>black history month
>no threads about black history
wtf Veeky Forums?
Black history month
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Is this the part where we post some inventors and artists instead of looking into actually interesting stuff about Sub-Saharan Africa?
They have no history, which is why they celebrate a movie about a fucking Marvel superhero like it's a part of their heritage.
I'm talking about Afro-Americans of course. Actual Africans do have history, but blacks in America are collectively descended from a caste of retarded slaves with no historical awareness to speak of.
I thought this is the part where we just post something like pic related, because we're too lazy to actually make good/interesting posts.
They got enslaved. They got conquered. They got civilized. And then they weren't.
It's an American thing and you're on a Euro board.
Other than Shaka Zulu and Mansa Musa, have sub saharan africans ever really done anything?
They managed to dupe gullible whites and Arabs into buying their low IQ underclass.
you know i heard some pleasant music on the radio and a sweet old lady talking about black history month, and then she played something by a black composer.
i think it's got potential to be a legitimately cozy time of year, barring BLM SJW shenanigans.
>gather round the fire for dirt cookies, children
>i will tell you the tale of your great grand-uncle who left tunesia to start a new life in the America
Mutt education
>great grand-uncle who left tunesia to start a new life in the America
Tunisians are not black.
>never invent the wheel
>never invent writing
>never invent architecture
This, the amount of hysterical pride they put into a fucking Disney movie is just sad. They don't even have a name for themselves, it's always been some variant of 'Black' or "African-American"
>Hey Greg check it, I’m gonna give away so much gold and completely deflate the value of it
>You’re a madman Musa!
I wish I was as cool as Mansa
>after the death of his mother Nandi, Shaka ordered that no crops should be planted during the following year of mourning, no milk (the basis of the Zulu diet at the time) was to be used, and any woman who became pregnant was to be killed along with her husband. At least 7,000 people who were deemed to be insufficiently grief-stricken were executed, although the killing was not restricted to humans: cows were slaughtered so that their calves would know what losing a mother felt like
What the fuck was his problem?
He was a dumb nog.
Power move. Shaka was the ultimate egoist.
My sides
What is this pic, tunisians are not black, I know a few, just ur plain evryday arab
They are the equivalent of African-Americans. Descendants of former slaves that are, however, treated nowhere near as as kindly as their American counterparts today.
>I'm talking about Afro-Americans of course.
Do Afro-Americans not actually have an interesting history? Considering it was just for a few hundred years?
I mean, I could care less about much of Africa pre-colonization. Considering they were a bunch of former slaves milling about run-down plantations, Afro-Americans post-slavery were actually pretty based up until about 1975-1980 when (((they))) convinced the Afro-Americans to smoke crack cocaine, destroy instead of build, and not work to better themselves as a community.
Look at the history before that. They really did try to make the best out of a very bad situation, despite the odds.
That's a Boondocks level of "nigger" usage.
What history?
>history board
>dominated by non-Americans
Colour me surprised
>he doesn't know about Wakanta being real
I'm not American, I forget you guys racialise your history
wakanda you fucking racist
To separate the history of a nation by ethnic components is just a lot of nonsense, do you not want to celebrate your nation, and your contributions to it in equal part? Endless recitations of the first this or that of your own ethnic group to do whatever thing are just redundant.
maybe if historians quit being bustas
NPR shoves enough black history down our throats every to where we don't even need a Black History Month anymore. Every other goddamn day it's
>Today we look at the biography of a plantation slave from the 1800s and his life or death journey to overcome racism
>This midwestern mother says it's impossible for her to support her family with her current job. Let's explore the influence that race has on Shantal's efforts to support her children.
>The history of American barbecue is a fascinating journey through American culture. Today we find out how the roots of racism play an intractable role in the development of barbecue.
Don't they ever get tired of talking about the same old shit? Why does the racist history of America have to be injected so frequently when earlier time periods (Rome, Middle Ages, Early Modern, Industrialization) have had much more profound and deep impacts on the way Americans live and act?
Oh man, NPR, it still has a good segment now and again, but it seems as if whenever I turn to it the featured presentation is about gays or trannies.
blacks btfo
This looks like a nigger to you?
They don't, which is why they have to invent it. Have you ever read "Roots" from Alex Haley? It features white people walking to remote African villages and catching blacks with mosquito nets there. It's borderline parody.
I said descendants of slavs. You may find less race-mixed blacks in the Maghreb, but they're not common.
If it happened before 1776 then it didn’t actually matter
It’s slavery and Civil Wars up to the 1940’s when that nasty Hitler started killing Jews [spoiler]also an Imperialist Japan attacked us but who cares lmao[/spoiler]. Kennedy tore down the Berlin Wall and opened trade relations with China while also being the first man on the moon and a few decades later 9/11 happened and Obama personally shot Osama
Not to buck the whole all niggers must hang trend, but they laid the groundwork with aspects such as southern gospel and call and response, which in turn created the blues as we know it, which then begat rock n' roll, which has in turn influence the entirety of modern music.
Also, dey wuz kangs n' sheit.
They're not blacks you fucking faggot. I've actually been there.
The good part about not having any history is that you get to sculpt what will be known of your people from scratch. Rome started as a bunch of cast off barbarian hooligan kidnappers but ended up a proud and cultured empire that ruled the entire Mediterranean and influenced civilization as we know it today.
Then again you can always go the slum dwelling drug dealer route as well...The good news is that 200 years is actually really young when you are talking about the lifespan of a culture (African Americans in this case). It is never too late for earth-shattering events or charismatic leaders to change the attitude of an entire culture.
I remember this thread
>Power move. Black people are the ultimate egoists.
