Anons, let's all make some money off this shit. Any one with hacking or coding background can help. I viewed and found the source of all of the training videos in Teeka's site (below). His training tonight will be broadcasted at 8pm, it appears that it's not LIVE. The live event will take place on the 15th. Therefore I believe that he will use the same video provider for his 8pm vid. Here are the links of his first 3 training vids.
Based on the links we can tell what his user id is with brightcove. It also looks like the last 3 digits of the videoID never change therefore only the digits between 4-10 change. Can any one decode this and figure the link to his 8pm vid? If we can share it and let's all make some breaddo.
Teeka's Training
Other urls found in this thread:
oh shit I'm interested. Not a lot of java background, but I can help out.
dayum, the hacker known as Veeky Forums is on the prowl again
So, if we presume (pure speculation) that 562 and 001 doesn't change...which *COULD* make some sense (but most likely isn't the case) as in, first 3 last 3....
We have 7 digits! That's fuckin 10000000 combinations. Even if we managed to make some script to mix the numbers and ping it to check if video loads we would probably get banned from brightcove...
Not happening.
idk crap so i thought someone could help out. lmk if you find anything.
Thanks Veeky Forums
I'm gonna script this in MS PowerShell real quick... Give me 30 minutes.
>hey guys i used inspect element someone plz h4x0r this thanks
Isn't he showing the video to everyone?
Easy to write a script to check
Too much computing power is needed. 10^7 ajax calls lol
Also I am only in college, a professional programmer might know more
How will brightcove deal with 10 million pings? You won't make it. We don't have enough time.
we need brightcove not to ban us. and faster computing. IF you have a cloud computing subscription going we may be able to make this work
First three digits are the same aswel
So videoId=562XXXXXXX001
Create a wordlist with all possible combinations using crunch and test every single link kek.
powers of Weaponized Autism
Whew lads -- Script done
Both HTMLs returned are identical. Blah
Both successful and unsuccessful HTML's returned from Brightcove are identical so you may need to take another approach. I was looking for the string VIDEO_CLOUD_ERR_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND but this is both working and non working videos.
Here is my script if anyone wants it. You would need to run it in a loop in Powershell.
$digits = ( Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 9999999 ).ToString('0000000')
$request = "
$data = Invoke-WebRequest $request -OutFile "file" -PassThru | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content | Out-File C:\Intel\$digits.txt
$filename = gc C:\Intel\$digits.txt
$SEL = Select-String -Path C:\Intel\$digits.txt -Pattern "VIDEO_CLOUD_ERR_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND"
if ($SEL -ne $null)
echo Contains String
$IE=new-object -com internetexplorer.application
You could try this
Open up PowerShell ISE
Paste this code
$digits = ( Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 9999999 ).ToString('0000000')
$request = "
$IE=new-object -com internetexplorer.application
Click Green Play button
Hopefully you hit 1 in a million chance and get the legit video.
Maybe we should assume from this thread that its golem....
Just quit being poor and pay for it then post it here faggot
got the link bitches.
Yes. Everyone. In 1 hour and 20 minutes.
Post link please!!
it's live after all boys so sorry for bright cove error.
It's live, no Veeky Forums hack possible unless we can time travel :(
FFS come on guys we got 30 minutes to invent time traveling, you fuckwits! I NEED DEM GAAAAAAIIIIIINS!!!!
You guys are literally sheep. You pay 3k for a newsletter so he can dump his coins he already accumulated onto you and you can hold the bags. Out of all the crypto newsletters there was bound to be 1 that got their predictions correct. It's just probability. This was PBC. Now they know they can get their loyal sheep to buy their bags at inflated prices so they are a P&D group. Stop giving them power.
>using windows tools