>tfw I don't own any crypto and only buy index funds instead
Keep losing money on cuckcoins. Enjoy getting hacked by Boris
>tfw I don't own any crypto and only buy index funds instead
Keep losing money on cuckcoins. Enjoy getting hacked by Boris
I'm 95% index, 5% crypto for funsies
Enjoy retiring in your 60s like a good goy.
lololol. 18-24 months away from a bigger bust cycle than we saw in 2008. while your indexes go off cliff, my crypto is going to go to the fucking moon.
enjoy your currently shit returns, capital gains tax, and future massive losses cuck
Enjoy never retiring when your $3000 in altcoins tanks and never recovers
Lol maybe in your dreams.
>shit returns
The s&p is almost at 2600 you retard
>capital gains tax
Do you think you dont pay tax on crypto?
>Do you think you dont pay tax on crypto?
No, what do you think we are, commies?
>Lol maybe in your dreams.
I'd link you the many reports released by any number of banks by now that would prove you have no idea what's coming your way, but I'd rather teehee when the bottom falls out and that OP who didn't know anything and is now fucked pops in my head
>The s&p is almost at 2600 you retard
lololol that's baby money bitch
>Do you think you dont pay tax on crypto?
you only pay tax when you cash out. I'm retiring on this stack. you'll meanwhile have all your savings wiped out by 2020
grats on not knowing fuck all about macro trends cuck
So how are you retards planning on cashing out?
See that's your problem. You assume we need fiat. By the time I "cash out", any debt obligations I have will be long since paid for, my day-to-day needs will be minimal, and there will be plenty of ways to spend crypto without hitting fiat and having it count as capital gains.
Fiat is a lie.
>Cashing out
Here in Australia I use my Coin Jar card that acts as an EFTPOS card to do everything necessary. Simple as that.
>Held 50% indices
>35% stock positions
>threw 15% in btc
>btc ballooned to now about 65% NAV
>haven’t touched it
Now how could that happen if I never moved around money? It’s almost like btc quadrupled or something.
So this is what delusion looks like.
theres alot of nocoiner cope in this thread
ya if you can't grok why you don't need fiat in a crypto world, you're in no position to be giving long term investment advice. OP's investment advice is shit your grandfather would tell you to do. this ain't your grandpappy's world anymore OP. catch up, or watch your equity disappear in a flash like has happened countless times before. the whole fiat system is built around inflationary boom-bust cycles FFS.
fuck m8 i need to get onto this. how much does a card cost?
Was around $27~29 AUD, something like that. Not pretty, but if you're making lots anyway it's not a problem.
Only from the perspective of the truly deluded friend. You've bought into the lies spoonfed to you from birth. That era is declining fast.
Like I said, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about by 2020 when the bubbles start to burst. The biggest banks in the world know a lot more about finance than you ever will, and the reports that prove me right have been released by them. They don't expect returns to continue, and growth rates have been in decline. You're deluding yourself so much you disagree with the people who run the indexes you're putting your entire net worth in FFS
I've been hearing the "economy is about to collapse and we r all about to die!" Meme for literally my entire life.
>implying you can't buy/sell crypto in person, in exchange for cash.
You'll probably be dead soon anyway grandpa, don't you worry about this stuff.
Can't wait for the pink wojaks
so you going to off yourself in 2020 is the world doesn't collapse?
That was a great and insightful contribution to the debate you started on your own, user. Enjoy investing in financial instruments even older than your burgerland country.
Invested 30k in crypto. Overall portfolio is now 400k. I already withdrew 100k into fiat.
>not buying leveraged index funds and retiring in 10 years
Stay poor
Well here's some investment advice 101: past profits do not indicate future success.
Yes, its been a meme for ages. It doesn't mean it won't come true. But the thing is, 2020 isn't when I'm saying crypto takes over and fiat dies. Its the year all major banks agree this boom cycle will turn into a bust cycle, and there's enough factors all coming to a head then than even the biggest bank's main goal right now is to maintain equity through the turmoil. Not make gains, but literally just squat on what they have and hope it stays worth the same amount by shifting to safe havens and bonds. There's going to be a downturn even greater than 2008 very soon. That was just a teaser of what's around the corner.
Why would I? My bets aren't placed in anyway that would make my life any worse if the clock keeps ticking on like normal. I'm merely passing on information that comes from banks. They're giving their investors the same warnings and see the same downturn coming.
Even just look at crypto charts if you need to see what I mean. Right now you're zoomed into the 15 minute chart, seeing green bars, and thinking all is fine. The banks warnings are looking at the 4 hour chart and seeing that we're heading for a downward trajectory. Will we pull back up later on? Probably at some point. But this downturn is going to make 2008 look small.
Post links to the bank reports
I expect total economic, social, political, and environmental collapse by 2033 due to thermodynamic oil collapse
wouldn't you have to invest like 500k in index funds to have a neet life?