Sub-Saharan Africa

Hey, Veeky Forums
For my history project I have to write about Sub-Saharan Africa, specifically the contributions they made to civilization. I want to know about famous African Scientists, philosophers, mathematicians and what great African kingdoms they were from.

What are some interesting books and/ or websites I could use for my research?

Other urls found in this thread:,_scientists_and_scholars

Here's a good list to start with:

>History Project

How about you stop lying?

wew lad

We aren't your tutor/homework helpers

What is peanut butter?

write about Ethiopian plans to turn lower Nile valley into a desert

>I want to know about famous African Scientists, philosophers, mathematicians and what great African kingdoms they were from.

>this post again,_scientists_and_scholars

Not that hard m8 good luck

Great kingdoms:

That is everything I can remember

In regards to science, although I can't think of many names the Ashanti were really good with medicine, and frequently performed things like innoculations and c-sections. The guy who invented vaccines actually attributes the premise of the idea to Ashanti slaves, so that would be pretty significant. Also I believe the Mali were really big on astronomy, although it might Haven been another West African people. In regards to philosophy, there's Zera Yacob if your looking for more religious stuff, but if you want somethinteresting more secular there's Oruka. The Yoruba also had some philosophical traditions you could look into. Not really sure on anything regarding mathematics, although the astronomy traditions in West Africa could blled into that possibly.

>2(two) sub-saharan african before the 1900s
wew lad

Gonna be a short paper


Great doesn't just mean "large" tho
These shitholes weren't "great" in any way

Good thread, now delete this bait

African here, you don't need to bully us because we didn't have "accomplishments" to European standards until a few centuries ago.

We're still human beings with our own cultures, accomplishments and we're deserving of you respect.

Where are you from?

It was officially discovered by a French Canadian and before that there is evidence it was probably used by Aztecs and Incas

do you think you ever will, or will you be left behind even more as we develop AI?

Hell I think its in the developed worlds best interests to keep Africa as divided and poor as possible, easy to control, exploit, and replace with more compliant governments if needed.

Your continent is doomed to a subsistence existence.

Kek. Nice thread.