How do I cure myself of being a Byzaboo? It's getting out of hand. I picked up a book on Koine Greek and I visited a local Greek Orthodox Church and talked to the priest about converting. This needs to end now before I lose my fucking mind and move to that shithole called Greece.
How do I cure myself of being a Byzaboo? It's getting out of hand...
Why would you want to move to Greece? It's a Turkish shithole and has nothing to do with Byzantium.
I know it's a shithole but it does have quite a bit to do with the Byzantine Empire considering the Byzantines were Greeks and had an essentially Hellenic culture.
Literally the only thing wrong with Greece is the politics and the debt-crisis, the latter of which is steadily passing. It's filled with fascists and communists though, so watch out.
Plus, when you convert from American (I'm assuming you're from there) money to the Euro, you'll surely have more money than most people.
>It's a Turkish shithole
>has nothing to do with Byzantium
Guaranteed (You)s
>the only things wrong with a place are its government and economy
Kind of a big deal desu
At least buy property there lad so that when the shit passes you can have a nice home by the Aegean Sea
You don't have anything to worry about then, Hellenic culture died long ago. You're not gonna find it in Greece.
>I visited a local Greek Orthodox Church and talked to the priest about converting
Become a Romanboo instead, Byzantines just perverted the Roman Empire by hellenizing.
>Literally the only thing wrong with Greece is the politics and the debt-crisis
>Literally the only thing wrong with Greece is its government and economy
>Literally the only thing wrong with Greece is the entire country
Wow what a convincing argument
>It's filled with fascists
>implying that's a bad thing
But Romans were just perverted Etruscans who were just perverted Latins corrupted by Greek colonists
You don't have to be obsessed with Greece to become Orthodox. I converted last year and I'm not obsessed with Greece. I converted because it's right.
One of the reasons Byzantium was great was because of the true apostolic faith.
>To be such a brainlet that you think Rome wasn't Hellenic
>>It's filled with fascists
>>implying that's a bad thing
It's filled with communists too, dumbass. It's like that joke about N Ireland during the Troubles. You're sitting in your car when a group of people approach and ask if you're protestant or catholic. Well? What do?
Say I'm Orthodox and GTFO.
>lifts baseball bat
>"Aye lad, but are ye protestant orthodox or catholic orthodox?"
>say I'm an American
>if they so much as touch a hair on my head I run to the embassy and Ireland gets carpet bombed the next day
Can't run to yer embassy with concrete blocks holding you down on the river bed.
purge yourself of the white man, and become a nativeboo
I'd die happy knowing that my death would lead to a British crackdown and lets of dead micks.
Don't stop.
See how far you can go.
Lol greece got Ottocucked, no more greeks their
Read about the iconoclasts and the early Christian's treatment of classical art, literature and architecture.
Is your name Angus by any chance?
The next step for you is to become a monk in Mount Athos. It's a autonomous region within Greece, fortified monasteries, male only, traditional way of monastic life (for the most part), continuous operation for 1000+ years, forgotten Orthodox treasures etc.
Don't go to Athos. If you're not Greek you will not feel at home their ever. Visit though
Explain. I've seen a documentary about the place and they seem to have monks from all over the world there. There was even a monk there that was from Texas and spoke with a Southern accent.
This. Go to your dermatologist and see if you can get hair transplants for your chest, arms, and ass. Speaking of which, throw away your razor and shampoo, you won't be needing it anymore.Start eating fish for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and take out a second mortgage on your house so you can buy as many gold chains as you can to wear around your neck.
Once you've reached peak Greekdom, you'll actually ascend directly into heaven and sit beside Justinian I and make creepy comments to women on the beach together.
A lot of these are memes that apply to westerners, not greeks. Unclean, personal debt (government debt =/= personal) because of housing crisis, student loans, low rates of house ownership etc. The chain thing is an albanian/central balkan thing, not greek. What you're thinking of is charms hanging from the top of the car. The hair thing is about right. Also listening to shitty pop stars.
Convert, move to Hellas, and then try to re-establish the Byzantine Empire. Raise awareness among Turks of their Hellenic heritage, and get them to embrace that culture.
>How do I cure myself of being a Byzaboo?
