Do the French also share In the rivalry against England as the English do?
In English comedy, there's alot of offhand remarks against the French, but do the French reflect this, both now and historically?
French and English rivalry
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No, not really. The main rival are the Germans, which is funny because at the same time they're meant to be the new best partner of France. Cue comedians making jokes about how our presidents are sexual slaves to Angela Merkel.
Success breeds jealously.
The British keep the old enemy meme alive mostly because the French are the baddies in Hornblower.
No, shitting on the French is a national sport in Britain, but in France nobody really cares about Britain/the english.French people see the us, Germany and China as their main rivals.
>Do the French also share In the rivalry against England as the English do?
Not really
Since World War 1 and even a bit before we don't think of the British as rivals
I guess this would have been a bit more true a long time ago, especially in the times of New France, but contrarily to England, France is surrounded by 3 other big powers so England was never really the first of our worries. Since the growing of nationalism and the unification of Germany, Germany is considered a rival.
>In English comedy, there's alot of offhand remarks against the French, but do the French reflect this, both now and historically?
anglos are obsessed with based frogs who only care about the eternal teutons
We care much more about Germany. Who doesn't care quite as much.
It's a tsundere unrequited love triangle.
Anglo here.
It's just banter, nobody actually hates the French. At least normal people don't, you might get a couple autists here but the average English person doesn't.
We've been allied since the Crimean war.
That being said the French autists here are making me hate the French more and more everyday.
This desu
On here it seems like every frog hates us a*nglo this a*nglo that
Yet I rarely ever see a bong insult frogs like that outside of banter
I think it’s just that the French here are underage
Why are China and the US rivals to France?
They're not close, nor similar, nor do they have s history of conflict
Getmany I get, but Germany has only existed since like the end of the 19th century, and prussia was only relevant to france from end of the 18th century
It is banter though.
I hate the eternal Anglo here but I liked England and the english when I went there.
Your girls are ugly IRL though.
>Your girls are ugly IRL though.
We're all ugly here. It's the price for world dominance
>history of conflict
Brits make a big deal out of medieval history but to us what happened before the revolution might as well have happened to a different country.
Bayeux tapestry is just another historical artefact in France.
We don't make comics about our victories in the hundred years war.
Scots talk much more about that Auld Alliance than we do.
Don't the French take any pride in their historical victories? They are after all the most militarily successful European nation.
England vs France is just an over exaggerated family feud. There hasnt been an English monarch since Harold Godwinson.
>English monarch since Harold Godwinson.
What are the English, but a mixture of many ethnicities?
Not really, people don't know much about history and when they do it's often quite critical of it.
Verdun is still well known but seen as madness and Waterloo/Trafalgar are probably better known than Austerlitz and Iena thanks to Anglo cultural hegemony.
For the revolutionary and Napoleonic wars, a bit. For WWI, we take pride in our resilience.
All other wars either seem too unjust to take pride in, or too far-removed from us as a people, or were not victorious.
medieval mutts
>Native Britons
White Europeans
White Europeans
>Nordic Invaders
White Europeans
White Europeans
White Europeans
White Europeans
Do you want me to go on or are you content with being a fucking idiot?
thats not true. people in Takaka,NZ seem to really hate the french, mostly for pooing in bushes it seems.
Somebody make a yuri anime about personified countries in relationships, falling in love and getting divorced based on historical timeline or just make them do cute things while being tsundere and pervy about it.
Unironically true. They assimilate everything, William the conqueror was English
I would say British men are qt as fuck compared to continentals
Well only the southern men
You seems to forget how cucked we are bong . There is no people in the world that hate itself more than us . German swallow it by working but since we work less we have plenty of time to self hate us
French cannot take pride of the monarchy because of the revolution and republic we are still in the childlish vision republic is good revolution the best thing ever and monarchy is bad
Even us southerners are pretty ugly.
There was an article about how brits are among the ugliest people in the world
I want to fuck China from Hetalia.
