Why did europeans steal Africa's ressources?
Why did europeans steal Africa's ressources?
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why is Veeky Forums OBSESSED with bbc and manifests it by creating constant thread about BLACK people
The Africans weren't really using them.
turns out being a nigger doesn't magically prevent other people from taking your shit like what literally all other people on the face of the earth dealt with
Imagine how many great mosques could have been built if whitey hadnt stolen all the mud
so do niggers think that whites also took the farmable soil with them too and that's why niggers don't just start farming like the white people were doing
>spain is left out
Spanish people dindu nuffin.
Irish "people" and Finns did however
>eastern europe with all that sweet african dosh
Africa wasn't using them anyway.
You literally cannot refute this.
I like how the retard that made this didnt make a pile on South America.
If we the Portuguese at the start they were cunts from the word go with the bullshit they pulled in the new world, India and the south east asia. In my opinion I think it was putting up with Muslim rule that made them so intolerant of others so when the Brits and the Dutch saw the Portuguese growing though trade they wanted a slice of the pie and followed in their footsteps.
Africans had been more or less able to repel the Portuguese and other colonial powers for a few hundred years before falling, the expansionist states were more united than the people they were attempting to colonize. They had agreed to carve up territory before hand and set up states against one another with easily disposable puppet rulers for easy pickings.
They were, they had their own trade with non European powers and the Muslims refused to give them a cut. Even the non muslims realized the wealth they sat on and traded with their neighbors for foreign commodities.
>USA took african resources
What resources?
why did white men steal native america's resources?
Africans didn't even knew they had such resources and they weren't using them anyway
The colonialism was actually necessary for the development of Africa and you can't say i'm wrong
Companies listed on the London Stock Exchange control over $1trillion worth of Africa's resources in just five commodities - oil, gold, diamonds, coal and platinum. 101 companies, most of them British, control $305billion worth of platinum, $276billion worth of oil and $216billion worth of coal at current market prices.
>Companies are also able to avoid paying taxes by their use of tax havens. Of the 101 London-listed companies, 25 are actually incorporated in tax havens, principally the British Virgin Islands. It is estimated that Africa loses around $35billion a year in illicit financial flows out of the continent and a further $46billion a year in multinational company profits taken from operations in Africa.
Well maybe African countries should step in and do something?
We just took them from the war hungry Europeans after thoroughly cucking them in ww2.
you are wrong
One thing you need to understand about capitalism and imperialism is that the hierarchical systems it advocates for help to prop up corruption. Imperialism always has a few people at the top who benefit in both countries.
Just like in the west, the leaders will be getting some nice kickbacks from these deals.
It's funny because East Asian countries somehow managed to rise above colonialism and become competitive despite the Round-Eye Devils' evil and powerful capitalism and imperialism at work.
Because industrial society needs a constant glut of resources to sustain itself, and Africa has a fuckton more of them than Europe does.