Could be worse
Hungary picked wrong side. They should hoin Polish-Lithuania Commonwealth and create Polish-Lithuania-Hungary federation that would spawn from Baltic to Adriatic.
Insted they accepted some lowly archduke from retarted duchy.
>They should hoin Polish-Lithuania Commonwealth and create Polish-Lithuania-Hungary federation that would spawn from Baltic to Adriatic.
>Let's join a country about to be partitioned
They decided to take the shortcut and get under habsburg control directly
Veeky Forums is making me legitimately reconsider the WW2 reparation thingy. Whatever we did to the poles, it must be far more terrible than we thought to warrant such butthurt.
What are you doing here? Do you know when Hungary formed union with Austria? Back then PLC was one of the strongest nations in Europe.
Retards all around.
>Gets utterly rekt by some snowniggers (to the point where the butthurt lasts to this day) and has to be saved by austria
So strong.
his smile and country: gone
>and has to be saved by austria
Ok, looks like Veeky Forums is just another /pol/ for angry virgins. If you know shit about history leave this place, soyboy.
|What is even more funny is most Hungarians dont even know that their greatest kings were ROMANIAN... AHAHAHAH
>"I don't know anything about history, so here's a lol XD meme thread."
Hungary made a critical error in opposing austrian reforms in relation to the Slavs and sought to dominate in a time when that was no longer viable, and AH went to shit because of it. Croatia in particular was absolutely fed up by their shit, because Hungary didn't respect their personal union agreements and perpetually antagonized all strata of their society. Croats were loyal to the Habsburgs (for good reasons).
Hungary went way, way too far with its desire to dominate and I'm baffled by the fact they refused to realize that they're not only harming themselves but everyone in the Monarchy.
>Hungary made a critical error in opposing austrian reforms in relation to the Slavs
to be fair, Magyarization was very successful, and ironically its success is what caused slavic nationalists to fear that the magyar identity might genocide culturally their identities.
Actually, we opposed magyarization to the point of bloodshed. "Very succesful" is code for "we legally prohibit the use of your language in schools, government and official documents" and that was a total failure.
Dunno where your meme comes from.
>Hungarians shoot themselves in the foot
This. They can blame or "big bad" Entente or their neighbors "who were meanies to them for no reason" but the truth is they messed up badly. They got everything handed to them on a silver platter in 1867: a large country, privileged status and a level of autonomy no subject nation in the Empire or even in Europe could dream of and they screwed it up.
>Actually, we opposed magyarization to the point of bloodshed.
citatation needed. your grandparents telling you about le evil magyar oppression and glorious national resistance doesn't make it true.
>"we legally prohibit the use of your language in schools, government and official documents"
I never said it was a peaceful process. Cultural coercion is not a physical process, though. It's more like a mental mind fuck to make you obey the precepts of the culturally dominant group that happens to control the state, in this instance magyars
> that was a total failure.
pic related REALLY makes me think
This is definite proof that God exists.
>to Slovakia
You mean Czechoslovakia. Slovakia didn't exist until 1939.
>do not trust your great-grandparents who fought tooth and nail against them , trust this wikipedia article a dude named Horty Attila Egztarkesek wrote.
>magyarisation didn't exist
>le ebil romanians, croats and serbs are forcing hungarians to learn the national language of the country they are in!
>supporting the killers of his son and armies
>Romania takes a part almost as big as Hungary
Even Austria got some.
>Croatian land to Croatia
Oh, the inhumanity, the injustice.
Pannonia delenda est
You idiot! Pannonia was Roman / Romanian settlement. Magyars came from Asia much later. Romania was here first.
Ain't self determination a bitch.
You just pretent to be romanian , faggot. Daca esti roman, taci in pula mea, ca ne faci de ras
Why does Veeky Forums and /int/ hate Magyars so much?
Is it because they worked with the Nazis and habsburgs?
True, separating the two would be incorrect as Romania is clearly the direct continuation of The Roman Empire and not a separate entity.
