what happened after Rome left Britain, like how did the Anglo-Saxons take over from the local populations?
any good books on the period?
What happened after Rome left Britain, like how did the Anglo-Saxons take over from the local populations?
There are competing theories.
The literature written a couple of centuries after the "events" state that the Romano British King/'s hired mercinaries from the Jutes to help them quell the Picts. They liked what they saw and called more from the continent into Britain and pushed the Britons back into Wales and Cornwall.
Good Youtube video on this; youtube.com
Another theory is that through trade and small amounts of migration the culture changed to that of what we now call Anglo-Saxon.
Both have evidence going for them. We quite frankly don't know.
>Good Youtube video on this; youtube.com
Literally r*ddit-tier historian.
And your 200k+ sub history channel is...?
If you're going to attack something, don't do it with an ad hominen. Back up your keyboard warrior-ing.
The first question is undergoing revision. Traditionally it was thought that the Anglo-Saxons invaded and displaced/genocided the natives, but recently using genetic studies, historians suggest that the Anglo-Saxons intermarried with the Britons and a process of acculturation took place in the face of the more war-like invaders
I'm sorry
Hilbert is surprisingly accurate for a YouTube historian.
t. somebody with a masters in the period
>a fucking tumlr reaction gif
>reddit spacing
fuck off
Podcast on the exact subject you’re looking for. Pretty top notch.
This is what they say happened with the Picts with the Gaels too.
>Literally r*ddit-tier historian.
Just because he has sub par animation and cheesy puns? The guy is good at explaining things fairly accurately. He also said zwarte piet isn't racist so he's most definitely not reddit
>Pretentious Disney gif from Tumblr
>Reddit spacing
The beginning of A Short History of the English People by John Richard Green is good for this
>English peoples (pre-british settlement) and Picts had been raiding the coasts of England prior to the end of Roman rule on the island
>all legions were called out
>Picts immediately pillaged the lands
>local romanized britons called for aid from English peoples
>English helped and in turn was permitted limited and sparse settlement
>English were like yeah fuck nah, continued to settle and push the britones to the fringes of the island through continual warfare and settlement of more inland regions through rivers
there's other theories like
said, where the settlement was more peaceful through settlements of mixed briton and anglo-saxon culture, but it doesn't sound nearly as cool so i ignore it
The Germans and Danes were merely the nobility of Britain and didn't replace the Cheddarniggers, thus they disapeared after the French conquered England.
What remain now is a mixed-race of Cheddarniggers, French, Danes, and Germans, this strange thing is know as Englishman.
Haha look mummy I made the lulz again
Eh, a lot of his info on the Picts is very dated. Matrilineal succession is a meme.
I'm serious tho
Then you're retarded.
Cheddar mans a western hunter gatherer not a celt.
Why do speak about things you don't know anything about?
oy vey, dont tell me about my own history, goyim
Say these slurs all you want, but we all know now that Britain was a black land, and was settled by black people
What the fuck is up with Wessex
>tumblr gif
>rddit spacing
>thinking sub count = quality