>fascism is supposed to be macho
>hitler is a vegetarian soyboy
>himmler was squeamish
>goebbels was a depressed NEET
Why couldn't the nazis get this right?
At least Mussolini, CHADreanu, Degrelle, and Primo De Rivera did manly things
Fascism is supposed to be macho
Other urls found in this thread:
Hitler was alpha desu, his speeches alone make him so. Goering was a chad too for most of his life untill he became a fat morhpine using fuck. And Goebbels was just the brains
also this scary motherfucker in my pic
>untill he became a fat morhpine using fuck.
the exact part of his life where being alpha mattered
>his speeches alone make him so.
so a bunch of histrionics and gesticulating to nurture mob hysteria is alpha now? the reason hitler had to rely on speeches so much was because of his social awkwardness in real conversation.
desu doing dope and being at the top of the state hierarchy is pretty cool. And for Hitler, yes, that alone makes him one powerful mofo to whom other leaders as king of england for example admired and wished to be like
hitler was an autistic which is why 90% of Veeky Forums worships him
>desu doing dope and being at the top of the state hierarchy is pretty cool.
being cool =/= being an effective administrator or leader. as it is goalposts are being moved from he was "a fat morhpine using fuck" to "lol being a fat morphine fuck is so cool!"
>that alone makes him one powerful mofo
effective at whipping up a crowd? yes. effective anything other than whipping up crowds? no
> to whom other leaders as king of england
wow. a leader whose sole claim to authority is his coming out the right pussy is a relevant opinion now! really makes me think!
doing dope while in charge of the state that fucked up the half the world is pretty cool yea. Just imagine him snorting some H then sending luftwaffe to bomb the fuckoutta london, lmao bro. And no, Hitler was effective into taking half the Europe and north Africa too and making his mark on history, probably biggest mark anyone made in such short time and the consequances can still be seen e.g. around your butthurt bumhole. Oh and the de jure leader of british empire does matter would you believe. But he's not the only one, everyone admired his speeches.
>muh reddit
You are the newfags here.
Veeky Forums used to RAID white supremacists.
t. 2006 oldfag
I will space my posts however I want to
Particularly if it triggers you.
who gives a fuck you goofy loser
>I-I'm really an old fag guys, I promise!
Nordcucks are all betas and soyboys, Latin men are alpha
>his speeches alone make him so
Apparently you do. You brought it up.
Kek, I have nothing to prove to you retard.
But I used to troll old /n/ with scientific racism bullshit. I'm talking about the time of PROUD CONSERVATIVE and Invisible Sky Magician.
Even so, people back then knew it was satire, your new batch of /pol/tards are so braindead they took it for the real thing.
>is pretty cool yea
if you like hollywood films and drugs, yes.
>Hitler was effective into taking half the Europe and north Africa too
first of all, he lost and wrought huge destruction of life and property to achieve these fleeting "achievements". second, he did not directly have a hand in any of this.
>probably biggest mark anyone made in such short time and the consequances can still be seen
your legacy =/= being powerful. legacies especially hitler's distort the extent of his power and the abilities he had.
>e.g. around your butthurt bumhole.
on the contrary, your need to insult me tells me hitler's greatest legacy was serving as a rallying cry lonely teenagers on the internet
>Oh and the de jure leader of british empire does matter would you believe.
>de jure
you just defeated your own argument
not everyone. there were many observers who thought his speeches were utter trash. his delivery was appreciated, but again there were others who saw his histrionic performances for what they were.
>fascism is supposed to be macho
Is it? It's always seemed to me like overcompensation for tiny-dick syndrome.
Only someone who thinks extremely poorly of their own ability to live life and take responsibility could possibly find it a good idea to make the state even more powerful than it already is.
Hitler was /ourguy/ for sure
and? all the shit those /b/tards from 11 years ago were posting in the comments of that video would be considered reddit today. Reddit adopts our shit then we change, deal with it.
You didn't change shit.
Reddit became a boogeyman around the time /pol/ doubled in size, so it's safe to say most of you dumbasses came from there.
>if you like hollywood films and drugs, yes.
i do
>first of all, he lost and wrought huge destruction of life and property to achieve these fleeting "achievements". second, he did not directly have a hand in any of this.
>your legacy =/= being powerful. legacies especially hitler's distort the extent of his power and the abilities he had.
>on the contrary, your need to insult me tells me hitler's greatest legacy was serving as a rallying cry lonely teenagers on the internet
im not lonely nor a teenager. You just strike me as a butthurt lad
>you just defeated your own argument
no tho
>not everyone. there were many observers who thought his speeches were utter trash. his delivery was appreciated, but again there were others who saw his histrionic performances for what they were.
his speeches were most dinamic and well-delivered in history
>desu doing dope and being at the top of the state hierarchy is pretty cool
Fuck off back to 420chan you fag.
do you have any idea how pathetic you sound?
>t. virgin soberboy
I don't care how I sound on an anonymous Vietnamese pottery webzine. I can turn off my PC at any second and return to my life as a normie.
