What the fuck is their problem? They got memed as some kind of elite by who knows who but were hated by literally everyone and were considered to be lazy coward niggers.
Why do whiteys copy the TÜRK MAN costume?
>upon conquering Algeria, faggot French are "amazed" by the shitty attire the ragtag Ottoman army wears
>faggot French decide to imitate their "uniform"
>it's the mid 19th century, and faggot French are still believed to be the "greatest army in the world" because of the Napoleonic Wars
>because of that, tons of countries across the world decide to imitate French uniforms
And this is how you end up with American troops wearing some shitty Tukish attire as uniform during the Civil War
Thank Pierre
It's worth keeping in mind that at the start of the US Civil War, there were tons of privately owned regiments where some random rich guy decided to recruit and outfit a force of troops. So there were plenty of meme uniforms based on whatever the founder thought looked cool.
It wasn't until the later half of the war that everyone was wearing the classic blue or grey uniforms that we now think of as Civil War uniforms.
Could you post some sources on those meme uniforms?
I'm interested to see them
Colonial troops were memed as "elite" in a sense that they were the first to be thrown into a meat grinder.
>be Nazi Germany in 1940
>create combat outfit composed of thugs and criminals "convicted of major crimes such as premeditated murder, rape, arson and burglary"
>"terrifying rabble" of "cut-throats, renegades, sadistic morons, and cashiered rejects from other units"
>unit turns out to be an almost comical band of fuckups who were kicked out of every major field command they were assigned to and whose most noteworthy achievement was sadism and brutality that appalled even the most notorious architects of the Holocaust
>be Louisiana in 1861
>create combat outfit composed of “the lowest scum of the lower Mississippi...adventurous wharf rats, thieves, and outcasts...and bad characters generally”
> the worst men I ever saw…. I understand that they are mostly wharf rats from New Orleans, and Major Wheat is the only man who can do anything with them. They were constantly fighting with each other. They were always ready to fight, and it made little difference to them who they fought.”
>unit turns out to be one of the best in the Confederate Army, earning a legendary reputation for being utterly fearless and hard-fighting, becoming the Army of Northern Virginia's premiere shock troops alongside the Texas and Stonewall Brigades
Where did we get it so right where the Krauts got it so wrong?
Did they fear the Southern Warrior?
Bonus question: What would happen if a nine month pregnant Anne Frank mysteriously teleported into the middle of a Confederate Army camp of Louisiana Tigers?
Would they be courtly Southern gentlemen and take her to meet General Lee? Sing Bonnie Blue flag and Rose of Alabamy by the campfire with her? Share their sweet tea and hardtacks with her? Teach her to do the Rebel Yell?
1st Special Battalion Louisiana
14th Regiment New York State Militia
The actual Ottoman uniform it was based on look so much better desu
11th New York Infantry
5th New York Volunteer Infantry
Washington Artillery (based out of New Orleans)
140th New York Volunteer Infantry
2nd Maryland Infantry (Confederate States)
69th New York State Militia Company K
oh shit i remember these guys, they were from Long Island. the only non-pussies to ever come from this shitty corner of New York.
Ending with my personal favorite, Charleston Zouve Cadets
Thanks for these
Most of these seem based on the French uniforms of the era
South Americans too copied the French in the 19th century
Then when the Prussians defeated France in 1871, South Americans started to copy Prussian uniforms
>faggot French decide to imitate their "uniform"
but fucking why?
They're french
Because these pants looks comfy as fuck
May I ask what resources these pics came from? You sort of gave me an idea for a class project, if that's okay with you
>accept random faggots into the army, many of whom have never touched a rifle before
>train them for approximately 10 days
>tell them the war will be over in a month and like 5 people will die
>throw them into pic related
>wow we never expected this how could this have happened!
le epic exotic fashion honhonhon
Don Troiani Bradley Schmehl washingtonartillery.com
You should make a collage with a blurb caption underneath each. Too good not to combine.
thanks man
not gonna lie, Veeky Forums af