Egyptians were white
Egyptians were white
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Egyptians were and still are a wide variety of skin tones ranging from basically indistinguishable from Italians or Greeks to almost as dark as sub-saharans
Most Egyptians I met unironically look like Italians, although often less shaven, so I guess we wuz indeed.
OP is not white
>Arabs and North Africans are considered White in America
Amerimutts indeed.
This, my friend has 2 Egyptian parents and she could pass for Somali and he for Italian
Is that Don King?
After the immigrants are done with your country they'll be no whites left.
Europe is far whiter than America could ever dream, even if some countries like France are going down the drain there is still a huge population and land in central, south and eastern Europe.
Even the most tin-foil tier predictions of future native European population numbers in the EU don't come close to the rapidly declining numbers in the US
We are kings
Probably, but most of the African input in modern Egypt is due to the slave trade that went on during the Middle Ages.
That's highly unlikely considering the oldest mummies are categorically "black" and human trafficking has always been a reality in africa. The study used to imply that is based off of samples from one Hellenistic graveyard in lower Egypt used misleadingly to represent the entirety of ancient Egypt for all-time. Ethnic Egyptians are essentially Nubians.
Its not "unlikely" its absolutely true. Egypt is *mostly* genetically the same as its mummies were 5000 years ago, the biggest difference, however, has been an increase in sub-saharan genes over time. Egypt was genetically LESS "black" 5000 years ago, although it was probably phenotypically basically the exact same.
It sucks to be de facto black but enjoy none of the perks just like a white
>The study used to imply that is based off of samples from one Hellenistic graveyard in lower Egypt used misleadingly to represent the entirety of ancient Egypt for all-time.
What study? There are literally multiple studies that use old and middle kingdom mummies that show less African genes. The best critique is that mummies dont represent the general population.
Italians and greeks are nigger species. I think weve stumbled on the real confusion around Kangz
Youre mixing incompatable theories
That image looks
this, the one that recovered entire genomes
I fucking hate this topic and I fucking hate the fact that 4000 years from now there will be some cyber Marsian being equally retarded and ask "Were the people of the United States of America white?"
The oldest mummies are literally black. Mummification is african in origin which is why mummification is not found in the middle east or southern Europe or wherever else people are trying to steal an African culture.
Also none of those samples are from upper Egypt, you know....where Egypt and Egyptian culture originated.
Then let us enjoy it while it's still white, Jamal, no need to act like a bitter cunt because we're still white for the moment being.
Why is Yoruba the sole definition of "sub-saharan" in this study. I guess Ethiopians and somalis aren't black now. Why do white people try to pass of clearly flawed studies as "science". It would be like reducing tbe definition of white to mean Scottish, then doing a study and finding no Scottish blood in ancient Rome and being like look Romans were much blacker in the past(which actually does have sound scientific evidence).
Whats incompatible about anything I said? Egypt has received more sub-saharan African genes over time. Today they are "blacker" genetically than they were 5000 years ago, but only slightly. They probably dont look a whole lot different than they do today. Also, I made a mistake. Some of the tested samples were mummies from the old and middle kingdom but some were also just unmummified remains from the old kingdom and even earlier.
So you're not talking about Egyptian mummies, you're talking about completely unrelated mummies in a thread about Egypt? What point are you making exactly? That Egyptians adopted non-Egyptian culture?
been posting this repeatedly on /pol/ I see
besides, the Egyptians aren't the only people with mummies
>He also had tightly curled, woolly hair, which turned out to be a wig that had been glued to his scalp.[9]
The act of mummification represents a point of cultural continuity that should be present in places that claim to be related to ancient Egyptians in southern Europe and the middle east, but no such cultural continuity exists.
>The act of mummification represents a point of cultural continuity
Culture can be dropped or adopted without continuity
>that should be present in places that claim to be related to ancient Egyptians
nonsense, see above
>that claim to be related to ancient Egyptians in southern Europe and the middle east, but no such cultural continuity exists.
True, Egyptians are vaguely semitic, has some European, and African genes. They have been identifiable for thousands of year, its not really certain where they came from but the only people who can claim to be descended from them are the people who live in and near Egypt (I believe modern random Levantine peoples are actually more genetically similar than the anceint Egyptians than the average modern Egyptian citizen)
>no such cultural continuity exists
modern Egyptians don't mummify their dead either, must not be related to ancient Egyptians
so much for continuity
The 'active Veeky Forums moderation' list is white.
yeah, Palestinians and Bedouins are the closest modern analogues to the ancient Egyptians
Mummification isn't the only point of continuity ancient Egyptians have with niolitic east Africans. There is also circumcision, cattle cult religion, style of dress, language. Even in their own words the came from "the mountains of the moon at the beginning of the Nile where the god hapi dwells". There is just too much to attempt to write it off with semantic tricks. There are plenty of depictions of middle easterners of the time, and they depict themselves as lighter on average and heavily bearded which makes sense.
Because modern Egypt is dominated by arabs and Greeks and has been for 2,000 years. Once new religions came into the region paganistic practices and rituals were banned.
They also depicted Nubians as darker (and differentiate between particularly dark individuals within Egyptian art). By no means am i saying Egyptians are European, however they are closely related to middle easterners such as northeastern Arabs, moreso than they are to northern Sudanese (and definitely moreso than southern sudanese).
