Why is it that americans are so obsessed with race and feel like that's the cause of all their problems? How come classism and the like are NEVER discussed there?
Why is it that americans are so obsessed with race and feel like that's the cause of all their problems...
because neoliberals base their ideas on social issues around race, gender, religion, and sexuality, while conservatives ignore social issues entirely
Because the elite don't want the eyes drawn to them, so they try to divide the proletariat by having them focus on race.
Identity politics has been embraced and propagated by the elite not because it's an effective means of bringing about social change, because it allows them to lead a divided populace around by the nose, having neutered them. Look at the latest Black Panther movie. Look at the irreverent celebration of a black commercial icon. People gallivanting and singing hallelujah as if this is a massive event of religious significance. And of course, if you buy into progressivism, which is a direct descendant of the Christian memeplex, it really is a religion.
In short: it was discussed during the early 20th century and late 19th century, but unlike in European countries (which were not melting pots) the elite were able to use the diversity of America as a weapon against the lower class. This isn't unique to American democracy though. Democracy in general has a race problem with ethnic voting blocks. American nationalism nearly overcame ethnic pressures, but we're regressing now from a "melting pot" to a "tossed salad" which is dumb, because a society needs a cohesive, shared identity if it is to succeed. Anything less results an severe infighting, as we can see from history, and around us now.
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
Pic related.
Questioning our overlords is wrongthink.
You wouldn't want to be like those stupid ess jay doubleyous right?
Compensation for being the least white of Western nations
Both of those groups are Neolibrals digus.
And the conservatives have been a party built on virtue signaling and Identity politics since the 80s,
>I have no idea what a neoliberal is
I don't think many American "neoliberals" know either.
We have a jewish infestation who's existence depends on white goyim focusing on their distractions like blacks or mexicans or muslims. Remove the following from the U.S and white goyim will begin to notice the jewish subversion in their country. Multiculturalism is all about creating as many distractions so the goyim dont realize whats going on until its too late.
Good post user
Mexican isn't a race. Muslim isn't a race. Gay/trans/genderfluid is not a race. Ghetto black culture and those infected by it are not a race.
People having shit cultures beliefs or attitudes is not a race.
>How come classism and the like are NEVER discussed there?
Because we constantly point out that people can become successful if they stop being shit. Classism shouldn't be an issue here because you can move up in class. Those who defend shit cultures and claim everything is about race are the same people making it harder and harder for good people to raise themselves up.
I agree, it's insane, coming from a multiracial country and being of mixed background myself it baffles me that they have to state a race in their license and census. Here, more than racism there's a lot of classism.
Mexicans are a hybrid of whites and meztizos so yes they are a race, muslims means west asian race dumbass.
>hybrid of whites and meztizos so yes they are a race
No. Mexican is a nationality. There are indian mexicans and there are pure european Mexicans. You're thinking of mestizos.
>muslims means west asian race dumbass.
No it means people who follow the religion of Islam.
>muslims means west asian race dumbass.
>This is your brain on Stormfront and Race Realism.
Mexicans in the US are the hybrids though, there are barely any native mexicans left.
>follow the religion of Islam
No it means west asian race in politically context you stupid fuck, when people say muslim in our media they arent referring to somalis they are referring to Pakis, Afghans, Iraqis or Iranians or the West Asian race you stupid fuck.
>doubling down on stupidity
Somalia is literally one of the countries that was included in the "Muslim ban". It's almost like you are going out of your way to make yourself look ridiculous while being so cocksure of yourself that you casually spray out insults.
Barely exists in the United States. Pretty much everyone has regular internet access, millionaires do not have significantly greater opportunities than normal Americans.
>This is your brain on Capitalist propaganda.
Kinda hard to do that when Democrats keep scapegoating white people.
Unless you're so poor that you can't use the internet a few hours a week, you have access to become an expert on whatever topic you desire.
And? Muslims means the west asian race, they dont say west asian because most people in the west are fucking stupid.
>Those damn muslims
>Those damn west asians
>Muslim immigrants rape alot
>West Asian immigrants rape alot
And that right there is why black feminists loathe white feminists.
>class doesn’t exist in the US
O I am laffin.
Who cares about income inequality? Money is unimportant. As I said, you don't need much money to use the internet.
What is the most productive way to convince other lefties to focus on class problems rather than idpol?