mfw this fatboy desperately tries to sell himself as alpha even though he clearly isn't. Why do people do this? Why is this incel trying to be someone he isn't? dude looks like someone from the The Kelly Family
Mfw this fatboy desperately tries to sell himself as alpha even though he clearly isn't. Why do people do this...
What a pathetically bitchy thing to write. Who the fuck cares. Kys bitch. Tits or gtfo
Roger Ver had this bitch on a leash. I don't know how he got it off.
I don't even know who this is. Does that mean OP is a fag?
Let's see.
He is rich.
He has sex despite being fat.
Sounds alpha to me.
this dude is a real btc god and you bitcoin cash shills better fuckoff to r/btc
Now lets look at OP
> is a poorfag
> doesn't have sex
> is likely also fat
> is a fag
Yup. OP is a beta bitch.
>He is rich.
Says who? You think having a Submariner makes you rich? Lmfao
>He has sex despite being fat.
Says who? He's obviously a Beta. You can see it from a mile away.
>believes people who roleplay on the internet lmfao
daily reminder that being rich doesn't turn you Alpha. It's something you're born and raised with.
I would legit bully this fatboy.
>he is rich
Literally everything was taken from him, try doing some research, his whole dropshoppong backstory is total horseshit, why do you think he has that cheap ass gold plastic candle with all the candles pointing different directions LMAO
Read his letter to the gov of Panama, he's a naive retard it's fucking GOLD entertainment
>still has sex
You realize fucking a prostitute is the same accomplishment as purchasing a Big Mac right dumbfuck?
The fake way he acts a tries so hard to project an image of himself is just sad. I can't even get angry at this type of cheap scam, what's frustrating is the fact that people fall for this two bit crap.
Holy shit, you are mad as fuck, bub. Do you crave the attention he is getting that you don't that much? Stop being so desperate, then even 3/10 girls might start looking at you.
What's sad here is that you actually look up to that fat beta retard.
This literally, unironically IS Richard Heart. He shows up in most threads/YouTube discussions and is generally very easy to pick out
Oh Rich, maybe if you didn't have the appearance of a greying slug you could get a woman without paying. But you're just so... unfortunate looking
Try reverse image searching that, my sweet little baby beta bitch boy
No idea who this cat in the hat is but you are definitely behaving like a little bitch. Think your shitty small minded little thoughts in your little head don't post garbage like this on biz. Read the replies here and do a little introspection. You're going to grow up and be a man one day. Men don't bitch about other men's appearances. That's for bitches to do. Are you a bitch, bitch?
is right
mfw we literally summoned fatboy richard
pretty much everything he says is spot on, at least in crypto
I dont care how he looks
Roger Ver shit all over this clown. Heart didn't evenmake a single cohesive point at all and he acts like an Alpha.
Fuck off bch shill. Roger nearly shat himself when this guy started calling bch ‘bcash’ Because he knows without the name ‘bitcoin’ his pnd side project is fucked
>mfw it took Richard this long to find a non-banned proxy lmao
Not an argument. Fuck off back to r/btc
well well well
if it ain't so
I lurk
and then find out you're just a BCH pusher
fucking loser
having to attack nobodies that talk shit about your shitcoin
lmfao what a sore loser
enjoy them loses from your 8mb ASIC boosted china government coin
loser lmao
Richard is a disgusting degenerate. He's scheming some dodgy ICO to fleece bitcoins from the sheep
>looks natrually beta
>kelly family look
>wears cowboy-like clothing
>questions everything that isn't productive (what is fun?)