Pretty sure it' just memeing balkanites.
Nigga if you don't back the fuck up
>do not trust your great-grandparents who fought tooth and nail against them
that's exactly what i'm telling you you sentimental fool. i highly doubt anything that came out of your great-grandparents' mouths filtered down generations intact without a huge amount of bias accumulated through the bitterness of 20th century balkan conflicts. I rather trust the numbers on wiki, especially consdiering it shows that magyarization was not even close to 100% successful.
>magyarisation didn't exist
I didn't say that. It was very real, but it was not what you think it was.
Nope. Please tell me one friend of Hungary from all of its neighbours
Lel, no. We hate them because they behaved like niggers.
Poolan- OH WAIT
>my gypsie ass is on fire because no matter how much i steal my entire country will remain a cumdumpster
what is it with these subhuman muntenians and buchuresti monkeys, is it genetic or a learned behaviour how to fail eternally
That chart got his mother wrong you bozgor ape.
yea you are also dacian, while looking like a negro
>Basarab -hungarian / turk
He was half cuman, at best
Yeah you are also a hun, while looking like a gypsy.
>mfw that shit eating hungarian who claims that Orbans gypsy facial characteristics are actually turanic
>"you're wrong, here's why"
Even according to the picture many of those are assumptions or unknown and I heard Serbs and Bulgarians try to claim Vlad as their own
Anyway, medieval rulers didn't care about ethnicity or nationality in a modern sense just about ruling their land.
Medieval Hungary had many French and German kings too. Modern Hungary had the Habsnurgs. Romania had the Phanariote then the Hohenzollern
>Romania was here first.
Romania didn't exist until the 19th century. Seriously, fuck off with your revisionist history, saying that the Hungarian Plain is not Hungarian is just stupid.
Well Croatia, Budapest was one of the biggest supporters of arms in the Balkan wars, all the smuggling was controlled from there with the support of the government
Austria is a friend too I suppose, we are historically close
Serbs are nice and they got bitch karma with Kosovo so we forgive them for stealing land, also they are friendly with the magyar minority, also lot of serbs work in Budapest
The relationship with slovaks is actually not bad, if they would remove the Benes bullshit we would be great friends, we are close culturally
Romania is the only nation which we really hate, "román" is literally a curse word, but poles and bulgarians also use it as a curse word, its kinda like saying nigger to someone
Oh yeah Ukranians, they smuggle tasty vodka and cig in Nyíregyháza so I don't really care about them
We always forget that slovens exist, they are neutral
Anyway I don't think there is a "hate"against Hungary on Veeky Forums, its just butthurt roman/slovak nationalists whose national identity is literally based on hating us, and baiting with trianon is easy because its kinda very important in our history, its like baiting a jew with the holocaust or an irish with the potato famine or northern ireland
Pannonia was a French settlement*
>I heard Serbs and Bulgarians try to claim Vlad as their own
Oh please, we Magyars don't claim Vlad, Romanians can have it, we just know that Vlad would be unhappy to called Romanian today
Also, Béla Lugosi is literally the guy who invented the modern Dracula, the only reason people know about Transylvania, and he is one of the most Magyar man ever, so thank us for the tourists gipsies
>5% jews
fucking hell did they revive the new hungarian meme too?
romanian national identity isnt based around hating magyars tho
interesting stuff
i wonder how did pannonian romance interact with its neighbours
Because jews assimilated so well, the Hungarian government pre-trianon was one of the most liberal with jews in Europe.
so thats where judapest comes from
Yepp, even today we have a big historic population in Budapest, and we gave the world George Soros
The West fucked up our borders, so we sent George Soros to remove their borders forever
unrelated but how does the szekler dialect differ from the standard?
is it like british vs american english?
is it more conservative?
Soros is a jew , you retard. He doesnt give a shit about Hungary.Thats why he is so influential and rich, and yet he does nothing for you.
