ITT: too good for this world
ITT: too good for this world
fucking fag let the shaw getting overthrown, hence starting the long liberal conspiracy of ruining america thru wars in the middle east, its all the jews
What a dumb fag you are.
>hence starting the long liberal conspiracy of ruining america thru wars in the middle east, its all the jews
Last non-war criminal US president
Last one that does not to deserve to be spat on.
I'm not even being ironic.
Based Jimmy Carter
Your serious ? I taught he was a shit president and reagan save the day America is Back etc...
He's told to be a shit president because he didn't expand federal overreach which is usually how presidents are judged to be good or bad. Also there was the hostage situation which made him look weak in his lack of action, but it was his lack of action which might of been what saved them in the end. (Though he did try a rescue mission but it failed due to a sandstorm before it even managed to start)
The man managed to cut back on many federal agencies that outlived their usefulness and was actually fiscally responsible.
He was the real one who killed the soviet union by setting the groundwork and Reagan just came along and took all the credit.
He was also extremly devoted to his creed of human rights which was what his whole administration was about and actually practiced what he preached in and out of the white house.
He also stood against the intelligence agencies because he learned that our 4th amendment rights were being violated and tried to restore them (but he ultimately failed according to his recent book)
He managed to actually set the milestone for peace in the middle east between Egypt and Israel which is really what the USA should be doing rather then destroying it.
Pardons draft dodgers who avoided a war that was started all based on lies to the American people.
Deregulated the airlines for the common man to fly places around the world.
The man who actually had a reasonable healthcare plan all set in place but Ted Kennedy was a jealous dick and opposed Carter and Carter didn't cave into Kennedys demands because he considered them to be too expensive.
Worked to push Americans towards energy conservation and alternative energy routes.
Was in the army and served on a nuclear submarine.
Actually told the truth to the American people which they couldn't handle.
Carter was the true last man who I believe has the honor to be called the president.
This a thousand times desu
Some of his derregulation was good, he actually lowered prices for some services, but there should be more anti-trust, anti-merger, anti-consolidation laws. How can there be competition between corporations if some airports only have one airline operating there?
Market-based economies need restrictions to prevent abuses by those that would undermine the advantages of market-based economies.
too pure for this world
Wekling. I know, I shook his hand back in '76. Weak soft handshake.Yep,tells the whole story.
Jimmy was good lad
He was just a club-footed sperg who wanted to study history.
patron saint of Veeky Forums
I miss him
Wasn't so great when he was funding that genocide the Indonesians were carrying out in East Timor
>>In a nation that was proud of hard work, strong families, close-knit communities, and our faith in God, too many of us now tend to worship self-indulgence and consumption. Human identity is no longer defined by what one does, but by what one owns. But we've discovered that owning things and consuming things does not satisfy our longing for meaning. We've learned that piling up material goods cannot fill the emptiness of lives which have no confidence or purpose.
He was right about everything. I am so sorry Jimmy
>hey guys, maybe our consumption-based economy is making us overly materialistic and harming the environment
he was the last one where the jews weren't in total control. after him the jews coopted the religious right, brought on ronny reagan and have never let go ever since
America's first neoliberal president, a real hero
t. person that watched an entire hour of Noam Chomsky speaking
Wasted trips, the man you should be raging at is none other than Red Ronnie himself
An excellent rebuttal.
>Carter is responsible for a genocide that began before he was president, funded by agencies that are hardly even accountable to him
Uhhhh... Huey was an asshole
>fearmongered against nuclear, helped put the u.s. behind in energy
Pic related
All of this. If the oil situation hadn't happened he wouldn't get nearly the kind of flak he does.
It's like we tried to elect Mr. Rogers.
In the preface of history is should be noted that all good thing never end only stop existing in their own form but a new one
Plus it's not like Carter is dead, he's still kicking.