Duuude, who will make da ROADS?!

>Duuude, who will make da ROADS?!
Why is this treated like an argument? Fuck roads. If people walk or drive down a path enough times it becomes a fucking road. You don't need a government to make roads.
Plus the government doesn't even fix the roads. They intentionally botch them so they can keep sucking taxpayer money to keep working on worthless fucking roads.

Other urls found in this thread:



>unironically loving corporate cock so much you subscribe to a literal slave ideology

My God, this is it. The plebbest post of all time.

>unironically thinking slave and master aren't the natural state of human relationships

>& humanities
Holy fuck cringe

Wanting to put the worse mankind has to offer, the merchants and "investors" as master of their betters


You are the literal cuckold of ideologies. The fucking neoliberal wet dream of how they wished young people were.

Your thread is retarded, but you're right about the no roads """argument""".

>hee hee Ricky and Morty

anime is historic tho

People who unironically use "cringe" are the type who watch Rick and Morty. Not sure what you're getting at, normalfag. But if you don't like anime maybe you should get off the anime website.


However dumb you may think libertarianism is socialism makes infinitely less sense.

>implying neoliberals are a bogyman made by lefties

>Uses a reddit wojak meme as an argument
Normalfag confirmed. How sad!

Anime is normalfaggotry.

Incorrect. Anime has always been Veeky Forums culture.
Normalfags try to like it but don't understand it and aren't elitist at all. They're "ironic weebs".
Wojak memes on the other hand are as normalfaggy as you can get!

>hating on anime
All boards are /a/

im gonna put you into the ground like the zhou did with the shangs

No one here likes you.

all me

>campaigns for gender-neutral pronouns
>unironically supports child marriage
>uses the word "cringe"
>watches Rick and Morty and posts on plebbit

And so the /v/edditor reveals his true colours

Not all of those are me so the people who aren't me probably like me thus someone here likes me

gr8 b8 m8, I r8 your b8 8/8

Socialism has actually existed tho, and however shitty it may have been for the average citizen, the USSR was at least a global superpower with some achievements for a short period. Can't exactly say that for anarcho-capitalautism. It might as well be imaginationland the ideology.
>private cops
>kids being able to buy heroin
>debt slavery
>no official standards in healthcare, food handling or education
>toll roads everywhere
>cletus and jamal having unlimited access to automatic firearms, grenades and flamethrowers
>muh free baby market
>designer plagues with a monthly vaccine fee in order to not die
>inevitable DRO corruption ruling in favor of the highest bidder and fighting turf wars with each other
>free market will fix the environment hurrr
I'll take vodka coupons and bread lines over that shit any say.

AnCap has existed too
>1776-1860's United States
>Orange Free State

Pretty much this. At least when I starve under socialism, most others will be starving as well

What is wrong with rick and morty?

Funny how you can only have a libertarian society with a 100% Christian population

Imagine knowing about socialism in ancap memes?

Nice fucking meme

So in an anarchist society, what is stopping me from gathering my mates, realising anarchism is fucking retarded and killing you and burning your house down because you looked at me funny?
How would you stop me and my gang without forming a gang since that wouldn't be anarchism?

The "ethics", "moral" and "rights" that existed in real world, since most people support ancap.

>You don't need a government to make roads.

The government doesn't even make the roads now you moron.

Yea but why, why should I follow societal norms if there's no society

This. Also pixies and fairies made of moonbeams armed with lazer cannons.

Because it's the ethical and moral thing to do, individuals always benefit the most from following property rules.

>colonial USA was ancap
Lmao, all of those colonies were started and maintained by European governments. They had moments of lawlessness, yes, because it was a frontier with low population density, no modern technology and a mostly agricultural based family centric economy (which is essentially collectivist anyway). That doesn't mean it was ancap in the way modern ancaps use it at all, local governments, monarchies and nation states all had their hand in the pie and surprise surprise, the social order became more centralized as time went on because higher population densities, political conflicts and the industrial revolution demanded it. This is like arguing that communism works because primitive tribes had vaguely analogous structures.

>Orange Free State
A weak Republic that got fucked by the British. Great example.

But you are the individual, and my gang(society) that I made is a collective
And we decided we're not going to follow ethics
What would you do?
Reminder, no joining up with other people, because them you'd be starting a society

Yeah, that's what usually happened throughout history whenever society collapsed. Oh, wait...

Compared to a literally nonexistent ancap Utopia?

>most people support ancap
This isn't even true for burgerfats.

Would be better for all the people if you instead chose to follow natural law, and most people being rational would chose to follow it.

Ancap and libertarians are a deductive science, based on eternal universal laws, called natural laws, you don't need history or examples to prove something as certain as math.

If people want roads, someone will build one. And then charge for it and profit off of his work. Government is not needed for roads. If a road deteriorates, he will either repair it or someone else will build a new road. It's that simple.

It’s so cringey seeing 2 people who don’t understand socialism arguing

>natural law
But that would mean I get to band together in societal units as a defense against threats and hardships
And IIRC societal groups ''in nature''do attack other individuals/groups who are taking up resources or are a threat


>Implying people is an unique homogeneous group who only interest is make society work...
There would be some landlords who own things and peasants who pays for using the roads, the mill, the fields...

I don't think "who will build the roads" is the issue, it's more of "I don't want to pay a toll every time I turn onto a different person's private road"

I found your perfect society, OP.