Honestly this is better than juggling with all the minorities.
>we just know that Vlad would be unhappy to called Romanian today
And Iancu de Hunedoara would be mad if he was called a hungarian, when he was actually a fucking VLACH!
Kek, nice rant , bozgor.
This. They basically had 6 potential "Kosovos" within their borders. It was unrealistic to keep all of that.
Trianon was an awesome party, wasn't it?
he was born hungarian retard. it's not a surprise that a guy involved in international finance will live a cosmopolitan lifestyle.
>Sadistic racist murderer turns out to be Hungarian
No surprise here
He is a jew, you fucking faggot. Stan Lee's parents were born and lived in Romania,and left just before Stan was born. Do you think he gives a flying fuck about Romania?
A jew is a jew. There arent polish jews,hungarian jews or romanian jews.
You stupid cunt, Basarab was cuman,not hungarian.
He fucked a lot of hungarian bitches tho.
Kinda, more like northern english vs southern english, its the same language just different dialect, my székely friend sounds like an aristocrat compared to me, who grew up in the poorer parts of Southern Pest
The main problem with it that 2 million Hungarians stayed right next to the new borders. Lot of historic cities like Arad, Kassa, Szatmárnémeti, Szabadka, Nagyvárad etc. were cut off which should had stayed with the motherland (I'm not even counting Szekelyland now). If the borders were actually just, it would look like pic related: the Hun majority areas would had stayed (dark), and the german or russin majority areas (dotted) could vote to stay with whom.
Do this and today you wouldn't have this trianon meme because most Hungarian culture would had been preserved and we wouldn't had been gimped so much economically, and there wouldn't be that big crying.
>forgot pic
>Stan Lee's parents were born and lived in Romania,and left just before Stan was born. Do you think he gives a flying fuck about Romania?
two individuals aren't comparable like this, especially with as divergent life stories as soros and lee.
>A jew is a jew. There arent polish jews,hungarian jews or romanian jews.
yes there are. historically there were lots of cultural differences between jewish communities, even though there might be unifying features as well. it's just convenient for nationalists to obscure these differences because jews are a very easy target
Not so fast. I was actually expecting this to show up. According to the 1906 federalization plan for the United States of Greater Austria, Hungary would only control ethnic Magyar areas.
The orange areas in the map are the ones that would have been part of Hungary while the yellow area the current borders of Hungary
As you can see it's not that long thick continuous line you see in your map, but smaller patches. Cities like Bratislava and Nitra wouldn't be part of Hungary. The region around Ödenburg/Sopron (light green) would be part of German Austria because of its German population.
Hungarian foreign policy during 1938-41 also went far beyond the 1906 line occupying all of Carpathian Ruthenia, Romanian North Transylvania to have a corridor to the Szeklerland and ethnically mixed Novi Sad to secure the southern border on the Danube and Drava. So basically regions that were strategically and economically important for Hungary but not majority Hungarian.
Not sure about Jews but that is true for Armenians.
Armenians that lived in Moldova and Muntenia were Orthodox and well integrated in the Romanian society and supported Romania during the 19th and 20th centuries.
Armenians that lived in Northern Transylvanian became Catholic, adopted Hungarian culture and many were pro-Hungarian during the same period.
These didn't really like each other.
Bela Kun was a Transylvanian Jew who supported Hungarian claims during the Soviet Hungarian republic so I suspect something like this might be also true for Jews.
>Not so fast. I was actually expecting this to show up.
The map I linked shows the ethnically majority Hungarian areas and the areas which has German or Russin majority, which would had been up to vote.
Your map and the federalization is not linked with my argument.
>occupying all of Carpathian Ruthenia, Romanian North Transylvania to have a corridor to the Szeklerland and ethnically mixed Novi Sad to secure the southern border on the Danube and Drava.
