Money isn't created from thin air. For everyone making gains, someone is losing money. Wall Street traders needed a way to extract money from the peasants, who were no longer putting money in the stock market. Enter Bitcoin. Normies are handing their life savings over for magic internet beans. Once they blow this bubble up as far as they can, all capital will be extracted. This might take months or years. It'll be a blood bath. Don't forget - the exits are narrow. Don't get caught out
Bitcoin is a scam, you're all falling for it
nocoiners gtfo.
>that nocoiner cope
Enjoy your poverty.
>Money isn't created from thin air.
lol, bitcoin isn't. fiat though...
Nigguh pleez
It's been said time and time again, you're not going to FUD me this time I'm going all in.
Man why bother? You're talking to retarded weeabo teenagers who have no clue.
bitcoin is a scam, sell and buy alts
t. salty nocoiner
>Money isn't created from thin air
Serious question, are you mentally challenged? Fiat is LITERALLY created from thin air. They just print more whenever they feel like it. Wtf is wrong with you?
>money isn't created from thin air
Have you ever heard of the federal reserve? The elimination of the gold standard?
>no longer putting money in the stock market.
Literally all the same people who invested in stock markets still are. Bitcoin attracts doomsdayers, libertarians, anarchists, criminals, speculators, entrepreneurs, etc. Risk seekers. Not """safe""" coddled regulated wall st markets with 2-5% yearly gains which MAYBE matches inflation.
this, why do people not realize that bitcoin price is driven by what miners are willing to sell it for
>Money isn't created from thin air.
I refuse to believe this isnt bait
>doesnt understand that printing more money drives up inflation
you teenage weaboo faggots have no idea how finances work, If the US Government came out with a policy that no more dollar bills will be printed (only damaged ones replaced) do you think that would change the the cost of services or just the purchasing power of a single dollar?
its got nothing to do with miners, they just mine valid blocks and get free bitcoins to dump or save. they have a tiny tiny amount of money traded every day
>implying the kikes would allow this
Inflation is popular among the elite because they get the money first and spend while it is still at previous value. Meanwhile the money in your bank depreciates and savings rates don't match inflation anymore. The only way to do that is to risk it in the stock market with minimal reward.
The red pill is accepting that no currency is worth tomorrow what it is worth today.
It has to do with our current economic system of riding on the future generation, each generation pays for the previous, that is why we always have to have higher birth rates because we spend more than we earn. That is why our homelands are being stuffed with migrants, because we arent having enough children. We are a parasite and will continue to grow under this system until it collapses and we kill the host.
Always grow user, don't stagnate. BTC may possibly be an answer, but everyone ITT is riding on the possibility that it will be worth more tomorrow than today.
“Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”
Hasn't always been that way. There is a reason the West is failing right now and one of the primary reasons is central banking cartels.
Cryptos are mined, so they are not created out of thin air.
Forks of existing coins on the other hand are comparable to creating money out of thin air imo.
Ok smartass
You know its a bubble
You know it will inflate for months at least
So it is all in for 3 months then isnt it. Free money according to your logic.
You dont even believe shit you regurgitate
Dude, the reward for a block is now 12.4 bitcoins. And those are mined every 10 minutes. That's 100k US by the way, that is not chump change.