It's you newfag retards that took an animu website so seriously you brought it into real life.
Socialism =/= Fascism idiot
Being a wagecuck is way more beta
>i do
no argument
no argument
>you just strike me as a butthurt lad
no argument
>no tho
no argument. a king who was effectively deposed by civilian government (edward viii i assume you're referring to) because he was an inconvenience is hardly a relevant source of opinion.
>his speeches were most dinamic and well-delivered in history
opinions aren't facts.
I want nu/pol/ to leave
idk man cuz you sound fucking really pathetic
He's right you know.
Reddit became a boogeyman when they started stealing our memes in 2011. Do you not remember rage comics you fucking poser?
There were already newfags back then, from Gaia Online. About 2007-2009 is when the site started slowly going downhill.
I stopped posting between 2009 and 2014, after old /n/ got canned. Lurked around /r9k/ when it was still pretty good, there were writing competitions, original content and it wasn't still autist central, but Chanology did it for me, I got tired of the site and focused on college.
Veeky Forums basically stopped being Veeky Forums around 2008-2009 and was basically only good for fringe boards.
It's true though. /b/ was getting flooded by facebook tier posts and really bad attentionwhores and dickpics threads any most other threads died within minutes which made it basically unusable.
pathetic that you discuiss this m8
Go home peterson
>Only someone who thinks extremely poorly of their own ability to live life and take responsibility could possibly find it a good idea to make the state even more powerful than it already is.
You're perception of fascist philosophy is the inverse: fascists think extremely poorly of their countrymen's ability to live life and take responsibility for their actions, hence the existence of the nanny state.
>Reddit adopts our shit then we change, deal with it.
No, "we" don't change. The demographics change. Veeky Forums just gets flooded with internet refugees (often from reddit) who discover Veeky Forums due to certain events, generally in waves that outnumber oldfags resulting in a Veeky Forums culture change. It's not being reactionary or perpetual revolution. It's the fact that ever time that Veeky Forums culture significantly changed, the population of Veeky Forums rapidly doubled because of new users.
Evola was a monarchist and a neopagan but not a fascist.
>Driggered :DDDD
Really shoots up my school.
Soyboys don't earn the Iron Cross First Class.
You will never be one percent of the man Hitler was.
I've been here since 2007 and you sound like a complete fucking faggot. People like you were made fun of even back then.
>You will never be one percent of the man Hitler was.
Because I don't have any Jew blood
Nigger dictators awarded themselves a lot of medals too. Aside from the Iron Cross, how many of those are actually from WW1?
I bet you were the kind of retard laughing at EFG cancer.
“Iron Cross, Second Class - 12 February 1915
Bavarian Cross of Military Merit, Third Class with Swords - 17 September 1917
Regimental Diploma (Regiment "List") - 5 May 1918
Wound Badge in Black - 18 May 1918
Iron Cross, First Class - 4 August 1918
Bavarian Medal of Military Service, Third Class - 25 August 1918
Cross of Honor with Swords - 13 July 1934 (retroactively awarded to all war veterans)
After the end of the war, the only decorations Hitler regularly wore were the Wound Badge and First Class Iron Cross.“
Basically anything that doesn’t have a swastika in that picture was earned
>lose war
>become a cripple
>get a medal
he was pathetic. his administration were all whores. Including him.
You're the kind of faggot who gets offended by muh nazis so I'm not sure you're position to talk shit to anybody.
Libertarians continue to be a meme.
The difference is that everyone made fun of everyone for anything, and generally not taking sides in favor of anything, but shitting over anything imaginable.
Ah yes, the neo-nazi crowd from that website mocked for being infamously left wing.
Did you know that the G*rmans relied so heavily on the soy bean as a cheap protein substitute during World War II that the bean was referred to as the "Nazi Bean"?
Some other tidbits:
>By 1933 The G*rmans are now the world’s largest soybean importers, buying most of their soybeans from Manchuria. Having their soy imported via rail that passed through the USSR and realizing that war could break out, the G*rmans had the G*rman company I.G. Farben (same company who produced Zyklon B for the Nazis) develop the production of soy in nearby Romania. By 1934, the company had provided seeds and germs (necessary for soy production) to almost every Romanian peasant.
“It meant simply and plainly that Hitler was preparing for war, and was getting ready on the food front as well as on all other fronts” (Prinz. 1944. Soybean Digest. March, p. 4).
>In 1938 The G*rman Army High Command published a 71 page booklet titled "Formulation of Menus Using Soy, with Recipes/Cooking instructions".
>On April 23, 1940 The Times-London published a major article titled “A vital G*rman supply: The magic bean. Soya food for man and beast.” It states: "A substitute for meat: As for the food aspect, one of the greatest weaknesses of G*rmany is the relative lack of foodstuffs of animal origin (meat, milk, eggs)."
>by 1940 Romania had increased soy bean production for G*rmany from 1500 ha in 1934 to 136,900 ha in 1940.
