comfy af mah niggas
Tfw 100% bitcoin
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Fuck off race traitor
Only 97% FML
.it is so comfy, watching blood on the street why your beloved btc gain 10%
yeah dawg
watching mf's bleed alties
50% Bitcoin. I consider the other half pretty much lost. Oh well, Bitcoin is going to 40k anyway, I'll still make lots of money. And my alts aren't the worst picks eve either (ZEN, XMR, MOD) so there might be some hope still, but I'm not expecting much.
return to alts will be epic too..
Tfw you dropped outta HS and making a killing on crypto
>tfw some altfag fucking losers tried to convince me that bitcoin was "dead" and "obsolete" tech while they lose all their summer gains and then some because they were too fucking stupid and greedy to take profits
feels fucking fantastic man