This is typically the kind of double standard that triggers me when a tard tries to make a "Europe through centuries" map
This is typically the kind of double standard that triggers me when a tard tries to make a "Europe through centuries"...
For the record, here are the correct borders of France in 1812 and Germany in 1944 (both occupied most of Europe, but the exact official borders are these)
You'll notice that for one of them he got it right, but for the other one he went full autismo
There are no national borders which objectively make sense.
National borders are like market prices. Nobody knows what they really are but there are so many people trying to change them that it evens out to more or less the correct ones at any given point.
Get over it, Frog.
How accurate is Geacron? I use it as a reference for everything and wanna know if it's bullshitting me.
I honestly cannot tell what your problem is. Both borders look accurate. Are you mad over the occupation zone listed for Germany?
i think hes butthurt that geacron uses occupation zones for modern conflicts but not past conflicts
It's pretty garbage
Other than the bullshit mentioned by OP, their way to depict the Norman conquest of England for exemple make it seem like it's England that conquered Normandy
Should have had Normandy one given color, and then England colored with Normandy's color post-conquest
Not to mention that Normandy has modern borders + Maine county as soon as 912
Fuck off frog, the Normans inherited the kingdom of England, it remained intact. They didn't annex it.
>Are you mad over the occupation zone listed for Germany?
Not OP, but yeah
Everytime I see some youtube video about Europe's borders through ages, people color Germany's occupation areas for WW2 instead of their real borders, but won't do the same for Swedish occupation zones in the Thirty Years War or French ones in the Napoopan War
>the Normans inherited the kingdom of England
Yeah, they didn't conquer it
The invasion, Hastings....merely fiction
Fuck off, Hans. Vive l'Empereur! Vive Napoleon!
>the Normans inherited the kingdom of England
>They didn't annex it.
This is what Anglos actually believe
The most brainlet post i've seen today.
so, when is France getting rangebanned? A thread died for this.
Always turns into an Anglo hate thread
Success breeds jealousy
what is this map showing
you should stop being dumb first
Ye got me
Europe under Napoleon's domination (top)
Europe under Hitler's domination (bottom)
Thing is that the guy who made that map being a naziboo, displayed occupation zones for Hitler only and not for Napoleon, for whom he showed official borders only (see )
England was a kingdom, normandy was a duchy. Kingdoms have seniority over duchies. Do you even CK2 you dumbfuck?
Doesn't change shit, fagget
Normandy conquered England, not the contrary
>Normandy conquered England
>Talking like nation states were a even thing in 1066
WILLIAM conquered England, armies back then were loyal to their lord, not to their country.
Care to explain why his title of king is show before his title of duke?
The Free french were still fighting, the Free dutch were still fighting.
>implying anyone even talked about "nation states" beside you
The state (not nation state) of Normandy conquered the state (not nation state) of England
>The countries I forced into an anti-British trade agreement and the vassal states i create are not listed as directly my territory
seriously the butthurt of the Frogs knows no bounds.
Are you retarded?
The point is that militarily occupied countries are listed on the bottom pic but not on the top one
No one fucking cares about the reason why said countries are occupied, thing is either you go by official borders, either you go by de facto control, but you don't just change randomly in the middle of the thing
>and the vassal states i create are not listed as directly my territory
Why are they for Germany on the 1944 map tho?
>Both borders look accurate
Not really
On OP map, Nazi Germany borders the Adriatic Sea, while there it doesn't
Not OP but you gotta agree it's pretty dumb
Either you display total controlled area for both (pic related), either you display real borders both (like )
But why make one thing for one and something else for the other?
All he did was add the polish puppet state to a part of Germany proper, which it essentially was.
Are you unironically gonna act like you don't see all that purple outside of Germany proper on the bottom map?
Why are the British isles so aesthetic? Why are any borders within the British Isles also very aesthetic?
Well technically after harolds and his brothers death at Hastings the door was wide open for who ever wanted to be king of England since they left no heirs.
William had papal backing and claimed he had a right to it since William was the grandson of Edward's maternal uncle and William also claimed that Edward promised him the kingdom however this is obviously very dubious.
With regards to france I'm just curious what the hell they were thinking when they annexed the entire Netherlands and up to Hamburg
Also what's the story with them annexing parts like Switzerland? I thought there was some sort of frog autism where they want France to be shaped like a hexagon or somethkng
There's no french autism about France being shaped like an hexagon whatsoever. France happens to be shaped like an hexagon currently, it's all.
I always thought so, too.
In video games that have real world maps, Britain is always one of my favourites
Napoleon's brother Louis, king of holland was less than cooperative with the French, even going so far as to attempt to trade with Britain. Geneva wasn't swiss until after the congress of Vienna. Neuchatel was taken control of from the Prussian king. Valois was annexed to ensure easy paasage over the alps as Napoleon had experienced difficultis here in his Italian campaign. The annexation of the Hanseatic cities was done to enforce the continental system, as they had become hotbeds of smuggling. Conquest of Illyria was for the samw reason.
>The Nazi system of occupation was even remotely the same as Napoleon's
>Doesn't know what annexation is
Personal union isn't the same thing as political incorporation. William became King of England, England didn't become part of the Duchy of Normandy. Maps reflect this, the dominant entity in the personal union between Normandy and England was England.
They weren't really different except for "muh jews hunting"
Yet, looking at the top map in OP's pic, a normie would never guess that Spain, Germany, Italy and Poland were under French occupation
Explain to me how the Kingdom of England ceases to exist and was incorporated as a polity into Normandy. Oh shit, it wasn't. The Normans just became part of the ruling class of the Kingdom. Hence why England becomes the dominant entity in the personal union between the two states.
I thought this board was supposed to have a higher level of general knowledge.
What the fuck is going on in southeastern Spain
Because then what would Normandy be
Part of France even though it’s held in personal Union with England and William’s son rebels in like 10 years
>guy wills the kingdom to you
>some upstart shit claims it for himself
>Normandy was a nation state
Then why did Sicily not become part of Normandy
t. William the Bastard
Being part of the continental system and trying to subvert the french whenever possible and direct military occupation/ puppet government are very fucking different. Also all of the territories of the Germans were fully occupied at the same time while napoleons army for the most part roved across europe not staying put for long
the pope legitimised me and lest you forget, you halfdane scum, his word is law
You guys realise England was in no way annexed right?
>Annexation (Latin ad, to, and nexus, joining) is the administrative action and concept in international law relating to the forcible transition of one state's territory by another state.
Austria was annexed by Hitler. England was fought over and won by William and stayed separate from Normandy. Big difference. Also semantically it's right, the Normans inherited fully formed Kingdom. They fought for it but fighting for something and inheriting it aren't mutually exclusive.
Not every Continental System member was militarily occupied, but Spain, the Rhine Confederation, Poland and Italy were
Look at this map it makes a clear distinction between occupied area and mere Continental System members