Who was the best man who ever lived? Like, rolling 10s on his every stat, impossibly handsome, siring a thousand children with as many women, succeeding at everything he put his mind to, and finally dying with a smile on his face and no regrets at all. Gimme history's most inspirational figure!
Who was the best man who ever lived? Like, rolling 10s on his every stat, impossibly handsome...
Gaius Julius Caesar
Amir Timur. He had everything. What he didn't have, he took.
Howard Hughes.
Thomas Edison
Non ironically Zyzz. He wasn't a smart fellow, but he found his own purpose in becoming as aesthetics as humanly possible and fucking tight young pussy while on MDMA. He also died at his prime
Too obsessed with the queen of cuckolding and died like a little bitch
Didn't exist
Obsessive-compulsive lunatic who turned himself into a scarecrow
Jew wannabe
Ugly psychopath but he sure lived life
Ted Bundy
>Didn't exist
This guy
If Alexander the Great was a leader in EU4 he would be 6/6/6
Only correct answer. Apart from his face, but we've only seen him as an old man so who knows what he looked like in his youth.
The correct answer is Genghis Khan.
>empire unrivalled in size for centuries
>accomplished wrestler, horseman
>known for having an enormous, expensive coat
>16 million direct descendants
>wise and just despite being a force of destruction; spread early meritocracy and religious freedom ideas through Asia
>started from literal dirt-farmer with cuckold parents
>only single human to cause reforestation by genocide
>not a twink like Alexander the """Great""
I can't argue with this.
>Heracles didn't exist
I bet you think Achilles didn't exist either.
>Too obsessed with the queen of cuckolding
implying you wouldn't put conquest on hold to ravish that little 21 yr old Greek Queen's tight virgin pussy for weeks on end
what are you some kind of faggot?
>died like a little bitch
J.C. wiling chose to die. He knew of the assassination plot and willing entered the Senate without a bodyguard, because he had already conquered his whole world and had grown bored of being Princep and wanted martyrdom to become a God.
There is no better option.
You beat me to it.
He united a bunch of ragtag tribes and led them into creating the largest contiguous Empire the world has ever seen. He raped and whored so much, it has been proven through genetic studies that 1% of the population of Eurasia has his DNA.
He was the ultimate alpha male.
>J.C. wiling chose to die. He knew of the assassination plot and willing entered the Senate without a bodyguard, because he had already conquered his whole world and had grown bored of being Princep and wanted martyrdom to become a God.
Did you tip your fedora after typing that out or before?