How come people who criticise Islam have never read the Quran?
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it is not islam, buti ts practicioners that are what is critizized. Because you'd be hard pressed to find examples of soviet union atrocities in das kapital. So is it hard to find 9/11 in the koran
I have.
>Mary is part of the Trinity
Fuck off with that "infallible" rag, Mehmet
I don't give a shit what their fairy tale book says. Muslims are dirty, they're medieval as fuck and they're ruining Europe.
>inb4 some cuck or apologist says some bullshit about how they have to wash their hands all the time or take their shoes off in a mosque
If they're so clean, why do they smell like shit all the time?
why he bang 9 year old aisha then, explan
her pussy felt good?
>Being an Islamic apologist
Literally why
>I don't give a shit what their fairy tale book says. Muslims are dirty, they're medieval as fuck and they're ruining Europe.
Medievalism is good, idiot. Fuck the modern world.
>why he bang 9 year old aisha then, explan
There were no such thing as legal age laws in England until recent centuries and the age was as low as 7 and 12 for England.
>Fuck the modern world.
Also, fuck women that get no say in whether they marry you, when they're 9-years-old, and stone them to death if they get raped. Literally.
So your ancestors were pedophiles and evil?
Bullshit. Yeah, you could be betrothed at a young age, but marriage was no consummated until they were older, usually around 16 and almost never younger than 14.
Fuck off, Ahmed. It doesn't matter what shit my ancestors did, what matters is what Muslims continue to do to this day.
>, but marriage was no consummated until they were older, usually around 16 and almost never younger than 14.
Yeah, they were married for 8 years before consummation lmao.
We admit that was wrong too, but I'd like a source. It always resorts to whattaboutism Why did a prophet need to get married anyways?
Muh women's rights lol
Idk about England but in Catholic countries, you need to be confirmed in order to be married which is usually around 13
>fucking kids is a women's right issue
Good shit. What would make this post even funnier is you being an immigrant posting from an European country.
because no one really gives a shit about your shitty fairy tales, what they care about is that muslims constantly blow shit up, shoot people for drawing cartoons, and rape women and children
There's nothing in there about marrying younger than 12. Nice try
Mossad false flag.
>i-it was a different time!
Then how come muslims are still raping children at Rotterdam?
Thats the problem, muslims are still mentally in the 14th century
Muh Modern Civilisation
Muh video games
I read it on the toilet every day though
Then feel free to fuck off back to the middle east and live in your primitive shithole user.
I can see you're capable of using modern english lingo. Bravo. All you have to do next is work out interpretation. Keep at it, Ahmed! You'll be a true Brit in no time!
Okay then. It's still pedophilia. It doesn't matter what time you live in - you can clearly tell a 9 year old from a grown woman. Your false God was a pedo
Not a Muslim but historical context is important brainlet.
You just called your ancestors pedos lol
A 9 year old in 600 ad probably looks the same as a 9 year old today. And fuck off nigger, my ancestors literally descended from heaven and onto America in 1776
This guy is a crazy new born christian guy, but hes very well read on Islam and gives exact reasons as to why its shit. He never talks about specific terrorist attacks, but goes directly to the source to tell you where its all coming from
(((American))) cries about being exposed, go back to Europe, mutt.
Unironically linking this crypto kike
Still haven't heard you talk about this
Because I fucking hate muslims and islam! Fuck poopy Islam. Muhammad fucking poopy pedophile scum he was was a sicko. that's my answer. I don't care if I sound immature because Islam does not deserve a mature that's my argument answer right argument I don't care if I sound immature because Islam does not deserve a mature response I will be immature towards pisslam in there intolerance because they deserve it. you ain't going to make me learn about Islam because I don't like Islam and you can't make me. I will not be brainwashed by you liberals and you faggot muslims.
Literally linking a crypto kike that advocates christianity for europeans, hmmm, why would a jew do that?
yeah, liberals that love homos want islam lol
literally not posting any argument, why would you do that?
Your ancestors are subhumans that contamined the americas and massacred natives. We are the divine punishment that will rape all your women and replace all your pussy men.
>We Muslims are mighty men who will being forth justic and fuck all your women
>Israel does something
How come people who criticize Christianity never read the Bible?
Dont need to, their fruit is all i need to know about them
>You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.
How come people who defend "religion of peace" never have read Quran either?
Not even true.
Not that I am Islamic, but this is their defense
How come people who defend Islam have never read the Qur'an?
Face it, the same scenario applies to Muslims. Mos of them have no idea what's in the Qur'an.
>dat chin
Because they can't read Arabic and they'll just claim English translations don't capture the "true meaning" of passages
If any of you are serious about "criticizing Islam" I highly recommend you read or listen to ex-Muslims instead of delusional Christians.
Try guys like the Masked Arab who has a 15 episode series comparing the actions of ISIS to what's in the Quran: youtube.com
Try reading upon this website, while extremely critical of Islam & Muslims as a whole, has very good information: thereligionofpeace.com
Because the sandpeople always go back to "you have to know Arabic to read the REAL Quran!"
