In this thread we discuss all bad things the german """""people"""""have done since their inception.
Causing the collapse of the Roman empire.
Causing WW1 and WW2.
The Holocaust.
Creating the EU.
Pick one guys.
Deutchland unter alle
Other urls found in this thread:
We didn't genocide enough of you cunts when we had the chance.
Don't worry, that will be remedied. Think you'll survive the end of europe? When germany goes down, you can try and eat the grass you put in your disgusting vodka marek because you will be out of jobs for the rest of your life.
Bring it on you german mother fucker.
Bring it on and get rekt again.
T. Bong/frog/nord etc eurocuck with German ancestry
That's part of the plan this time. African immigrants are our samson option. You'll get overrun by hordes of them, or destroyed by radioactive fallout once they fail to keep the nuke plants running, or conquered by muslim virility coupled with german technology. One way or another, you wil suffer.
Even German crayfish can't stop themselves from ruining Europe.
these threads are almost always made by amerimutts who take credit for things their grandparents did
Both my grandfathers fought the fucking germans in WW2.
What's wrong with being proud of their bravery?.
Reminder that it was not the German, but rather the eternal Österreich for all of Europes problems
Austrians are Germans. Also Austrians did nothing wrong prior to WW2.
These threads are so fucking gay
>implying calling out the catholic church was bad
the collapse of the Roman Empire was as good a thing for humanity as the assteroid that fucked the dinos.
Revenge for 1866
How do you know?
Maybe if the Romans still existed we'd be much more advanced.
They were close to inventing the steam engine.
If the fucking germans didn't collapsed the Empire we might have been a thousand years more advanced as the collapse of the empire ushered in a 1000 years of dark ages.
t. Buttmad pole angry that his country is still irrelevant
>Not Ze
>Causing the collapse of the Roman empire.
Actually that was the Turks
>Causing WW1 and WW2.
Actually it was the Entente that started both wars
>The Holocaust.
Yeah cause that totally happened, such a tragedy
>Actually it was the Entente that started both wars
t. Wallenstein
The fuck? They did not start WW1. In fact, nobody started it technically, but if we count Gavrilo Princip as Serbia, then yes, Serbia or Austria-Hungary started WW1.
The EU has no primarily bad intent. It was fairly convienient to Europe in its early years.
The Holocaust was something started by the SS, not Germany as a whole.
All germany did was start WW2.
>Actually it was the Entente that started both wars
>Yeah cause that totally happened, such a tragedy
Holy fuck Heinrich, you're trying too much.
>The Holocaust was something started by the SS
It wasn't started by Germany as a whole, but it was enabled and facilitated by it
The Germans are not human beings. Henceforth the word German means to us the most terrible curse. From now on the word German will trigger your rifle. We shall not speak any moe. We shall not get excited. We shall kill. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day... If you cannot kill your German with a bullet, kill him with your bayonet. If there is calm on your part of the front, if you are waiting for the fighting, kill a German before combat. If you leave a German alive, the German will hang a Russian and rape a Russian woman. If you kill one German, kill another - there is nothing more amusing for us than a heap of German corpses. Do not count days; do not count miles. Count only the number of Germans you have killed. Kill the German - this is your old mother's prayer. Kill ther German - this is what your children beseech you to do. Kill the German - this is the cry of your Russian earth. Do not waver. Do not let up. Kill.
Dont forget memestantism
>implying the Byzantines were Roman
>implying French, Britain and Russia started WW1 and not Serbia/Austria-Hungary
>implying Hitler LITERALLY INVADING Poland didn’t trigger WW2
>implying the Holocaust didn’t happen and/or it was a good thing
So this........ is the power........ of the eternal Kraut............
I'm starting to believe that this board is populated solely by assblasted Poles
Rome fell because they where inept and stagnant. Ww1 was inevitable and we just live in this timeline, ww2 was fallout from 1. Eu, isn't too bad but needs more socialism.
Do you realize that people have problems with the Germans and not all of them Poles?
Maybe. But it also has TONS of Am*rican wehraboos and stormfags coming from /pol/, especially in past few weeks for whatever reason
>Ww1 was inevitable and we just live in this timeline, ww2 was fallout from 1.
This... does not answer anything. This is like saying the War of the Protestant League was inevitable or the American Revolution. At the end of the day some country caused it and you are ridiculous for trying to avoid his statement.
Who keeps making these threads?
>be Austria Hungary
>have one of my princes killed by a Serb
>tell Russian empire to give me Serb so I can have justice
Russia refuses
>decide to invade Serbia to get the basted
> russia declares war on me
>I declare war on russia
>Russia's ally declare war on me
>my allys declare war on them
>somehow it's my fault France and Britain allied with russia.
But Germany was gearing up for a war against France and Russia for years at that point. Schlieffen plan was created in 1905 for fuck's sake.
Russia as well, they felt that Russia is industrializing rapidly and needs to be knocked the fuck out before they become a serious threat. Germans were just waiting for an excuse to start mayhem and Serbian crisis proved to be a good enough excuse.
Germans and their villainy cannot be forgiven even in this day in age. Not even the AfD will make me love Germany or the Germans. For the German is a villainous race of unwashed filth. The Germans are a people that have no decency whatsoever. Now regular German folks like Sophie Scholl, although she resembled a mongoloid (typical of a German specimen),she had courage to fight the German supremacist that spread throughout Europe like a cancer. If it were possible, Germany should have been turned into an artificial lake or a sea like what they wanted to do when Moscow fell. It wouldn't be worthy to call it the German Sea, it would be called something else, the Sea of Poland, the French Sea.
Not even the AfD will cure them of their villainy.
>But Germany was gearing up for a war against France and Russia for years at that point. Schlieffen plan was created in 1905 for fuck's sake.
It was in preparation for a war with France and russia because of their alliance. Also nearly every major power in Europe was building up their military.
>Germans were just waiting for an excuse to start mayhem and Serbian crisis proved to be a good enough excuse.
No they didn't, they take in to account the politics when the war started. They invaded Serbia because they assinated their price and then Serbia called russia for help and boop WWI. Judging by your comment you seem to think that the Germans "started" the war just for the sake for starting wars.
This may be the worst thread on Veeky Forums right now. This thread can be compared to the level of bullshitery to the threads of /pol/ and /bant/