I hate how the word ''depression'' is thrown around by millennials today like it's nothing. If you are truly depressed, why not just kill yourself?
To be depressed means to have nothing to lose, therefore depression does not exist without suicide.
I hate how the word ''depression'' is thrown around by millennials today like it's nothing. If you are truly depressed, why not just kill yourself?
To be depressed means to have nothing to lose, therefore depression does not exist without suicide.
it is nothing, it can be cured by a punch in the face
>If you are truly depressed, why not just kill yourself?
No energy.
>my self image revolves around seeing myself as uniquely brooding and miserable so i hate those '''''normies'''''' watering down depression and making me feel less special
This tbqh.
Just another toilet flush of a thread from one of many self absorbed brainlet """"intellectuals""""" that think every one of their empty thought-bubble musings is worthy of an "& Humanities LMAO" thread.
here we see the typical post of a normie who has never been depressed
>If you are truly depressed, why not just kill yourself?
Tried, was saved, now I'm basically kept under watch.
You were saved for a reason. You have a lot more good to do.
all through out history there have been pompous old fools who complain about the youth. Congrats, now you're one of em
I don't think most of them are depressed, but there is seriously "something" wrong with them, to the point where you have to wonder if there's been an outbreak of schizoids or some shit. They aren't getting any pussy, when asked how many close friends they have they'll say "none", more and more of them are turning to shit like MGTOW, traps, bisexuality, fetishes, incels, and what have you, and unlike previous generations there is almost no patriotism nor political activism to be found in this new generation. They just don't give a shit, about anything.
This is literally one of the most politically divided generations in recent history. If anything it's too political. I feel like every second young dipshit I meet is either immersed in alt right or sjw meme bullshit.
Society is becoming more secular. The mass has lost a major source of purpose/identity/unity. Individualism says "make up your own identity and purpose." We find that most people are not capable of that no matter how good it sounds. Now the older generations wonder why young people are flocking to identitarian politics.
>post-modernism, neoliberalism and materialist consumerism have degraded the worth of higher ideals, religion, sense of duty and meaning.
>Is surprised that young people either begin to embrace far right or far left ideals.
You sound like a boomer or at best a gen-x faggot. If not you're a self hating millenial/gen-y'er.
You know you can still have your own personality, ambition and ideals despite following an ideology right.
That isn't true for the mass.
oh my thats a nice pic. im certainly happy that canada and australia are best buds.
>neoliberalism and materialist consumerism
Why not just say 'capitalism'? I honestly don't understand why so many people jump through hoops to avoid criticizing capitalism directly and instead conjure up these placeholders to soak up any blame.
Capitalism is a bit too broad and existed before modernity, though you could argue that this is an end stage of it as a whole.
>Why not just say 'capitalism'?
Why not just say 'economics'? Socialists and capitalists are equally materialistic. Young college-age kids are having partisan street fights over systems of wealth distribution like it is a matter of life and death.
Major depressive disorder exists as a neurological condition and always has. Being depressed never meant having nothing to lose you brainlet
>To be depressed means to have nothing to lose
No it doesn't you retard. It doesn't mean suicidal thoughts either.
I think he means that a lot of people associate nihilistic feelings and melancholy, which has increased greatly the passed decades, to a depression disorder and put them under a single term.
>Capitalism...existed before modernity
Yeah but the effect it had on existing systems at that time was the same. Undermining the established customs, values, and communities. Capitalism worked the same in the 18th on the aristocracy and the church as it did in the 20th on the traditional family.
"Neoliberalism" and "consumerism" both specifically pertain to the effects of capitalism. I don't contest the material nature of socialism but it seems foolish to me to pin the blame of the exercise of existing system on it.
>post-modernism, neoliberalism and materialist consumerism have degraded the worth of higher ideals, religion, sense of duty and meaning.
All of the above things only had worth in the context of societal progress. The fact that industrial progress brought more issues into the picture (nuclear war, societal complication, aimlessness, depression, anxiety, etc.) caused postmodernism to come into fruition, rather than the other way around. The lack of this sense of progress is also the cause of millenials jumping to political extremes.
then why didn't he say so, OP is a scientologist who thinks mental illness isn't real and psychiatrists are out to get him
>If you are truly depressed, why not just kill yourself?
Too lazy and cowardly.