If God is omnipotent, why be there suffering and evil?
If God is omnipotent, why be there suffering and evil?
Other urls found in this thread:
>who is the devil
God is most definitely not the entire set of Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnibenevolent, as can be proven by the creation of Mexicans.
Which one of the triad is missing is unclear, but one of them certainly is.
If you're omnipotent you are omniscient
The devil isn't omnipotent tho
>this question again
**sighs deeply**
The Devil is God.
But no
well if devil isn't omnipotent, but there is suffering and evil due to him, god is not omnipotent either.
Is this the only solution, that God isn't omnipotent?
Because in the bible God is explicitly stated as being all loving
See the many theodicies. There are much better arguments against classical theism God.
>a being granted me the very gift of existence so I deserve heaven
But he's meant to be really nice
maybe he doesn't like you idk
He could be putting you through more suffering in a second than all the suffering that ever existed, you should be thankful that he gives mercy to any being who have defied his infinite will
Now I'm scaerd
to use power is to cause suffering
Everyone seems to conveniently forget that we were thrown back on earth, where there's death and suffering, because of the original sin. I hate it when people assume that life on earth is supposed to be easy and fun by default, but forget that it's actually not. What you're living right now is a punishment, my good religionlet friend. God is omnipotent and there is no evil and no suffering IN HIS PRESENCE, which is definitely not on earth.
Surely he could give free will and have no suffering at all tho, and no evil?
Because God is merely a representation of the collective human conscious, ultimately it's we who allow suffering and evil
What are you not understanding that life on earth was never supposed to be without fault or suffering? He gave free will, laid out the consequences of actions and we chose.
You're here as punishment for the original choice, not on vacation. If you atone for the sin DESPITE it all, out of your own FREE WILL and volition, you can live in peace and fun without suffering in the presence of God.
But there can also be joy and good.
he gave neither brainlet
Why did he give bad consequences?
is it really a gift?
How can you defy his will if he is all knowing and all powerful. He already knew everything you would do so just by creating you you can't defy his will
When God made Adam and Eve he also created their personalities so it's kind of his fault they chose to eat the fruit
We are talking about the abrahamic god?
This is explained in genesis.
>If God is omnipotent, why be there suffering and evil?
God isn't omnipotent, or if God is omnipotent, it doesn't interfere with natural laws for puny mortals anymore than you rearrange your kitchen to cater to bacteria.
You should stop taking advice on what "God" is from proven frauds like Abrahamics.
>you should be thankful he doesn't treat us even WORSE
Yeah no. He cam go fuck himself.
Do you have Stockholm syndrome?
Why does everyone on Veeky Forums base their concept of God on Christian theology. Even if you logically are argue for a Prime Mover or something it doesn't mean that the Bible is true. Expand your horizons
We have these every week.
You godless people never learn the necessity of suffering.
So just suffer needlessly, and then eternally.
>And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:
>One of us
What did the lord mean by this?
He meant that the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that he made worked as intended.
Because else it wouldn't be much of a free will. If there is no consequence, there is no choice or rather, there can exist no choice without consequence. Good and bad are just categories we, as limited beings, put things into.
God likely isn't even consciously aware of the reality we exist in, no more than we are aware of where the things we throw god, or it would be more comparable to the things in the things in the things in the bacteria in the things in the things that we discard.
It's pointless to comprehend something as incomprehensible as God, but the word exists and the word is law because he fucking made the universe. If I make a home, I expect everyone to keep clean else they get kicked out until they learn not to throw mud everywhere.
If you're stumbling over the "us", God is a triune entity relational even within himself, and the plural Elohim is often used, but in a singular sense with the singular verb "bara" accompanying it.
So God said "Let us make mankind in our image", and God made man in his image.
Why is he triune why not 1, 2 or 4 parts. What is special about 3?
I don't know. He revealed himself to us as three persons, Father Son and Holy Spirit, so that we might get to know him better.
I don't know if he could have been different than he is. I'm very happy he is as he is, as his nature allows us to have hope.
No I will escape the reincarnation trap. Where as you will stay a little while in a fake heaven and then be tricked into reincarnating again.
See I can do it too. Neither of us have any proof for our beliefs :)
I have the word of God: "it is appointed for a man once to die, and then the judgment."
You have speculation.
I stand on the Rock.
You stand in quicksand.
