Is the Adam and Eve story a metaphor for leaving childhood?
Is the Adam and Eve story a metaphor for leaving childhood?
no, demarcation from animals.
it's not a metaphor
It's not a very good one, since that'd imply being dependent and emotionally stunted is something to aspire to
well living that blissfull childhood stateand getting knowledge about the world by breaking your parents rules seems an awful lot like growing up
it's a metaphor on how women ruin everything
>tfw me mum genuinely believes in the historicity of Adam and Eve, Noah's ark, etc
Yeah but that's something you grow from. Falling from paradise means you lost more than you gained
No it's a metaphor for humans switching from hunting and gathering to agriculture.
>they live in a lush forest, eat food from trees
>fall happens
>hunger becomes an issue
>have to eat bread with sweat of your brow
>two sons are a farmer and a herder, two specialisations agricultural societies split into
A Parable about lack of faith in God and placing it in some random lesser being leading to the ruin of man. Also hubris.
Are you an atheist or are you just take most of the bible, specifically genesis as entirely metaphorical
>something you grow from
you grow up and you realize how shit life can be as an adult.
that simpler?
it's a scapegoat made by The Father and a light shining in the darkness
Not really, the Garden of Eden is a garden because it represents cultivated use of nature as the ideal place for people to exist.
You can read it that way, but it's meant to be taken literally.
There's a fundamental difference in our points of view then
Because I think being a kid fucking sucks, and I'll take the good and bad of being an adult over that any day
i wish i could hang with Adam when the Garden was an all-dudes paradise
be nice to your mother.
yes but only the part were they physically leave the garden and into the desert.
also were are you getting this idea?
me too.
>Is it retarded if taken literally? Yes? Then it's metaphorical. Otherwise it's true because muh fee-fees.
Same here. But you can see how someone, maybe who enjoyed being a child more, could get that reading right?
It's a metaphor for it literally actually happened 600 years ago. Young earth is historically accurate.
No. Adam represents the male archetype and the woman made him self conscious, and the snake made eve self conscious, and no bloody wonder, she has to carry the infant. And there's no difference between self consciousness and shame, as we see in lobsters. Because of their self consciousness, they had to work, since they're the ones to found out about the future, roughly speaking. Self consciousness is related to the size of our brains, so because of our self consciousness, we bloody well found out that childbirth is painful. And that is no joke.
Peterson pls go
I can understand it, but I don't see it as a healthy way of thinking or something to aspire to. If the garden of eden idolises what's essentially a state of arrested development then I can't see it as a good thing, or a good moral when taken as a story
I think it's a metaphor on humanity becoming agricultural and leaving hunting-gathering behind ie. now you have to work the land instead of walking around to collect what nature made.
>it's not a metaphor
Lmao, you got me at "no bloody wonder"
I see it as a metaphor for the moment humanity gained self consciousness. Perhaps pre-forbiden fruit Adam and Eve represented the last homo sapiens that had no self consciousness, and thus were just like animals living according to nature.
The eating of the forbidden fruit was the first moment that a human gained self consciousness about his condition, and with it, understanding of past, present and future time concepts. This was the beggining of it all. That's how I see it
Its more of a mepthapor of getting deceived and stupid parenting.
it's an allegory you dumb fuck
Idk, ask the Sumerians, it was their story originally, the Abrahamic religions just co-opted it and changed it around a bit.
No, it's just a text so Christianity can explain where we come from
Christianity literally makes no sense if Adam and Eve weren't literally real.
Look up Jordan B Peterson
Very young earth, by your account.
No, ancient people didn't fetishize childhood the way we do.
Jordan Peterson's an atheist heretic
>this theology that has been defended and attacked and debated for nearly two thousand years (assuming Christianity started after the crucifixion)
what even is theology
That is the best description of him I've ever heard.
>>this theology that has been defended and attacked and debated for nearly two thousand years (assuming Christianity started after the crucifixion)
makes no sense if Adam and Eve weren't literally real, yes.
I prefer to think of him as a post-modernist "Christian".
This. Retards get out.