Yeah. Northen Transylvania had Hungarian majority - of course its not really fair, as the corridor took big Romanian majority areas too, but if Romanians can say Transylvania is Romanian totally with 55% majority in 1920, then Hungarians can claim N-T in 1940 with 53.5% majority in 1941, or Backa where the majority were Hungarians and Germans.
I don't really get your argument, as I was discussing fair borders to Hungary in 1920, not the world war 2 policy which was a way more different situation, as it was more about returning every ethnic magyar within the borders than making totally fair borders.
>Cities like Bratislava and Nitra wouldn't be part of Hungary.
In 1920 Nitra has Hungarian majority and Pozsony had German majority with Hungarians close. Nitra's region and Pozsony could had been up to vote for all I care.
Sopron is up to vote on the map, as it actually was in reality, as Sopron was literally the only area that could democratically choose where to belong.
The federalization proposal was also close to the ethnic distribution.
And the map is pretty close to the map I linked. What is your argument? Even on your federalized map its one million more Hungarians and border cities would had stayed. Thanks for supporting my argument.
>discussing fair borders to Hungary in 1920,
Taking into account that romanian armies controlled 60% of Hungary, you should be glad there weren't "relocations" on massive scale.Relocations to Hell, I mean.
there were big differences, the most famous example being between german jews (and western european jews) and their contempt for eastern european jews, who were poorer, more devoutly religious and rural compared to german jews.
This is not an argument. The borders were decided by the Antant powers not the Romanians, who abused the escalating situations and civil war in Hungary, also declared war on Germany one day before the war, not Hungary. Half of Germany was under French occupation, and their borders were a lot more fair.
Your argument is just nationalistic poison.
>Hungary commits genocides and enforces magyaryzation on the minorities
It was just a joke bro
>hungary gets BTFO and Romania/ Croatia/ Serbia could've genocided hungarians, but they didn't(imo they should've done it)
Nationalistic poison
If Jagiellons were not dumbfucks they would not sign a treaty with Habsburgs giving them thrones of Buda and Prague in case of ruling Jagiellon's death.
>Sadistic racist murderer
Fuck off t*rkroach, stay out if Europe
>Hungary commits genocides
>Hungary commits genocides
lmao you wouldn't be here to shitpost then, Radu
>Monarchs have ethnicities
You do realise MOST of european aristocracy and monarchy were mongrelized of tons of ethnicities even some which aren't european the least?
>genetically he was mostly Romanian
>culturally he was Romanian
>was betrayed and killed by Hungarians
>"would be unhappy to called Romanian"
I'm not a coward transilvanian, Attila.
>>genetically he was mostly Romanian
Who knows that >culturally he was Romanian
There was no Romanian culture or nationalism at that time, he was a landlord who defended himself in an edgy way so he is popular
>was betrayed and killed by Hungarians
Yep but that has nothing to do with this: with your logic he could be Slovak or Serb too because he hated Magyars
And anyway, he is a national hero and popular because Bela Lugosi's performance as Dracula, no one would care about him if fiction didn't pick him up and a Magyar actor with Hungarian accent wouldn't had popularized the character based on him
There is Stephen the Great or other people who you could call a folk hero,Vlad is just a meme
That was like circa 200 years later, retard.
How was Basarab Hungarian when he was a kipchak?
>he is a national hero and popular because Bela Lugosi's performance as Dracula
Now this just plain ignorance. Vlad Țepeș as he is know, not "Dracula", became popular among Romanians as a folk hero in the 19th century (as most national heroes in Europe). It was Romanian writers like Ion Budai-Deleanu, Vasile Alecsandri, Mihai Eminescu that created the Romanian version of the myth.
"Dracula" is the character created by Bram Stoker much later, and only loosely based on Vlad, and it was this version that became popular because of Bela Lugosi.
Meanwhile, Romanians had their own version and didn't care about the other. Up until the 1990s most Romanians had no idea western Dracula was based on Vlad Tepes or that Dracula even existed as a character. Even without the Bram Stocker version he would still be regarded as important in Romania.