It's kinda over now, but it was truly the greatest rivalry ever
>all those blues
The rivalry still exists in Rugby
>hundred year war is just one "french victory"
>other wars chopped up nicely
it's pro-frog bollocks mate don't take it seriously
Yeah, but out of the three phases of the HYW, you lost two.
This. England has always been the shitposter in the corner meddling when France or germany’s attention is elsewhere.
>takes over the world
Gee sorry it doesn't compare to the galactic French Empire
A true Frenchman will never hate an Englishman, despite all the wars and all the anti-bong anti-frog contents on the internet I will always see this as pure bants. When you look at history you start to see how France and England could have been one country, one people. An union between those two great countries would have been the best thing that would have happened on earth.
The whole reason you went and started conquering primitives is because you got your asses thoroughly pushed back after the Hundred Years’ War and has no choice but to look elsewhere for glory since France and Germany were much larger and more powerful mainland powers, France and Germany are still more relevant in Europe and they always have been.
Even if you "chop off" the HYW, it gives two French victories and one English one
So the ratio won't change much
Not really. Perfidious Albion is perfidious Albion, but the real rival and threat has always been the Germans. You’re the early game antagonist that ends up tagging along, Germans are the final boss. You’re never been powerful enough (in Europe, of course) to really be a threat and by the time of the maximum expansion of the empire you were usually an allyish.
In Europe, England was a secondary power. Population too small, politically stableish but divided, not enough ressources to make too much of a difference.
>the hundred years' war caused British imperial expansion
user i..
You make it seem like being irrelevant in europe is surprising for an Island nation.
Even then England still gets involved in European conflicts such as the seven years war and Napoleonic wars both of which Britain played the leading role
Bit gay, but thanks pierre, you too
>You make it seem like being irrelevant in europe is surprising for an Island nation
As if that was an excuse
Japan, an island nation, conquered almost all of Asia
Meanwhile, Brits could never conquer Europe
The closest you ever came from that is the pic you posted, aka your French kings retaining their ancestral lands while simultaneously owning England
That's not the Angevin empire.
Also Europe is far more developed than Asia so such an invasion is difficult. Also Japan got nowhere near to conquering asia, stop exaggerating, they took the fragmented and underdeveloped parts of Manchuria, Vietnam, Indonesia and some other places.
One, if you're going to call the British empire an 'empire of dirt' then you can call the Japanese empire an 'empire of shit' that lasted 10 years.
Also France's 'conquest' of Europe ended pretty quickly after losing a war to Britain.
Next time think before you type
Agreed user. It's been proven that the original Brits were black after all.
We still are nigga
>played the leading role
>almost never land troops besides the critical point instead
It's like americans claiming they carried both world wars. Anglos are clinically retarded.
>Also France's 'conquest' of Europe ended pretty quickly after losing a war to Britain
Looks like you mispelled "Russia"
The USA was instrumental in funding and supplying the war effort as was Britain in aiding the allies in the seven years war and napoleonic wars. Plus the naval aid supplied
Russia never conquered Europe
Russia did save Europe from Napoleon
Unlike Britain
The British contingent was second largest in napoleonic wars, but navy was the largest, plus they contributed most financial aid
And how does funding make england play a leading role? Come on, bro.
>The British contingent was second largest in napoleonic wars
Top kek
Even worse. That’s your Bourgignon allies controlling most of the land put as English and recognising as heir to the French king the possible future son of the king of England and a French princess. And then as soon as an agreement was reached with the Burgundians you lost all that land.
>Russia destroyed the last hope of Europe
Go to 'financing the war'
You need to be 18 or older to browse this site. You're literally using one battle to equate to the wars.
I mean the uk is more powerful than France
Maybe you should start from step one?
>the uk is more powerful than France
Not really
Both are America's bitches
Cop out
Guys please. This bickering is out of place.
England, disregarding the perfidy, we both know you did your best, and you did well too.
Isn't that enough ? No need to fight anymore.
>taking it seriously
Please, newfag
You guys were in third place behind Russia and the Germans. The HRE took most of the beating, England has their channel to protect themselves from the wrath of the republican army, the holy Roman emperor did not. Far more Germanic lives were given to topple Napoleon than British lives.