What were some of the most one sided historical battles?

What were some of the most one sided historical battles?

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me and your mum

one-sided indeed


>le pretending to not know how to read posting


That's literally Winter War tier. Machine gunners stopping because they are coming to terms and contemplating the sheer mass murder of humanity from such easy targets...

Helluva time!


This one is legit hilarious. Guess this is what the Bulgarians deserved for relying on Ukrainians.

If you would like to get technical, all of those "wars" where someone (usually the USA) just pasted someone from the air (or ships) while they have literally no ability to retaliate. Iraq, Serbia, Syria, Libya, Yemen...

Alright, go on. You're here, I'm here, go and explain in detail how airstrikes or naval bombardment won a war. C'mon, the floor is yours.


>spend months upon months navigating to the theater
>this happens at the end of your journey

reading about Tsushima is always a guilty pleasure of mine

Every time I read about it or see it mentioned, I just shake my head and smile.


>muh memedesia

i'll go with the Battle of the Wabash.

Battle of Cannae.


portugal was so based back in the day

i fixed it 4 u

>When you invade an abandoned island, hit a mine and then your troops decide to shoot eachother in the fog

>1000 armed slaves

Reminds me of pic related

What is it about the Portuguese that inspires the KARA BOGA to fight by his side?

I'm guessing they promise the slaves copious amounts of piri piri chicken if they fight





Far cry from the 10k meme.

>colonial powers mowing down savages with spears
wow such a mighty victory