Tell me I shouldn't move all to bitconnect
>goes up at the same rate as bitcoin or even higher
>offers a platform where literally EVERYONE wins
>has 'bit' in it's name
>is promoted by a charismatic chad (pic related) that knows how to talk in public unlike money skeleton who all he mumbles is "s-s-s-sell your neo" and talks about boring shit no one cares
Tell me I shouldn't move all to bitconnect
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it's literally a ponzi scheme
even though these fucking threads are jokes you just KNOW there are a few retarded anons that will see these and not realize it, and just throw their money it
i wonder how many fucktards think people calling it a ponzi are just "fudding" kek
I threw $210 yesterday after losing $6k on Bitpetite. I have gambling issues.
Its been going up in price all day every single DAY. wtf is this unstoppable coin called bitconnect?
you have retard issues
top fucking kek
They have a music video. Must be fucking legit!!!!!!!
lmao wtf they made a song for themselves?
This scam can actually continue to operate so long as BTC continues to rise. tfw it's still around in two years time
I know right?! Time to fucking buy!!!!
I thrown $4450 in total
Already took out $2000
About to take out $1400~1600 before the fork
~After December, I'm just going to reinvest everything until I have 15k and just take out comfy gains until it gets shutdown
You bought bitconnect? You did good. Green everyday, we are coming and we are coming in waves (not the shitcoin)
They are not going anywhere, they are more serious than 99% of the shitcoins getting shilled here :).
Connect your bits.
Buy Bitconnect.
I'm doing fine day trading crypto. However, getting in early on this shit would of been super lucrative.
Oh well
This is because fags that fall for the "free coins" meme are also likely to invest in this fucking ponzi scheme.
ngl that's a pretty good beat
people with bags will tell you stay away but they have bags....
And yet they make more money than link bag holders
it literally reaches new ATH every week why would they be upset about their bags
i would start selling now if i was in bitconnect though..
too good to be true staring you in the face
bitconnect is cancer
Who thinks this guy is gonna get slaughtered when the creators of Bitconnect run away with the money?
I mean, he maybe doesn't even know that it's a ponzi scheme but there are people who don't care about details.
I unironically worry for his safety.
Trust me, he knows it is a ponzi. He's just surfing the w a v e
Just like we all know this whole crypto thing is a giant bubble but still want to get some profits out of it.
I don't know if I really care about people falling for this scam. People fall for scams all the time.
What I do worry about is how it will affect the rest of the market when it is exposed and inevitably blows up.
It won't blow up. In fact, it will raise the price of Bitcoin because it is the most trusted crypto currency. Or did you mean the altcoin market?
What the fuck am I watching?
I mean the crypto market in general. Once the ponzi plays out and a lot of people lose thier money I can see it hurting the perception of cryptocurrency in general. It'll be like another mt gox or dao.
Or maybe not. Maybe these guys have figured out how to run a perpetual ponzi.
>I mean the crypto market in general. Once the ponzi plays out and a lot of people lose thier money I can see it hurting the perception of cryptocurrency in general. It'll be like another mt gox or dao.
It won't be big. Everyone with a sane mind can see that this is a ponzi. Even some people invested know that it's a ponzi. mt gox was unprecedented and had a much bigger role in the whole ecosystem.
Like everyone else,I wrote off BCC as a ponzi when originally doing some weekly market research.
I revisited my analysis in July after the FOMO on youtube started hitting epic proportions.
MFW I realized how easy it is to average 1% per day trading BTC and BCC is nothing more than a pegged/ closed currency system tied to BTC self-funded through their original ICO and subsequent POS position over the past year. there's a reason they want trades running on there exchange, it allows them to control the market and peg the exchange rate.
As long as BTC lives, so shall BCC...
MFW I listened to all the FUD and didn't purchase XRP and BCC and they're 2 of the top returning coins over the past cycle. For Christ sake, $10k in BCC in Jan of this year got you $14mm today.
Do it
Does anything about this sound a bit off to you? Beetconeeeect is a straight up ponzi. It’s not even hidden.
I can’t wait for it to implode
I put $300 into bitconnect recently because I see this going to 10+ billion before the implosion. Bernie madoff ran his ponzi for years.
I post daily updates on Twitter hoping to build referrals so I can live the meme dream like that black dude who shilled it early. If you're interested
this was their thailand conference
Invested my first $100 2 days ago and expect to make over $214,000 in 2 years. Compound Interest is King and BCC is unstoppable.
Fuck that guy