Why do all leftists hate the white race?
Pic related: the model leftists male
Why do all leftists hate the white race?
Pic related: the model leftists male
Good thread.
>Why do all leftists hate the white race?
because they are brainwashed into hating white people
Why do people here pretend these types are anything but fringe lunatics?
Leftists are all fringe lunatics.
>Why do people here
Misery loves company
this is the majority of the left in the western world.
Looks like an alt right to me he doesnt even know Anti Flag is a band not Anti Fa
Larpers are so faggy.
Anti-white faggotry is stupid but they can do whatever they want with their kinks in the privacy of their own homes.
Why do people respond to bait?
Id bet anything youre nonwhite and you worship nonwhites as you role models ie (((Drumph))) and friends
>unironically being this fucking stupid
go write a blogpost about how amazing black panther is
>when you're alt right and you buy an anti-flag tee and a cock cage just to false flag
>the ANTI white leftypol cuck legitimately can't read
>*sighs* "Acktually Skrewdriver is a BAND and not an actual neo-Nazi organization.... Fucking LARPers..."
Post your hair and eye color kid, i bet youre 53% goblin like most alt right
Trips dont lie Alt Right are dusky skinned Larpers
Dweebs dont know bands its science.
How can you hate the white race when races doesn't exist ?
You hate deeby larpers and they make up fictions about you to justify being ideologically cuckolded
>if you dont like this stupid leftypol shit, then you must be alt-right!
typical false dichotomy retard.
>this is what leftypol mutts actually believe
It's not a false dichotomy in the mind of any extremist retard.
If you are not with the extremist, aiding the extremist against his ideological enemies, then you are actively assisting his ideological enemies in their percieved (most likely delusional) encroachments upon the values of the extremist.
This is why all extremists are nothing more than rabid dogs that need to be shot. Most people are content to stay at home and try to raise families. They make stable and prosperous societies. Extremists exist only as a threat to innocent people.