Interesting....I would have never guessed.
>1942 Goebbels wrote in his diary Hitlers wishes to make everyone in G*rmany vegetarian after the war had ended.
That's probably the most adorable thing I've seen.
>copypasting a wall of text then editing it to censor ever instance of "German"
Imagine being this autistic.
Hitler was autistic af
>smugly ask question
>get BTFO from the answer
>huppa durr cripple xD
>This is a chad in the mind of polfags
H-he was just really excited to see the Olympic games.
>Hitler was a vegan
Who was a soldier in WW1 awarded the Iron Cross
>Himmler and Goebbels
Yeah pretty disappointing in terms of their ideology. I mean can you really can compare *anybody* to the sheer level of Chad that was Codreanu?
How the FUCK do you get away with shooting a police sergeant on the steps of a courthouse by having the jury acquit you, then carry you out to your own parade?
>Chad's don't get high on amphetamines
One of the greatest Chad's of all time did coke and steroids at the same time while he fucked 10/10's then married a Kennedy.
So what if he's a speed freak.
Also, the main "rival" you invoked whenever the guy you replied was being a liberal ass, before the tumblr raids and /pol/ Harbor period, was saying he's from tumblr.
After the whole fiasco turned into a clusterfuck, people started turning reddit into a boogeyman, when before that, reddit was either super-ignored, or looked down upon a bit, see
>1942 Goebbels wrote in his diary Hitlers wishes to make everyone in G*rmany vegetarian after the war had ended.
Nazis were super envirofags, animal-rights folk(they fined a biologist for not numbing WORMS he experimented on enough), anti-smokers, etc. ironically.
Whatever you say, newfag.
blow it out your ass you fag
>muh iron cross!!!
>his speeches alone make him so
So, by your logic, Trotzky is even more alpha than Hitler.
I wish hitler was never born
> trotsky being anything other than a complete fag
Hi redd*t!
Hi, amerimutt. How about you read some shit... oh, wait, reading is not part of the curriculum for young la creaturas.
Soy has no effect on the human hormone sexual hormone system.
Using the word "soyboy" shows that you are a brainless /pol/ drone.
uh oh the soyim know
>opinions aren't facts.
not him but why the fuck isn't it the most dynamic and well-delivered when it literally whippped his people into shape which then made his nation conquered large swath of Europe at the time while you are shitposting right now being an utter butthurt retard?
Oh but I am not offended. I am laughing.
Just not *with* you, but at you. You are exactly the type of faggot newfried that took my 2007 racist trolling seriously I bet.
Oh but I am not offended. I am laughing.
Just not with you. You must be the kind of newfriend that took my 2007 racist trolling seriously.
/pol/ doubled in size around the time of the elections, most came from r/thedonald
Doesn't contradict what I said retard.
All of it was tongue in cheek. The same people making racist memes would turn around and raid Hal Turner later. I know because I was one of them.
It was all for shock value. But we were smart enough to know it was satire. Your new generations are the ones bringing memes into real life.
Evola was an edgelord that bordered on an almost childish sort of stubbornness. He was a paraplegic for the latter half of his life because he hated the 'masses' so much that he refused to go into bomb shelters in Vienna during late the late air raids of WW2 and went around for a stroll during the raids to 'contemplate fate'
>when it literally whippped his people into shape
please tell me "how" his speeches did this? if anything he was highly ineffective as most germans were categorically AGAINST the war except when the great successes like France were happening.
>made his nation conquered large swath of Europe
Again how is this an achievement when it was so fleeting and his success was just as much due to his ally's weaknesses and lack of unity?
>you are shitposting right now being an utter butthurt retard?
on the contrary, you sound very butthurt. I can tell because you're speaking in vague generalities and can't back up a single thing you say with evidence.
his enemies'*
Because Nazi subhumans weren't fascist, just fascit larpers who were inspired by Chad Mussolini.
Krauts ruin everything they touch.
Le based Chad Mussolini XD
Fucking kill yourself you cringy retard.
He was a nigger-tier dictator that got strung on a rope so that his own people could spit on his corpse.
Someone's salty
redditspacing faggot
>posting republican voters in a thread about fascism
You've become so reactionary to /pol/ that you've gone full retard to Tumblr logic.
The irony of this post is beautiful. You have zero self-awarness whatsoever.
Who said it was an elite award? Plus he was awarded it twice
>Oh but I am not offended
>Is spamming nerdy looking Trump voters and kekistani shit in a thread about fascism
You are *very* triggered right now.
>his own people could spit on his corpse.
I think you mean a few literal communists. How is it that it's been about 73 years since the end of ww2 and people are still so overwhelmingly butt blasted about it, to the point where just talking about it in a historical context makes them angry?
Veeky Forums was always racist. We didn't center our lives around it, but we were racist. Also calling me a newfag when there's just a one year gap between us is hilarious, you're taking this way too seriously.
sic semper tyrannis
Woops wrong picture
Omae wa mu, shin de eru
>disliking Mussolini makes you communist