It's Dec 31st, 2017

It's Dec 31st, 2017

What's the price of BTC?

5000 to 6000 more or less. but definitely lower than the bullshit fork price.

18K for the Bitcoin Silver Fork.

Unironically $15,000 - $20,000

That would be so stupid since we'd be on track to hit $50k more than four years early

Have you been under a rock? There is 100 Billion incoming from 6 Hedge funds.

BTC - 200k
BCH - 20k
Bitcoin gold - 5k
Bitcoin silver - 4k
Bitcoin bronze - 3k
Bitcoin copper - 2k
Bitcoin steel - 1k
Bitcoin carbon - 0.5k
Bitcoin plastic - 0.2k
Bitcoin trash - 0.1k
All BTC forks are now top 10 marketcaps


Salty Alty is Salty. Back to your Altcoin containment scams, please.


Screencap. I'm from the future


Check 'em and screenshot.

you bitcoin fags are becoming deluded if you think the money wont go back to alts a week after segwit2x. kek literally in the euphoria stage.

god i hope so, i'd be able to get a couple of whole btc fuck that would make my life

Better question is what will the price be one year after the next halving in 2020? Hoo boy

Nobody gives a fuck about alts except maybe eth

kek'd hard at this one, good job user

Yep, and it's all going to LINK.


It will crash and crash hard into a longer bear market but, it will rise even higher after the crash at the end of the year

Lmao, you didn't even look at the charts. You're just another brainlet investor.

Don't mind him, just another ADHD & memory loss sufferer

Im all in on BTC and even im not this deluded.

Big, if true.