>but ummmm islam doesn't accept gift giving aids transferal male on male buttsex and tranny toddlers so uhhh?
fuck tommy ben robinson
religionofpeace is a known misinformation site....
You should reading quranreadalong.tumblr.com instead
t. Muslim
You have to go back
>How come people who criticise Islam have never read the Quran?
I don't need to read a collection of fantasy stories to criticise theist nonsense
The hadiths are historically unreliable.
>How come people who say shit tastes bad have never eaten shit?
i'm an ex-muslim atheist
Yes, and rapists.
The guy was a warlord and would be tried for crimes against humanity and war crimes
That is not a holy man
That is an evil man
If you follow the words of evil you must be evil
They are beta emasculated cucks. Islam is a religion for chads, not soyboys.
Sam Harris, and many others have read it. Ex-Muslims have read it.
Muslims typically have not read the quran, not that it matters because Islam is a conquering totalitarian ideology so most Muslims do not need to read it.
Go fuck your sister that is also your mother and a goat somewhere else.
>They are beta emasculated cucks. Islam is a religion for chads, not soyboys.
Takbir, brother.
>unironically shilling (((Sam Harris)))
lmao kafircuck btfo
9 is the lowest age given by the hadiths, some other say or implie that she was 10, 12, 16 or 18.
It doesn't matter desu because every hadith says she had reached puberty, therefore it was at the very worst ephebophilia, which is not reprehensible.
>Try guys like the Masked Arab
This cuck has been debunked as the hack he is a long time ago
It's as if Christianity goes straight toward Constantine and Nicaean creed with Uthman doing so to Islam, without Paul or anything in between. No wonder Muslims hate Paul like he's a card-carrying villain or something.
>unironically links me to a YouTuber named iJihad
>looks over comments; full of bruddah, Inshallah and even a "Sharia" student from KSA
I seriously can't tell if you're a spectacular troll or a genuine Muslim
Don't talk shit about Comrade Hakim, you bigot.
>muh context
Difference is only muslims consider pedophiles paragons. They do this in the 21st century, you disgusting piece of shit
Searching on this guy I found he believes Muslims will take over Spain again and that non Muslims will be conquered, and even removed videos chastising other Muslims for their intolerant views. He's a lunatic not worth my attention.
You got it backwards. The modern world is fucking you, and there's nothing your luddite ass can do other than hope it collapses by itself
you don't actually know how evil islam is until you read the quran
and in arabic language
the worst of islam are the hadiths
you're right, but reading the quran alone in its original language is sufficient to hate it
John of Damascus read the Quran and he BTFO Islam.
Read the "Heresies" section of his "Fount of Knowledge." He PROVES that Islam is heretical bullshit created by Muhammad.
The gospels are heretical bullshit created by the disciples
dubs of truth
1. The old testament did not foretell the coming of Muhammad therefore he is not a prophet
2. No one witnessed Muhammad receiving the quran. Therefore it is not a real revelation.
Those are John's two biggest points. He goes on to point out other bullshit as well.
>waaaaaa i wont listen to any argument from the opposing side
Keep blinding yourself faggot
The quran is heretical bullshit created by the muslims.
Blinding myself? You're to one so butthurt over me mentioning the MaskedArab that you link me to a literal Wahhabi apologist. And I did watch parts of his video.
He's just a sophist.
wow you know your buzzwords :^)
Honestly my experience is that those who have read any english translated Quran are typically those who are most against it.
its hot garbage no matter the language. Actually its less extreme in English if anything.
>for God out of His love for Him took Him to Himself into heaven. [104] And he says this, that when the Christ had ascended into heaven God asked Him: ‘O Jesus, didst thou say: “I am the Son of God and God”?’ And Jesus, he says, answered: ‘Be merciful to me, Lord. Thou knowest that I did not say this and that I did not scorn to be thy servant. But sinful men have written that I made this statement, and they have lied about me and have fallen into error.’ And God answered and said to Him: ‘I know that thou didst not say this word.” [105] There are many other extraordinary and quite ridiculous things in this book which he boasts was sent down to him from God
Well gee Muhammad. How convenient that you happen to know that Jesus specifically discredited Christians. You totally didn't make that shit up to help our heresy spread.
*your heresy
>But when we ask: ‘And who is there to testify that God gave him the book? And which of the prophets foretold that such a prophet would rise up?’—they are at a loss. And we remark that Moses received the Law on Mount Sinai, with God appearing in the sight of all the people in cloud, and fire, and darkness, and storm. And we say that all the Prophets from Moses on down foretold the coming of Christ and how Christ God (and incarnate Son of God) was to come and to be crucified and die and rise again, and how He was to be the judge of the living and dead. Then, when we say: ‘How is it that this prophet of yours did not come in the same way, with others bearing witness to him? And how is it that God did not in your presence present this man with the book to which you refer, even as He gave the Law to Moses, with the people looking on and the mountain smoking, so that you, too, might have certainty?
Muslims literally cannot refute this
>he had social anxiety
>but he preached in public and successfully converted people
>and he was an evil and successful warlord who could motivate men to fight for him
seems contradictory esu
Better question.
How come people who murder others in the name of allah have never read the qur'an?