Exterminations except the jewish?

So, are there any other great exterminations like the jewish that people are likely to forget? Im asking because my friend thinks its unacceptable to joke about jews just because they were "Systemically exterminated" while I personally hold the stance that you can either joke about everything or nothing.

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Ukrainians, called holomodor, armenians, greeks and assyrians by turks and all the numerous ethnic minorities persecuted by soviet union.


There's nothing quite as bad when it comes to ethnic groups.

Cheers, il do some research on those for the next time we get drunk.

Doesn't need to be as bad, his arguement is its not okay just because they were systemically exterminated. Not the sheer numbers of people dead I believe.

The Germans in what is now modern Poland were all either systematically raped, murdered or sent to either the gulags or eastern Germany. While you may call me a nazi or a racist for posting this it does fit the discription of genocide that being “(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.” as defined by preventgenocide.org/genocide/officialtext-printerfriendly.htm Here are a few sources m.huffpost.com/us/entry/1625437

Ukrainians were not systematically exterminated. The goal was to crush their resistance, not to murder or starve all of them. Of course many of them were also executed.

I would like to add that I am not claiming it is a greater genocide

You're completely wrong. Even the Czech 'odsun' was worse than what the Poles did to Germans. And naturally the majority of them survived.

there was that time when they tried to kill every Greek in Cyprus, ironically they got expelled for it which they probably count in their lists of the times they got oppressed by someone

>More recent estimates by some historians put the total at 500-600,000 attested deaths; they maintain that the West German government figures lack adequate support and that during the Cold War the higher figures were used for political propaganda.[5][6] The German Historical Museum puts the figure at 600,000, maintaining that the figure of 2 million deaths in the previous government studies cannot be supported.
And I would say that the majority of them died due to idiotic Nazi policy, not because they were massacred by the evil Poles or Czechs.

t. Wacław Krzeptowski
0 Germs died during the Odsun

oh yeah and stalin exiling all of chechnya to central asia

>You must be 18 years of age to post on this board

That was a common Soviet policy. Many ethnicities were resettled somewhere.

>were large-scale killings and civil unrest which occurred in Indonesia over many months, targeting communist sympathizers, ethnic Chinese and alleged leftists, often at the instigation of the armed forces and government. Initially it began as an anti-communist purge following a controversial coup attempt by the 30 September Movement in Indonesia. The most widely published estimates were that 500,000 to more than one million people were killed,[8][9] with some more recent estimates going as high as two to three million.
This one started as political purge and ended as ethnic genocide, mostly of the Chinese.

>supposed common practice excuses crimes

Didn't happen but if it did they deserved it

not 100% of the population though

All the purges in Soviet Russia...although it's not a strictly ethnic slaughter

The Aztecs

east timor genocide
fuck those indonesian cockroaches