why the fuck is it hovering?
7k hovering
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bcs it is about to crash
Why is it mooning now? When is the B2X fork happening? I thought it was later this month.
crash to 1k confirmed
don't be so greedy
It's going back to $100.
this kills blockchain
because it's too fucking hot to hodl
i hope so
It's about to Shlosh into the Alt coin and such
not quite crash
Come on user, you wouldn't buy some $200 bitcoins? I would be all in by triple digits
Things always slow down at around this time
Because it was whales target. Now get ready to be dump. Thanks for participating.
Blockchain is antifragile, the more you harm it, the stronger it gets
Look at those big trades just before it crossed 7000
they told you $9000 eoy
they jump out at $8000
it always be like this
What can you buy with bitcoin?
Is that salmon Rushdie?
Love and Peace
circles gettin smaller
time to sell?
It's hovering because its that moment before all the whales dump and then the majority of the posters here are going to start complaining about losing all their money.
You must be new here.
What can you buy with gold?
This, it's about to crash to 1k thousand
Drugs and cp
I've heard it was going to fork (again). How much is this going to impact the value of the coin, potentially?
You can't sell this fork. Probably not much of an impact.
It's going to moon just like last fork.
Oh man it's going to 20k after the fork all this free money!!! You should do a leveraged long.
If you don't even know what this fork is you deserve what's coming.
I'm the guy who told you about NEO, Walton, ZRX, and LINK. Bitcoin is going to $10k in 1 hour.
Potentially bitcoin could be dead. But probably it'll just dip to 5k.
For how many SAT did you but the bitcoin?
>1k thousand
Fucking idiot
stuff from newegg and steam games
Just broke $7000usd
what's gonna happen to neo, will it ever reach $100?
>bcs it is about to crash
hold on to your butts
Any guesstimate on when it will crash? I mean this not practical at this growth rate. The longer I leave btc the worry I become this nigga will crash.
I thought it would be today but now I doubt. Maybe when amerifats wake up.
7090 rn
where do i get this image?
I checked the volumn yesterday it was at 60 and then 50%, but the price doesn’t change. Who the fuck pouring in so much money? Lol I wonder what happen when whales decided to cash out?
>Who the fuck pouring in so much money?
Institutional investors wanting a piece of that sweet sweet gain.
Microsoft accepts bitcoins
Oh man, ticking time bomb. Do we save ourselves with eth?
Hello pajeet
every second you wait to sell, you get closer to not being on time for the dip
I made it
Middle finger to the government.
No fuel for moon anymore + people selling of at nice round 7000$ number
>mfw though 3k was the top
Haha, fuck this shit I'm out.
its waiting for me to SELL son
not missing out this time
what's the name of that indicator, bro?
I'll need you to spill all the beans mister
stay tuned
He knows what he said,
1,000,000 here we cooooooome!
Tesla cars
Real estate
Freedom from taxation
Eat that nigger