Does revisionism lose in the long run?
Does revisionism lose in the long run?
Define ‘lose’
Historical revision already won otherwise history would just be the retelling of orally transmitted myth
no, it only looses when you call that shit out.
If revisionism becomes a part of popular culture, it wins. Most stupid meme tier historical opinions or "factoids" spouted by historically illiterate normies have at one point or another been added to the lexicon of historical knowledge through popular culture. (They're memes, Jerry!) In 30 years ancient Egypt will be regarded as a fully black African society where both sexes were given equal access to education, and anyone who protests ("akshually") will be branded as "that guy who has to correct everyone" by normies.
This nig know what's up
This op, but to your concern about videogames remember that the current asscreed won't even be remembered in 24 months when the new one comes out. This is by design because Ubisoft wants you to keep rebuying their products like all businesses do.
To that end revisionism capitalists engage in rarely sticks because most capitalist things (mcdonalds toys, videogames, trading cards, slot machines) is nothing more than flotsam which will wind up decaying in landfills, becoming a small layer of shredded plastic that will represent the oil age.
when did plebs know anything about history?
that's ironic, considering the original creed games were made by anarkiddies who considered mao an assassin
Stop using this word when it's obvious when you don't know what it means.
Why are Anglos so obsessed with this stuff? Their country is straight up 1984 levels when it comes to history at this point.
I think if we were to frame history (or herstory) as being more inclusive, we could really increase involvement in its study by groups who are underrepresented in the field. History is not an inviting place for women and non-white men, and if it's going to continue to be considered a relevant part of education in the 21st century, that has to change.
This is actual rewriting of history and an ongoing cultural subversion the likes we have never seen. Not even Mao's cultural revolution comes close to this. It's actual indoctrination, actual culture killing, actual erasure of history.
Shit like this MUST be called out and attacked mercilessly whenever and wherever, under any and all circumstances.
There is no honest motive here. This isn't about sme flowery bullshit, it's exactly the same like those games and fake propaganda documentaries about browns as medieval european aristocracy.
They are killing the past so that they can create a cultureless future of corporate bugmen slaves.
Fuck off back /v/ with your gaymer shit.
At least they’re up front about the historical inaccuracy and their agenda.
This desu. I'd rather they just be open with it as a deliberate creative choice than pretend it's historically accurate.
Not everything in 1984 came true, but the whole thing about rewriting the past to control the present is clearly happening.
I was thinking the other day that I or someone else should direct a Winston Churchill biopic starring a black actor. The English are so far gone up the Progressive asshole that I think it's possible and I'd love to see the public and media reaction to such a movie.
Why do Videogames developers do this so much? At this rate we’ll soon have Vietnam games with Australian Aboriginals running around shooting Russians
Because they are ideological brainwashed people
wow what a visionary
I agree
Fuck off, /pol/.
That's how you know it's bullshit.
It's made by a French-Canadian studio user, they aren't exactly fans of the Anglo
In pop culture and broad academia? No
In serious historiography yes
>historical fantasy is historically inaccurate (who would have thunk)
Imagine being so much of a brainlet that you can't tell a fictional story from a history book.
They literally say that it was a conscious decision because of politics, that is the definition of revisionism.
>I have no problem with Achilles being trained by centaurs and being immortal except for his heel
Except they're not presenting it as fact??? Just like literally everything in their game??? Because it's fucking fantasy???
>that is the definition of revisionism.
But it isn't. Stop using this word.
>diverge from the source material
>no you cant critique it
Yes, and they are diverging from history for political reasons. How is that anything but rewriting history?
so, your average nigger?
And explicitly saying it isn't accurate.
>How is that anything but rewriting history?
I didn't realize history was written by historical fantasy authors.
bottom text
I laughed so much at this pic
Just admit that you got triggered by a vase in a video game you fucking snowflake.
It will end up the same way it did for the Victorians when they dug up statues of goats fucking people in Pompeii.They mistakenly presumed they were just like the Romans.They ashamedly filled them away and labeled them pornographic which is how we get the modern term.
What's the problem with revisionism? Sometimes people don't get things right the first time.
Because they aren't presenting it as historical fact
Not that that will stop normies from regurgitating the misinfo
Also this. On some level all historiography is revisionism. The first work of history at all was a revisionist account of the Persian war.
>Source material is a fucking written interpretation of an oral story.
It's almost like things like myth and legend are meant to be retold in however the teller chooses, welcome to the oral tradition user.
Myth or not, hes still an ancient Greek
Yeah an people will soon believe there were always nigs and Arabs in Europe and that they saved Europe in ww1
How the fuck is this revisionism? This outright says 'this is not accurate but fuck it, why not?' so they admit to it. I don't know much about this game but this looks like just an easter egg at best and nobody is going to think some random pot you run by as some epic piece of history to remember. Plus, this is a game that says you can do a godamn vr sim of your great grand daddy's life, including the day he banged your gread grand momma and then you get to see the godamn jizz merge with the egg to see the next vr sim.
This is the future you chose
bbc has quotas.
>both Churchill and the king are black
>Hitler is also black
My favourite show with the characters i identify with the most, has a nearly all female cast and they're not even the same species as me.
I will never understand this shit about "inclusiveness"
>Inclusivity is more important than the truth
Considering British tradition of not giving a fuck about who (in terms of sex and race) plays what character in plays, the only egregious one of these is the BBC Teach cartoon.
>brony talking shit
Go aeay, Barneyfag.