>cattle cult religion
this isn't particularly unique you know
well, looks like baptists have a cultural connection to the ancient Egyptians now
Northern Sudanese and southern Egyptians are exactly the same color as most hieroglyphics. The pitch black people depicted were what would be considered southern Sudanese today. Notice in this pic many of the "Nubians" are the same color as Pharaoh. The distinction between Egyptians and Nubians is an artificial racially charged distinction made by 1900 archeologists. They were essentially the same people.
>A team led by Johannes Krause managed the first reliable sequencing of the genomes of 90 mummified individuals in 2017. Whilst not conclusive, because of the non-exhaustive time frame and restricted location that the mummies represent, their study nevertheless showed that these ancient Egyptians "closely resembled ancient and modern Near Eastern populations, especially those in the Levant, and had almost no DNA from sub-Saharan Africa. What's more, the genetics of the mummies remained remarkably consistent even as different powers—including Nubians, Greeks, and Romans—conquered the empire." Later, however, something did alter the genomes of Egyptians. Some 15% to 20% of modern Egyptians’ DNA reflects sub-Saharan ancestry, but the ancient mummies had only 6-15% sub-Saharan DNA.[199]
>Egyptologist Barry Kemp (2005) has reviewed the available skulls and skeletal evidence on the ancient Egyptians. He observes that skeletons from earlier periods, which would help elucidate the origin of the Predynastic Egyptians, are rare, with one of the few examples being bodies recovered from a Late Stone Age cemetery at Gebel Sahaba, in the northern Sudan. Kemp states that these people certainly would not have looked like Predynastic Egyptians or Nubians, but instead they shared features with a population of early Homo sapiens called Cro-Magnon, which are found spread across North Africa and Europe.[40]
>Sonia Zakrzewski in 2007 noted that population continuity occurs over the Egyptian Predynastic into the Greco-Roman periods, and that a relatively high level of genetic differentiation was sustained over this time period.
Pic related
>he doesn't know that their art was highly stylized for a reason and that the depiction of people was actually enforced from the top down
google Akhenaten
Low IQ detected
this is what ancient Egyptians looked like
>According to ancient DNA analyses conducted by Lazaridis et al. (2016) on Natufian skeletal remains from present-day northern Israel, the Natufians carried the Y-DNA (paternal) haplogroups E1b1b1b2(xE1b1b1b2a,E1b1b1b2b) (2/5; 40%), CT (2/5; 40%), and E1b1(xE1b1a1,E1b1b1b1) (1/5; 20%).[19] One Natufian individual was also found to belong to the N1b mtDNA haplogroup and two others belonged to the J2a2 mtDNA haplogroup.[29] In terms of autosomal DNA, these Natufians carried around 50% of the Basal Eurasian (BE) and 50% of Western Eurasian Unknown Hunter Gather (UHG) components. However, they were slightly distinct from the northern Anatolian populations that contributed to the peopling of Europe, who had higher Western Hunter Gatherer (WHG) inferred ancestry. Natufians were strongly genetically differentiated[30] from Neolithic Iranian farmers from the Zagros Mountains, who were a mix of Basal Eurasians (up to 62%) and Ancient North Eurasians (ANE). This might suggest that different strains of Basal Eurasians contributed to Natufians and Zagros farmers,[31][32][33] as both Natufians and Zagros farmers descended from different populations of local hunter gatherers. Mating between Natufians, other Neolithic Levantines, Caucasus Hunter Gatherers (CHG), Anatolian and Iranian farmers is believed to have decreased genetic variability among later populations in the Middle East. The scientists suggest that the Levantine early farmers may have spread southward into East Africa, bringing along Western Eurasian and Basal Eurasian ancestral components separate from that which would arrive later in North Africa. No affinity of Natufians to sub-Saharan Africans is evident in the genome-wide analysis, as present-day sub-Saharan Africans do not share more alleles with Natufians than with other ancient Eurasians.[19]
Thread should’ve ended right here
>We were kings and stuff
Says it all.
Jesus the autism people go to justify muh ancestor about people who lived millennias ago.
Literally capitals in Europe are majority non white though. There was two million migrants to Germany last year alone. Muslim percentages are climbing to double digits in some countries. At least shitskins here are Christian.
obviously, nearly all of history is fake start here to find the truth
lol, no.
much longer than that it is an entire playlist you brainless faggot this si why they call you goyim because you are a lazy idiot
>wasting 2 hours of your life on pure bullshit
I'm good.
No one cares what you do goyim stop mooing you will frighten the others cattle
What Jews have to do with it?
"Jews" are not "jew" they are criminal empire 1000's of years old nearly all of history since Rome is fake and isn't as far back time as (((they))) tell us
>The affinity to the Middle East finds further support by the Y-chromosome haplogroups of the three individuals for which genome-wide data was obtained, two of which could be assigned to the Middle-Eastern haplogroup J, and one to haplogroup E1b1b1 common in North Africa
> Rome is fake
It is real but hidden in Greenland.
I didn't say Rome is fake I said nearly all of history since Rome is fake approx 2000 years, but yah this. I don't know about this greenland things but I have spent years tracking true history since Atlantis which is why I made that playlist Here is a playlist on Atlantis as well conclusive proof of the Global Vedic Aryan Empire
Interesting theory but doesn't really fit with the facts
Yes, because people traffic slaves and then make them their kings, don't they? What a fucking idiot.
>eastern and southern europe, white
good one