Tell me about Mansa Musa, the richest man in all of history
Tell me about Mansa Musa, the richest man in all of history
mah nigga rich as fuck
Mali was very centralized and had a ton of gold. That's about it.
Here's his greatest achievement
Really makes you ponder
Fucker caused inflation like mad in the middle east
Stop we wuzzing gippo. Just because he was descended from the Southern branch of the Thraco-Dacians that doesn't mean he's Romanian.
Also salt trade.
>being amazed that in a land with little wood constructions were made with mud
user you are a retard we know.
T. Fagyar
I'll call every butthurt hungarian fagyar now, thanks user.
It's almost like there are no other materials you can built with other than wood and mud...
First case of nigger rich. Literally lucked out by being king of an area with so much gold, and this is somehow an achievement
>this is somehow an achievement
For and african nation? yes
Samefag magyarshit
that's kinda how the U.S. happened
Literally the opposite. The colonies were founded to hunt for gold and failed miserably, so had to turn to agriculture (aka hard work and renewable resources) to become survivable. The wealth of America comes from millions of acres of arable land and millions of high IQ inhabitants that take advantage of the agricultural potential, raising enough surplus population to create industrial potential.
>aka hard work
Are you retarded?
Slave labour and oil made America
>Here's his greatest achievement
Actually, this is a work of a Frenchman and the mosque is from early 1900s. When the French conquered Mali, the mosque looked like pic related. One French autist drew what he thought the mosque used to look like and the French drove the locals to build it.
>Tell me about Mansa Musa, the richest man in all of history
Hardly the richest, if one foreign trip sunk his own country economically.
He wuz a kang
Then he went around showing off how rich he wuz by giving out gold
And crashed the economy for a generation
Holy shit, I thought you were fucking with me.
Why have I never heard of this before?
>Everyone who farmed the land and colonized westward used slaves
Umm... No?
>Slave labor made America
Umm... No? What is industrialization and abundant natural resources? If you really think Oil is the the only natural resource we exported then boy are you retarded
>On 20 January 2006 the sight of a team of men hacking at the roof of the mosque sparked a riot in the town. The team were inspecting the roof as part of a restoration project financed by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture. The men quickly disappeared to avoid being lynched. In the mosque the mob ripped out the ventilation fans that had been presented by the US Embassy at the time of the Iraq War and then went on a rampage through the town. The crowd ransacked the Cultural Mission, the mayor's home, destroyed the car belonging to the imam's younger brother and damaged three cars belonging to the Imam himself. The local police were overwhelmed and had to call in reinforcements from Mopti. One man died during the disturbances.
He's a real son of a bitch. We used to just call him "tech whore" because he researches quickly, then sells the tech to everyone, making the ai more advanced than it is already. He should be taken out as soon as possible, though you may want to trade for his techs first.
Wtf did you just say to me!?
just some nigger who found himself sitting on a pile of gold and squandered it all faster than the spaniards
You got it wrong brainlet-kun.
One foreign trip sunk OTHER COUNTRIES economically.
>IQ 100
Obligatory pic from civ v trying to make it look bigger
From afar, the sticks look like windows, giving the delusion it's an actual building
Not true. When the French entered Mali at the end of the 19th century the original mosque had fallen into disrepair due to one of the local leaders favoring a different one. While the reconstructed original was paid for by the French, it was designed and built by indigenous Malian people. If you're going to be a stormnigger at least get your facts straight.
Yeah ok this guy was richer than Bill Gates
Wealth is relative though. Mansa also had no way of generating new wealth
lel they actually made this insignificant building a wonder. What has CIV become?
They also made a never used nazi resort a wonder.
He crashed some shitty little country's economy by throwing gold in the streets.
Castles(and other such tall stone structures like churches) require a shit ton of lumber to build what with all the scaffolding. Given of course Mansa Musa could have just imported a forest.
It doesn't count if you don't actually know how much money you actually have. What I mean is, he knew that gold was valuable but he had no idea just how valuable it was. That's why he brought so God damned much on his pilgrimage to Mecca and gave so much of it away. In his defense, he was smart enough to listen when other people told him how bad he fucked everything up and he tried to rectify the situation on the way back.
Guy had no idea how rich he actually was.