You don't, you go farther
>take advantage of the instability in Crimea and the rest of Ukraine
>hire mercenaries, maybe even become Russian puppet state
>declare the reviving of the Empire of Trebizond with yourself as Emperor
>start funding forces in Syria in opposition to Turkey and IS IS
congrats, you're now a Byzantine
>and get them to embrace that culture
can't tame a rabid dog
why do orthocucks constantly delete my picture?
face it you pseudo greeks. your judeo cult and shitty empire has nothing to do with superior ancient hellenic culture
>Raise awareness among Turks of their Hellenic heritage
My great grandfather once locked up a whole Pontic Greek village in a church and set the church on fire.
If you said this to my face in real life, no one could save you from me. I'd probably break your arm or leg. Or maybe kill you.
And no. We do not have any "hellenic" heritage. Greeks themselves are barely hellenic.
You Byzaboos are subhuman dogs.
stay Greek
stay sub-human
stay NOT Roman.
meant for
Uhh... you do realise this shows Turks are much closer to cypriot greeks and southern europeans than central asians, right? Turks are truly mindless dogs.
Cypriot "Greeks" are Levantine mutts. Besides they weren't in Anatolia.
Sure, but they are southern europeans. And there are also southern italians. There's no way you can LARP as central asian based on that plot. Only as Greco-Asian mutt, maybe.
Cypriot Greeks and ancient Cypriots in general got literally genocided by jews during the Roman era, what you see now there are mostly Jews mixed with Turks
No they're not
First: Not all Central Asians same
Second: Turkmens are not in the pca plot who are way more Caucasoid than Uzbeks and Hazaras
Lmao, sure thing turko-mutt, just like how greeks were replaced by turks, right? Whether you like it or not, turks are european mutts, the runt of the litter. And now you're roleplaying as Turkmen, even though you're closer to europeans than any central asian.
Same goes for , some turkmen are closer to caucasus but a lot of them cluster with Uzbeks, which we can see on the previous plot. Why are you trying to steal these people's identity?
Let me make the things easier for you to understand, hellenized Syrian
made me think of pic related immediately
Jesus christ...
>Turks from Aydin
>LITERALLY in the middle of greeks and turkmens
>LITERALLY a greco-asian mutt, like I said
How much in denial are you?
you're the mutt here byzaboo i can trace my heritage back to wakanda
Yes for most people that’s a negative.
Maybe for retards in the US and the other (((banker))) controlled countries. In places like Italy, Spain, and Greece, fascism doesn't have the stigma it does in the rest of Europe.
he was 2good4this world desu.
Lol ok
Great comeback. Let me guess, you're some entitled college brat in the US who has never been to another country outside of a resort or tourist trap and think you know shit about the world? Italians and Spaniards especially do not give a fuck about fascism. When you talk to older Spaniards, the majority of them liked or are indifferent to Franco. Only angsty C*talan communists and American libtards get butthurt about him.
Despite what shitposters and underage polsters say, it should be mentioned that Greece is definitely not a "shithole", depending on what you define that by. It is still ahead of Eastern European countries today which some autists tend to idolise hypocritically, yes, even with the denbndnts. Like any other place in the world, if you have money, you can live lioe a king. Just don't live in the 3 big cities (Athens, Thessalonica, Patras), find a nice coastal area with a comfy town, which Greece does not lack what so ever, and take short trips to a multitude of Byzantine cultural spots, such as Mt. Athos, Thessalonica churches, Mystras and many islands. If you want I can specifically name some great places for you to immerse yourself in or settle.
>it's not a shithole cuz it's better than Belarus!
Damn, I guess I got BTFO. As everyone knows, Eastern Europe is considered a cultural and economic powerhouse. If Greece is better off than them, that's saying something.
Do it
My dream is to move to a comfy village one day
Greece lags behind in some aspects compared to the rest of the western world, comparing it to Belaruss is petty, as the situation is nowhere near as dire as Belaruss, which is one of the poorest countries in Eastern Europe. Greece is very much a first world country where people can afford to stuff themselves in restaurants on weekends and buy their kids a ps4 while also keeping up with their expenses relatively comfortably. There is trouble in infrastructure, banking and unemployment, which constitute the main issues in Greece, very much like Portugal and the rest of the Mediterranean. I for a fact know you've never been and all you will do is act retarded because you took some memes too seriously, but the fact stands that Greece ranks towards the top for livable countries right after it's western counterparts and is much more livable than any eastern european """utopia""" that constantly gets blown out of proportion.
