beginning because that is how most of these types of theories go. Nobody would ever know anything about them because they wouldn't be good spies if they did and any evidence would be destroyed or doctored.
There is fucking youtube you dumb cunt. Occupy had dozens of former Goldman's employees explaining how the working class was getting fucked over and then magically they were replaced by fat black SJW chicks bitching about incomprehensble bullshit. Complete coincidence.
The complete absence of discussions of class and wealth in mainstream American leftist discourse since is definitely suspicious.
It's pretty effective, look. I'll show you.
In this reply you asked me to provide proof, as if it is a natural thing to do when stating an argument.
In this reply when you were asked to provide proof. You immediately dropped all arguments and went "Woah man. I'm not on trial here, I don't have to prove anything!" and you're absolutely right. You don't have to prove anything, but don't ask for proof and then bitch when you get asked for proof. Again, it's easy to bait retards because they're generally hypocrites who can't even keep a straight opinion.
Also, stop double replying to posts as if you have someone else on your side here. It's easy to tell which posts are yours, because you're a retard with a fear of punctuation. The one that offended you most must have been the comma.
>Also, muh /pol/ boogeyman
Repeating yourself is not argument
I think you might be retarded if you think i pleading to some /pol/ boogeyman...
Just neck yourself, neckbeard. You can't even reread the conversation you were in. IQ under 130 is ignored.
"blah blah blah"
This is literally meaningless.
I wasn't the other guy moron. Plus the first one is distinct from the second and third poster
So give me the names of these people so I can look them up instead of sperging out?
Except I was right on both accords and that's why you stopped the offensive and ended with "pshhh whatever kid." You truly are an idiot, and it's amazing to me that people like you are so dumb, you couldn't even pick up on the idiocy you were spewing, to the point where you same fagged posts with poor punctuation.
Oh, so there's 2 retards here with a fear of punctuation. That's even more alarming.
>Oh, so there's 2 retards here with a fear of punctuation. That's even more alarming.
insult my intelligence would make you any more right. You are wrong and are trying to save face by pretending to be retarded
1, I propose a proven theory: The FBI uses middle management types to push their agenda. This strategy is 50 years old at least and proven to be true.
2. Spergs shit post about absolute bullshite.
3. Finally a sperg asks me, unironically, to name the middle management (which are not named for a reason) operatives currently fucking over progressive movements.
This isn't irony. This is the fact that LIBERALS are a disease that need to be erradicated.
I don't really care if you believe me man. I have no stock, care or interest in this thread. My first post was this one . I wasn't either of the 2 dudes you were talking to before, I literally came in here to waste time. I have an hour and a half of my shift left and I'm filling it any way I can. That generally involves entertaining myself at your expense. C'est la vie.
>Except I was right on both accords and that's why you stopped the offensive and ended with "pshhh whatever kid." You truly are an idiot, and it's amazing to me that people like you are so dumb, you couldn't even pick up on the idiocy you were spewing, to the point where you same fagged posts with poor punctuation.
I'm just reposting your actual words without commentary because they are so stupid I don't need to respond. Copy paste. Fuck. Keep posting.
>I'm just reposting your actual words without commentary because they are so stupid I don't need to respond. Copy paste. Fuck. Keep posting.
>Implying that anatolians give a shit about western civilisation.
>I propose a proven theory
Which is why conspiracy theories will always remain with us. No matter what your political ideology is you can always argue that FBI or whoever undermined (insert movement, politician, or organization here) because they did so in the past and its impossible to prove anything either way, their involvement seeming obvious to whomever comes up with the theory.
If it's proven it's no longer a theory, it then becomes a fact or law. Just thought you should know for future conversation, so you don't sound so dumb.
I asking for a list if the leaders of the Occupy movement as I believe lack of leadership caused their collapse. Providing that list and proving me wrong shouldn't be so difficult.
All this damage control lol. So mad that you can't continue an argument
Oh no, I'm still here. I've got 45 minutes left now. I check back in when there are replies. See
Leaders aren't middle management moron
Still here and still mad. I don't how you being a sad wagecuck lends any weight to the discussion. you got BTFO and still pretending to be retarded
Bloc parties in Eastern bloc states: en.wikipedia.org
Because you don't understand how little work I do at my job. I work a 10 hour shift taking in bound calls. I take maybe 20 calls in a 10 hour shift and each call lasts maybe a minute or 2. I spend an hour maybe an hour and a half actually working. I have 8 and a half hours of free time to fill. Most of it consists of shit posting.
You're a faggot and I hope you die of AIDS
And I have never mentioned middle management at all. I simply wish to know who was in charge of Occupy. Apparently a simple question no-one can answer.
Two words: Operation Trust
>Be Russian commies
>You just won the civil war, but lots of whites are in exile, ready to return and destabilize your power
>Create the fake resistance secret organization "Monarchist Union of Central Russia" (MUCR) to lure oppositors back to Russia
>Almost all diaspora Russia either get back and got arrested immediatly, or at least by contacting the group the Soviets knows who they are and where they were
You must admit commies back them were pretty skilled in subversion
I'm not even far right, I'm barely even right. I'm just saying that the guy that coined the term alt-right and forced the association between similar philosophies and Nazism, that all the shills try to use as a leader figure to attack is controlled opposition.
> Richard Spencer
> Controlled Opposition
Stop it. He's just a guy with a lisp that likes media attention too much for his own good.