How powerful would the Central Powers have been if the US joined in their side rather than the Allies in WWI ?
How powerful would the Central Powers have been if the US joined in their side rather than the Allies in WWI ?
They would have literally just won the war. Both sides were fairly evenly matched before the US got involved.
US takes all the Entente colonies in the Western Hemisphere
The US would quickly overrun Canada and take everything in the Caribbean, and then intimidate the rest of the Americas into trade submission through seaborne interdictions and financial pressure. The Japanese would have been intimidated out of their operations in the Med, and likely wouldn't have challenged the Germans in Asia. German forces in Africa would have been well supplied and even more effective than they were. The above would be the minimum we'd expect in this timeline.
They could take Canada but the US navy was a joke until after WW1. They probably wouldn't be able to support the central powers financially or militarily in Europe. Their major contribution would be an economic effect on Britain and France whose economies probably wouldn't survive without imports from the Americas which might be enough to give Germany the victory after a few years of fighting. It wouldn't be in the economic interests of the USA either, their shipments can't reach the central powers so they might suffer their own economic backlash by cutting off the European market.
The us could always you know build more ships?
It would have almoat certainly meant the central powers would win. Think about how indebt the Allies were to the Americans by the end of the war. If the Americans put their economic might behind the axis instead it would.likely have tipped the scales the other way. But it would take time for America to build a navy
>US navy was a joke until after WW1.
3rd most powerful fleet in the world
it definitely would have fucked up alot of shit.
germany + USA would outnumber britain in dreads and put britain in deep doo doo.
imagine american troops landing in africa, conquering britains colonies.
ships shutting down all british trade in the atlantic
It would've been impossible for the Allies to win. At best they could dig in defensively and try to hold out until 1919-20
>USA could’ve conquered the entire western hemispheric + half of the eastern hemisphere
>instead they chose the 56% fate
A hostile USA means Britain concedes immediately. They have literally no domestic oil production to speak of, meaning no navy, no tanks, no trucks, no civilian economy really. They imported everything from the United States, Venezuela, and later Mexico.
Would they even be able to land troops in Europe? Germany was under naval blockade by the British.
Yeah that guys got his timing off a bit. USN was in a terrible shape from the 1880-1900s, to the point that a lot of senior naval officers were scared the US would likely lose a naval war to Brazil. The US’s victory in the Spanish American war and the need to police the empire in the Philippines and Carribean made sure that changed quickly, however.
Britain would probably pull out of the war as they got good trade deals with USA. France would get gobbled up by the German empire, Japan would lose it's territory to the USA and Europe would probably stay like that for a while
I will note, again, that no US and Venezuelan oil means Britain literally cannot run its fleet. Or its economy. Britain also imports some 70% of its food at the time, a lot of it from Canada. Canada, which has no military to speak of in 1914 and a hostile great power on its border that can economically seal it off from Britain.
This won't be a war, it'll be a refugee crisis.
i would rather be a nigger than let g*rmany have anything nice.
Probably powerful enough to win the war. It's hard to say though. Butterfly effect and whatnot.
>tfw america never joined the central powers
>No american empire with cuba and canada
>The ottomans will never make sure the middle east isnt a shitshow
>Austria hungary will never rise again
Yo. We need a word filter on Veeky Forums for the term "if."
t. Phillip II
Germany would have starved at somepoint though. France would also be utterly depleted by the end and Britain would probably be entity reliant on colonials and conscripts.
>British Canada is most definitely fucked
>Naval War become much much much more important and interesting
Germany would still be fucked due to supplies and famine unless USA managed to successfully supply Germany through Ottoman Empire, but brits would never allow that.
No matter who wins, US would unironically become a giant empire in America.
dont even need to land anywhere, just stop giving europoors handouts
There wasn't any chance of that, there was no inclination to go to war at all in the United States, it was European foolishness. Involvement only became a reality when the German Empire sank our shipping without cause, and sent overtures to Mexico conspiring aid in conquering our southwest.
They wouldn’t need to. The UK was fighting a war by using American loans which they then used to buy American shells and supplies.
Would take too long, war only lasted like 4 years, might have been enough to disrupt British and French trade and alloy the German navy to occasionally escort convoys of supplies, but naval superiority isn’t feasable in such a short time.
The United States could cripple the Entente without doing anything militarily. All they would have to do is cut off trade with Britain, France, and Russia for the duration of the war. This alone would doom the Entente, and ensure a victory for the Central Powers.
However, doing something like that would likely cause a massive recession in the United States. The American public would be very confused as to why they were being made to endure economic hardship, especially since the United States had very little to gain from the prospect of a Central Powers victory. It therefore seems terribly unlikely that the US government would side with the Central Powers, especially after the ghastly events of 1915 leaked out to the international press.
You are already a nigger, user
>Germany would still be fucked due to supplies and famine unless USA managed to successfully supply Germany through Ottoman Empire, but brits would never allow that.
The bongs were dependent on the Japanese to intervene in the Med, but the US threat would remove that and force the nips home. It'd be the bongs and frogs who would be subject to supply issues now, not Germany.