What would you have done differently if you were him?
What would you have done differently if you were him?
let the german-hungary monarchy deal by themselves with the russians and annex the austrian lands after they got buttfucked
>"The world is changing. Who now has the strength to stand against the armies of Germany and Austria? To stand against the might of Wilhelm and Franz Joseph and the union of the confederation? Together, your Imperial Majesty, we shall rule Europe. The old world will burn in the fires of industry. The forests will fall. A new order will rise. We will drive the machinery of war with the sword and the spear and the iron fist of the German. We have only to remove those who oppose us."
What the fuck was his problem ?
also, stay in good terms with the britains and probaly an alliance, not shitting in their heads with the boers deal
He was an insecure autist who was a proto wehraboo.
The German army probably *did* have the best army individually. But he overestimated its abilities and he VASTLY overestimated the austrians.
He mostly did it because the Arch Duke was a close personal friend of his.
the other two were his relatives. like said, dude was full autistic with ego problems. No sense of reality at all
Not chimp out and declare war on France by invading Belgium. Would have saber rattled as diplomacy. Would have let Austria and Russia fight each other, then swoop in and annex Austria and complete Greater Germany
I get what he was trying to say. "What all of you assholes with your huge colonial empires start calling me a tyrant when I want a few tiny Islands? Up yours"
It's a candid statement, just not very wise in terms of realpolitik.
Side with Russia over Austria, always.
kill poles
This is true. However, Wilhelm also indicated that he felt Serbia's response to the assassination was adequate and that there was no cause for war. He didn't realize that Austria had already decided that they were going to declare war in 2 days if their ultimatum wasn't accepted unconditionally, and that the ultimatum had been deliberately written in such a way that it was guaranteed to be rejected. When Austria declared war on Serbia, Wilhelm was more surprised than anybody else, since they had never told him that they were going to declare war until it was too late to do anything about it.
No fleet autism, focus on keeping up good relations with Great-Britain
Don’t fucking invade Belgium
all according to keikaku
Germany having the best army in WW1 is essentially a fact rather than an opinion. Even in 1918, the German army suffered proportionately fewer losses (in terms of casualties) than their enemies, although by that point they were so heavily outnumbered that it didn't matter.
>le k/d
Not just k/d. The performance of german soldiers in ww1 was generally excellent. They produced several technological marvels unparalleled at the time, such as the Paris gun. They pioneered modern small unit tactics such as the storm-troopers, and they held their ground despite being outnumbered and fighting a war on multiple fronts.
Of all the things you could have mentioned as examples of Germanic superiority, you pick the fucking Paris Gun, the epitome of uselessness. Not the fact that they were first country to figure out how to use machine guns properly, nor the fact that they were the first to implement creeping barrages, or the fact that they had the best aviation of the war for most of the conflict, or their complete annihilation of the Russian army at Tannenberg.
This. The Paris Gun was just Wilhelm jerking off the Kruppkonzern.
It seriously has to be in the running for "Most Useless Object Ever Created."
It's just an example of technological accomplishment. The shells went into the stratosphere. Of course there's more than one example.
Don't commit to a naval race with Britain. A powerful Kriegsmarine was always going to be an unacceptable threat to them.
Abandon the Habsburgs, Germany stands to gain from the inevitable disintegration of that empire by absorbing German-speaking areas.
Appease the Russians. APPEASE THE RUSSIANS. Allowing them to ally with France was a catastrophic blunder.
I realize I have the benefit of hindsight, but keeping France alientated from as many of the other Great Powers should have been an obvious move and that meant keeping Russia close and Britain neutral.
You're completely right, and hindsight wasn't necessary to see this. Bismarck preached for years about how Germany needed to placate Russia and keep France isolated. The people who came after him ignored this to their own detriment.
What was it Bismarck said, something to the effect of "if five powers go to war, make sure you're one of three"?
Had the money that went into the navy gone to the army, it's possible the schlieffen plan would have worked. Take france out of the game and it's 1871 redux, no matter waht brits and russians do.
Why did he fire Bismark anyway?
he didn't wage enough wars
Not be such a fuckin faggot manlet loser for starters, befriend Russia instead because family and take Austria/Czech and keep Germany a modern power
>t. American geopolitcal egzberd
Bismarck was a meanie and always ruined Wilhelm's fun. Insisting he had to take things 'seriously' and stop being 'immature'. He was a real buzzkill.
The VIRGIN Bismark was no match for the CHAD Kaiser.
Sounds like that speech Saruman made in two towers
That's the best version I've ever seen
lol @ wilhelms withered arm, I love it
Yea, I get where he was coming from, but he still chimped out and started the greatest war mankind had ever seen up to that point, just to prove himself worthy of his cousins.
Listen to fucking Bismarck and maybe learn a thing or two about running an empire instead of firing him.
What is it with Germans and autism cannons?
I wouldn't say he 'started' the war. The blame rests equally between Austria, Russia and France in my opinion.
Actually help Austria deal with the Serbs instead of just giving them a blank check. Maybe not fire Bismarck.
The overwhelming bulk of the blame rests with Austria for initiating the conflict. France and Russia were acting purely in self-defense.
Peace out with Entente and give Alsace-Lorraine back to frogs and give autonomy to polish Posen, stopping the WW1.
France had been beating the war drums against Germany for fifty years. They were extremely buttfrustrated after starting and losing the franco prussian war.
Where do you think Tolkien found the inspiration?
>Ally with Russia and divide Autstro-Hungary
>Let Russia conquer Ottoman empire by fuling them with economic help.
>Help Bulgaria unify all balkan slavs.
>Conquer belgian and french colonial territories, creating Mittelafrika
Sip beer together with Nicky looking at the sunset.
>The French were sad because they lost a war
>Implying this means anything.
Tolkien was oddly insistent that nothing in his books was ever intended as allegory, but it is kind of hard to look at WW1 battlefields and not see in them the inspiration for Mordor.
Ally Russia, keep good relations with Britain, leave African colonies, buttfuck Austria-Hungary and France into oblivion
>or their complete annihilation of the Russian army at Tannenberg.
Defeat at Tannenberg was caused by the stab in the back by G*rmanoid officer staff
>implying germany would not go into total Ape mode if this was even suggested.
>We have unified unser Vaterland, as far as the German tongue sounds!
>Hey faggots, your Kaiser Willy here, and I hate every single one of you. You are all fat, retarded, no-lives who think national pride, prestige and unification matter. I'm gonna basically give all these nations land at the cost of German territory. Thanks for listening.
>German revolution: 1914
>Result: Kaiser Wilhelm overthrown by citizens, Deutschkonservative Partei majority rule.
renew reinsurance treaty
>it takes 4 years for the combined french and british armies to defeat half of the german army
Don't bother colonizing some worthless scraps of Asia and Africa
Don't build up an unnecessarily large fleet when you have no reason to
Don't fire Bismarck
Attempt to keep friendly relations with Russia and Britain
Opened death camps and forced all Germanic males into them
Declare war on Britain and the USA right away since they're gonna get involved anyway
This way, Germany would look totally badass for declaring war on Russia, France, Britain and America in a row
this, anyone who suggests another european great power could take on germany head to head mono e mono is uninformed
Not piss off Wilson and the US