Never think we are similarly situated.
these threads are baffling to me. why are you so convinced that the Bible is genuinely true? also, why is it the Bible of all the holy texts that you believe to be the true piece of religious literature?
Two reasons for two kinds of suffering.
Man-caused suffering: Free will, not hard to grasp this one. God see's our will to do what we chose as being of higher importance than security, if he were to interfere, nothing is stopping him from continuing to do so.
2. Natural Evil: Mostly as a test, also as a way to learn compassion. If you were never hungry you'll never know fulfillment, if you're never thirsty you'll never know quenching, if you never fail you'll never know success, if you never feel pain pleasure is meaningless, etc.
The problem with that view of natural suffering is basically scale. Sometimes the suffering is so great that it goes far beyond a test or a lesson and sometimes there is no pleasure to appreciate. Just a shitty painful life and then death.
Even free will becomes hard to reconcile with an all knowing and all powerful God. Since he literally designs your personality it's not randomly generated. He knows all the events in your life too. So there is little scope for free will. You are as he made you. Also when I read about horrible torture even if it is man made I wish God would intervene before it got really bad. Screw free will it doesn't exit anyway unless God is not all knowing and not all powerful. I've read some Jewish thinkers don't think God is all powerful but not sure about that one
Interestingly I've read some Jewish philosophy that claims natural suffering and human sin are linked. That even after the fall the natural world was a lot better than it was now but human sin literally started to effect the natural world and deteriorated it so food became harder to grow and diseases got worse etc.
Anyway personally I'm Agnostic but Jewish writing can be interesting to read.
Your investigation into holy texts on planet earth must be in its infancy to not know the bible is the sole holy text on planet earth. Holy because God collaborated with its authors to produce a work by both man and God. Holy because it contains the Law of God, and the Old Covenant of God, and the New Covenant of God.
Any other "religion's" claims to being holy fulfill their being demonic, not holy.
That sounds pretty close minded.
For the love of our lord Jesus Christ stfu with the "oh why is there suffering and shit"
A God would have to obey the laws of the universe first of all. Secondly how fucking boring would life be if everything was perfect? What would be the point in heaven? Fucking morons.
But you know Islam, and Judaism are led by the same God.
Adam and Eve are a metaphor for Mankind and early civilisation. And how they betrayed him, so they were forced to roam the lands and work. They were the first "humans". Not the first homosapiens.
if god exists
why be there anything at all?
>the imperial cult
Because the only way to have true repentance is to be able to suffer for your sins
Well, the buble is meant to give instruction to lessen suffering and maximise happiness through hard work and sacrifice. If it isn't for you, then is it really God's fault humanity would rather trust in their own devices? God never denied humans the right to reason and choice, but he did always warn of a life lacking in discipline and full of anarchy and destruction. See how much suffering would've been prevented if people chose to love their neighbours instead of succumbing to greed and pride
I said buble i meant Bible
no light without dark, no warm without cold, no love without hate
The question you should be asking is if we have to be good to go to heaven, then where does God's benevolence come in play? If I'm good, then I deserve to go to heaven, he's not being merciful, where is his gift?
Why does there have to be nasty stuff?
Is god omniscient? Assuming he is, (if not then just ignore this) does the devil work outside of his omniscience?
Like if he's all knowing, and even with free will, he knows what we will do, does the devil work outside of that?
That would explain the whole fruit thing.
Sorry for the dumb question, I was raised outside of a Christian household.
If God is omnipotent, why should suffering and evil not exist? Because you don't like it?
>If God is omnipotent, why should suffering and evil not exist? Because you don't like it?
Because he deserves it but he's also a coward so he's afraid of it. Which is more reason why he deserves it.
he's not
oh shit phoneposting with shitty app and cant. Oh well..
Bible says he's omnipotent because bible was written by witnesses and to them he sure seems omnipotent. Doesn't mean that he actually is, and he can't be actually capable of everything proven by paradoxes, just more capable than we are.
Also omnipotence wouldn't eliminate suffering. God allows it. There's a whole bool about it in the bible. i cant know why obviously but maybe because without suffering there is no happiness. Good and evil rely on each other to become visible.
Or maybe just because others happiness is other mans misery so divine happiness is impossible and god isn't omnipotent like i said.
Read Genesis.. This is the future we choose
With self awareness comes responsibility for your own faith
Whether god willed it or not you should take the view that suffering is to create meaning, a problem to be solved, an opportunity to express love through creativity