How to become like Julius Caesar?

I want to have his qualities, his intelligence. I want to be able to make of myself what he made of himself.

What are some personality traits that are absolutely necessary for this to happen, for me to be great like him?

I'm guessing an unshakeable self confidence is #1 above everything else. What else?

Let me put it like this: Describe a 22 year old Julius Caesar in a state college today

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Sorry user, but I bet a lot of it comes down to genetics

>never gonna make it

Drink more water, stop jerking off, lift, have a healthy sleep schedule.

There are books on how to cram more into your head and remember it. Don't skulk on Veeky Forums for advice go to the library, it helped me out a heap.


you can jerk off if you want, nofap is a meme

you should already be well off with some connection in the political world, you should enlist in an officer school and ace your way through the ranks, be clever, confident, strong but forgiving and start clearing off your path to greatness.

You need to serve as a Quaestor at an early age and in the Roman Army and secure a position as the Pontifex Maximus as soon as possible. Then eventually you need to get consecutive consulships in Gaul and win a series of victories with your legions over the local Gallic tribes.

In short, you fucking can't be Caesar. You live in a completely different world to him and your life experiences are so removed you'll never be alike. On the brightside, you probably won't be stabbed over 30 times either.

There are no more Caesars. There are no more Alexanders. The time of great men is over. The time of the soyboy has come.

t. Cato

not even baiting but isn't this partly true? great in the sense of those two and napoleon? it just seems extremely difficult for anyone to achieve greatness in the same sense as those 3 simply due to the way society and politics work nowadays; without some major social upheaval anyways.

Do this and read about Julius, the good and the bad and don't put even him on a pedestal, he certainly didn't do that with anyone else.
If you want a big short on how he thought, picture him in a room with the faces of his ancestors wondering how he'd best honour them and/or out-do them.

Self-confidence yes, pride and egoism no. Towards the end that's what ended him. You still have to be likeable, but also be resolute and unquestionable in your decision making.

Don't major in history, that is a bad decision, and people see as such because they don't see a career leading from it. Major in some hard science. That will gain you respect, then you can shift to do whatever you want once you are making some money.

Be virtuous and stand by your morals, but don't be afraid to to admit you are wrong and shift directions toward a "winning" direction. Caesar would not be tactically successful if he wasn't constantly assessing, judging, and adapting.

Position yourself to enter politics in some regard, but stay true to yourself, publicly and privately. Command respect. Don't be a purposeful "populist", you will gain "soldiers" but attitude alone if you are successful enough.

This honestly is closer to Marcus Aurelius than Caesar, but Caesar got stabbed in the back...

no way those are legit death masks. source?

Have a frontal lobe injury.

>Major in some hard science.
fucking lol

I'm majoring in Pol Sci. Currently a junior.

Your post focuses too much on "virtue" and "goodness," and as you have mentioned is much towards Marcus Aurelius than Caesar.

It's easy to be Marcus Aurelius when your father makes you emperor. It's not easy to be Caesar when you have to work your way up.

I think you're a bit too late to start the Cursus Honorum, sorry pal.

>Don't major in history, that is a bad decision, and people see as such because they don't see a career leading from it
Though I personally perceive those who choose their career paths in accordance with societal pressures as pathetic.

t. Math major

>How to become like Julius Caesar?
by being fucked in the ass by King Nicomedes of Bithynia
>Gallias Caesar subegit, Nicomedes Caesarem : Ecce, Caesar nunc triumphat, qui subegit Gallias : Nicomedes non triumphat , qui subegit Caesarem

Has this become a meme or are you reposting your shitty ideals?

He can always get mugged and stabbed 30 times.

just do it!!!!!!!!!

Even though he was an idiot Hitler tried. Despite what his generals say it was his willingness to take risks that won the Battle of France. But now it's basically impossible to be like them because of nuclear weapons.

Fuck Caesar he's a bitch. Be like Alexander instead

They are not. They're recreations.

Something something archeologynewsnetwork something something ancestor mask recreations something something links make the Robot here think my posts are spam.

I wish someone, somewhere in Italy has this super-ancient and untouched house with an ancestor room all intact.

be willing to turn your back on your foundations in the pursuit of power.

break every rule that stands in your way,


I can only describe what Caesar could do in the EU, so here goes my headcanon.
>From an early age, be part of a political faction, best version, best be part of the "Young something party".
>Somehow manage to get the post of a lowly government official at 22 and manage to climb from foreign minister finally to head of state.
>Win votes by appealing to popular opinion and never diverge from it.
>Actively influence likeminded other states in your Union and use retarded fringe politicans to secure your government so your stooges look smart.
>Achieve all that while you're still 30 and get a 9/10 fag hag to hide your homolust for older men.
>All avenues are possible, even the complete and utter end of the EU as we know it and the rise of new European Empire.

I dunno op, I think we have a new Caesar in the making.

do we?

Reading about Sebastian Kurz:
>He was the only child of a teacher and a secretary, and joined the party’s youth wing when he was 17 and made his first political campaign as a candidate for a town council, featuring the slogan “Schwarz macht geil,” or “Black makes you hot,” reflecting the party’s grim colors. He rode through villages and towns atop a black Hummer called the Hotmobile, surrounded by young women in bikinis, and tossed black condoms to the crowd.


same and wow this thread is cool keep posting guys

>"black makes you hot"
WTF did he mean by that ??? also i dont think Caesar would say that kind of thing lol

He most definitely would. You don't know Caesar.


Caesar was a CHAD politician.
So, first thing you have to be is become a CHAD.
Then become a politician and work your way up from there.

Of course it would be the eternal Austrian who would do this.

Machiavelli would spit at you

What can I even conquer these days?

Yourself, as always.

The Austrian Conservatives, the ÖVP, have the traditional colour black, like the black apron worn by priests.
Kurz new Movement is now Cyan but until he got power, he played the party line with his own spin.

Caesar was know for throwing ravishing parties and his games were considered the best any lowly public offical had hosted until that time.
Furthermore, Kurz and Caesar are very well known to have more influence and clout than others may think of them.

autist, your stem meme degree wont earn you any respect anywhere but other autists