Why the fuck are you giving him attention? Greece is a shithole, don't come here, we have enough tourists as it is.
The first a tragedy, the second a farce.
t. Karl the Cuck
I'm just fed up with the underage morons that plague this board with their half assed knowledge based on memes and race bait.
It's just /int/ turks you retard, stop giving them the time of day and learn how to trigger them instead. Talk shit about their shithole empire or their delusional turkic identity and they'll sperg out. People that like greece will like it regardless of whether you write an essay defending it on some obscure Veeky Forums thread.
I know you may find this hard to believe, but there are people besides Turks who hate Greeks.
I was counting nordcucks when I said turks, considering the state of your countries.
Really? That's weird, because Norway is over 90% white, the majority of which are ethnic Norwegians. Greece, on the other hand, is like 25% migrants/non-Greeks. You're well on your way to being an honorary 56% country, Turkish rape-baby.
Damn I did not mean to rile you up like that. Anyway, I'm sorry your country is white, nothing I can do about that. On the other hand, you should be happy to know that every arriving immigrant here wants to go to Norway, so there is that. They will be kept in concentration camps until we can open the borders and let them spill into Europe.
>so much hate for your spiritual and biological father
Good joke Mehmetopoulos.
>t. Anatolian mutt
why are you a b*zzboo to begin with? its reddit: the empire
ive been there, its a borderline third world shithole filled with turks
Reddit: the empire would be any catholic or otherwise western european empire. The ERE is largely overlooked by western historians because its people lived far better than muh enlightened western world, it made them look bad. In other words it's the contrarian's option, aka /our empire/.
>quoting Xenophon, the man who said that Greeks were more dark-skinned than Persians
Slavic rapebaby please go
And what would that make the Greeks?
Perverted mycenaeans that were corrupted by perverted minoans, who were in turn corrupted by perverted egyptians and hitties.
But where does corruption end? Or rather, where does it start?
It's literal paradise, what the fuck are you smoking?
You've been to pol and nowhere else you poor ass incel
do what interests you, OP.
it's okay to really like something.
It starts with civilization. The WHORE OF BABYLON.
It's Xenophanes who says it not Xenophon
> Later Xenophanes of Colophon described the Aethiopians as black and the Persian troops as white compared to the sun-tanned skin of Greek troops.[10]
Yes those been go to Athos, but from what I hear they often leave or are recommended to other monasteries. The atmosphere is just too Greek for most people. I know the documentary you are talking about, but from what I've heard from other Orthodox, only Greeks really feel at home there. My choir director was there 13 years (Greek).
I think it has to do with the fact that most monks there speak greek and little else.
Mt. Athos is multi-culti as fuck and you would know with if you bothered to learn the first thing about the pilgrimage.
You have nothing real in your life so you adopt an escape fantasy
Clean your room
Can't run to the embassy with no kneecaps
It's got like 2 Russian and 1 Bulgarian skete. It's not that multi ethnic. They only let 100 people in a month...
They don't even have an Arabic monastery.
The official languages of mt. Athos are Greek, Bulgarian, Georgian, Russian, Romanian and Serbian. Each of those ethnicities have at least one of their own monastery complexes, mt. Athos also houses Amerimutt monks and other such far flung Orthodox communities. It's multi-culti to say the least, not to mention that there's even been some Catholic priests from Iberia visiting out of curiosity
They share a culture user.
Coptic, then I fly away on my magic carpet
There is no cure, only the one true Apostolic faith and the Lord our God's representative on this Earth, the true Roman Emperor, at the head of the Kingdom of Heaven on this Earth seated in Mary and Constantine's Holy City, Constantinople.
They share a religion and some of them share a linguistic bond, that's about it. Orthodoxy is as regional as it gets when it comes to aesthetics.
why do I feel like I've heard this joke before
The languages yes, but the official languages of each monastery is different. There is one Romanian (or Bulgarian, I'm not sure which) monastery and one Russian. Now there are some smaller sketes with other official languages, but nothing on the scale of the main 15
Literally who
Move to's the only legitimate successor to the Byzantine empire