Anyone with a minimal history knowledge can see that natural law has existed in all humans societies.

>in all humans societies
There's the zinger

I understand perfectly how it works. Theoretical crap like historical materialism is not an example of an ideology "at work".

They are not an example, all societies follow property laws, even if they don't know it.

Yes it is. The USSR was not a socialist state.

Communists don't subscribe to an 'ideology'. It's literally a science.


>faggot arguing about roadss
we need public transport

>some redneck in his shitty little shack demands thirty tonnes of solid gold for relocating off his property which is obstructing the path of an important new highway
>20 other shitheads are doing the same nail house racket because there are no eminent domain laws
>oh well guess well just build a new highway haha

They would sell their home for a slight higher value, since the road-builder would pay a little more than the market value. And they would accept

Hegelianism, semantics and historical revision are not science. I agree that ancap blows ass but you can't just brush off every failed revolution with the no true Scotsman fallacy dude.

ancaps is a true deductible science, based on universal laws

Or they could just not accept it to be a dick and extort people with their unfair leverage. Hell, I would.

Why do you assume people will act in the interests of everyone else? Do you think every tom dick and harry is a deep thinker? The ancap society is going to be filled with Adam Smiths and Benjamin Franklins?

Capitalism is inherently reliant on the formation of a societal hierarchy and laws, meaning it's an oxymoron

>but you can't just brush off every failed revolution with the no true Scotsman fallacy dude.

That's like you saying I've pulled a no true Scotsman when an Ecuadorian says he's Scottish.

There is one key element to socialism:
Worker control of the means of production

Revolutions HAVE met this demand, Catalonia, Hungary etc. And i don't 'brush them off'. I accept them as failed revolutions, but they hardly discredit the ideology.

Ultimately, ending capitalism is the only way to save the planet from environmental destruction.

Them you would suffer a boycott from every other person, since you are not being ethical

Communism is based on the idea that people act based on their class, not religion, opinion, education...

Yes and?
What is your point?

How giving the control of the means of production to workers will make this means polluting less or make workers consuming less?

The Qoram is a better base for an ideology this bullshit

Ancaps always call people that believe in the state bootlickers, but they never entertain the possibility that the person's goal is to (or that they already are) be the one wearing the boot. At least unlike an ancap society, a literal who nobody rising to become absolute dictator has actually happened in history, several times.

But I'm not a commie or a muslim, if anything I'm a capitalist

>we need the government to build our roads and bridges!!!
>: O

The U.S. government collects $3.18 trillion in taxes every year for our roads.
Obviously since $3.9 trillion is not enough to build roads, the U.S. government also has to borrow $1 million a minute for our roads. politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/jul/21/rand-paul/rand-paul-us-borrows-1-million-minute/
Meanwhile, infrastructure is in the worst state of disrepair in American history and bridges are falling apart, 50 years overdue for replacement.
rlly makes me think.
thank good our benevolent good God government overlords protec us by taking our money and wisely spending it to fight a never-ending stream of raghead goat-fuckers on the other side of the planet to keep Israel safe. and also to build our roads. and for giving us our neetbux 2.

Because profit is no longer the central interest of production, but local need.

That's why ancap is superior, in an ancap society, there would be no positions of power, since all positions of power exist in the government.

Can't ancaps use an argument that's not "the government did something wrong, so my system is automatically better"?

Why would you not want power, especially power over others? That is not only an inherently human desire, it is a universal one.

>no positions of power
Except for that group of armed guys across the street

>people are only ever driven by their needs and not their wants

>what is corporate power

Local need, what make you think that workers don't want to have luxuriates? That the local need is the bare minimum?

But ancap is better I can prove it.

Prove it then

Needs and wants are the same thing, essentially. Cpiatlism is inheremtly inefficient as it produces to meet demand but throws away surplus.

In a socialist state, as production is entirely to meet the local interests of the community, the need to squeeze every drop of profit dry isn't there, and more environmental systems can be used to achieve this. If necessary, a democratically elected federation would administer such control.

jesus christ you don't even deserve a response. you don't rightfully have a place in the conversation. you honestly believe you can get an interstate freeway system that way? you've reduced an entire system of counterarguments into a single strawman, and then failed to successfully argue against that strawman.

lmao. ancaps are dumb.

Need and want as the same thing, essentially. But obviously food and water come first.

>all positions of power exist within the government
This might be the fucking most incorrect thing I've ever read

It's the only system that don't go against natural law and ethics

Lol no

If the workers control the means of production, they will use this means to have the better standard of living possible.

Im not an ancap. ancaps are retards.
I think we definitely need to minimize the federal government though. It's completely out of any semblance of control, and the people running it are nearly as retarded as the ancaps.

I'm assuming you're not a native speaker and simply don't know what the words "power" and "goverment" means because otherwise you're so fucking retarded I don't know where to begin.

>its a "ancaps and commies both forget people don't just act how you want them to" episode

Yes? I never denied that, man. But you seem to think they won't also want to preserve the environment. Nothing forces people to recycle, they do it because they care. Equally, worker cooperatives would mean staff could elect to use sustainable production systems, since profit is no longer the driving force, but meeting the workers and their desires.

You think you are more ethical by preferring a small state dick raping you than a big one?