Post aesthetic historical weapons fags. You must provide historical background
Pic related is yatagan
Historical context is the perfect shape for slaughtering Chr*stians
Post aesthetic historical weapons fags. You must provide historical background
Pic related is yatagan
Historical context is the perfect shape for slaughtering Chr*stians
Other urls found in this thread:
>European late 14th century hand and a half sword
>Not the most aesthetic
You are a disgrace Turk
This rifle kills Turks very well. Almost as well as Enver Pasha.
Chose one
Jej, burn the turkic mongrel
Shut the fuck up FYROMians and get a fucking life
An elegant weapon from a more civilized age
>Breaks through your finest maille
What he's holding.
African thowing knife, from modern day sudan
>said the turkic b*lgar
Is that Grutte Piers sword?
A rhomaphaia
Stupid fuck
Did you guys know whose sword is this historically?
Sorry if my post bothers you, not regular Veeky Forums poster.
>ay, what happens if the blade doesnt land properly?
>watch this
>thinks swords can cut through malleable links of metal that has been made to works best against cuts.
>B-but muh maciejowski bible!
Nothing personal kid. But Falchishits are for unarmoured peasants.
Stop this meme. Falchions were light and had extreme distal taper, making them very thin at their tip and center of percussion. Their purpose was about cleaving through limbs and padded armour, not maille.
An executioner's sword. I don't think that needs any more context.
Veeky Forumsfriend..??
I'm been searching historical literature for hours or so, and my closest guess is it has to do with the order of St.Jhon and nothing else.
Help me, friend??
Yatagans are def aesthetic, Balkan ones more than Anatolian ones.