>until about 1975-1980 when (((they))) convinced the Afro-Americans to smoke crack cocaine, destroy instead of build, and not work to better themselves as a community.
You can't just blame all the shit *nglos do on some jewish conspiracy user.
his, lit, or pol? You be the judge.
Jews and WASPs work hand-in-hand, to the point where it's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins
This quote is full of absolute horseshit.
t. Jared Diamond
Still happening today
fuck nigs lul
t. thomas dickson
>but it seems as if whenever I turn to it the featured presentation is about gays or trannies.
Look, I think Teri Gross or however it is spelled sounds like a pleasant person, but her show and some other are all gays and trannies. Like it's on purpose. Not all of public radio is like that.
Black History is kind of boring honestly. Its just a bunch of folk screaming shit every other oppressed race has said. It’s nothing new - It’s just the most recent.
Honestly, it would be more interesting if they talked about the uglier parts like the Tulsa riots where a lynch mob had a fucking air force on their side. Or badasses like Bass Reeves.
Instead we get the guy who didn't invent peanut butter and Harriet Tubman's subway system.
African American history in a nutshell
>do fucking nothing for tens of millenia
>get enslaved by your own cousins in their kingdoms in the distant future
>be sold to europeans by your cousins
>pick crops
>get raped by europeans
>get raped so much your genes maintain 30% european to this day
>Europeans chimp out over economy
>now you are free
>proceeds to be criminal pieces of shit
>Europeans force you to not live around them
>You turn your segregated areas into violent hellholes
>You never realize its your fault they are violent hellholes
>Jews start pushing racial equality nonsense
>Jews get you into sports
>You buy it because you want to live among whites to use their nicer living spaces which you will turn into hellholes decades from now
>Jews win you can live around white
>Whites run from the cities
>You takeover cities and turn them into hellholes
>Welfare comes into creation making you multiply out of control
>Eventually you subhumans create hip hop which evolves into rap the most criminal music genre ever made
>Even with freedom and the ability to live with whitey you still remain feral savages unable to act like people
>Your rap cancer starts to get really profitable for jews so it slowly infects your entire population continent wise
>Now all you care about is your rap culture and being a criminal pile of shit with no hint of human decency
>To this day all you do is cause terror and suffering in the US for both blacks and whites
Doesn't help that they didn't develop a form or writing to record their history
why is every other month black history month?
I know that, radio lab can be decent, although that fella's voice can be annoying.
There was a really neat peace they did not long ago about the Damascus silo explosion in 1980. It was worth listening to, interviews with folks from all levels of the incident, breaking down the timeline of events and really transporting the listener to that time. Great stuff, it's gems like that that keep me flipping back to NPR now and again.
There were africans in america for millenia?
The Phoneticians, who we derive our phonetic alphabet from, were quite literally African.
No the american negroids are from tribes with no civilized history at all in West Africa, yes thats right American blacks ARE THE GARBAGE OF THEIR FUCKING RACE.
true, but they are talking about sub saharan africa. See:
oh wow, you've really red-pilled me on that one, mind=blown! And the WASPs were literally kicked out because the Church of England kicked them to the Netherlands, who thought they were Anglo niggers, who then Mayflowered to America too. They were the refuse of Europe, and now they're the high fallutin' fathers of New England. This isn't to say that modern black culture isn't shit, just that you're a fucking simpleton with no real grasp of history other than the gospel of /pol/ infographics.
also the joke went right over your head, kiddo.
No you fucking dumbass, the slaves in the slave trade all descend from tribes with no civilization, they were the cattle for west african civilization that means black americans truely were worthless uncivilized savages for their entire existence.
>Black History Month
Daily reminder that Blacks can’t take the achievements of Africans because African Americans are too far gone from Nigerians/Ethiopians/South Africans etc
Losing a military conflict to another tribe/civilization doesn't mean that the losing people were worthless. The Greeks were conquered by the Romans, but that certainly doesn't mean that the Greeks were uncivilized savages. Same goes for the Carthaginians as well.
Sometimes the MORE civilized tribe actually loses because they are too peaceful. Then they get executed or sold into slavery.
I see the metaphor was lost on you. You seem to have a very robust and nuanced grasp of history. You probably don't even know the difference between Bantus and Khoeasans, and their roles in the rise and fall of colonial South Africa, because just yelling "lol niggers," is easier to understand.
Ironically, the BBC News Hour on NPR is the only segment that doesn't go into that shit, despite how guilty of it they are in their home country.
Hell they were the only mainstream news outlet in the US I found actually talking about Mugabe being deposed when it happened.
They are so incredibly biased, I couldn't help but breaking into laughter when I listened to it on Sunday. Remember, bias is shown not only in how news is presented, but mainly on what is determined what is or is not news.
Although the one segment I caught on an uncaught clinically psychopathic murderer on Saturday was (not without exception) a pretty good segment, almost reminiscent of the golden age of radio.
Are you retarded? Greek tribes became the Cyclades civilization, but the american negro tribes NEVER HAD A FUCKING CIVILIZATION EVER.
>Corinth never got destroyed
You are the retard here. Just because the Romans didn't enslave or exterminate the Greeks, it doesn't mean they didn't conquer them.
Plus, the argument was that the tribes that were taken to America were somehow lesser or more savage than the other west african tribes. I'm merely pointing out that that isn't necessarily true.
No one made the argument that any of the west african tribes had advanced civilizations.
>Losing a military conflict
Cool euphemism for getting your dunghut village raided by more advanced blacks.
they invented jazz which is arguably more technically sophisticated than even classical music and if so is unironically the greatest black invention of all time
I'm serious brah
jazz is legit as hell
if blacks have done one good thing it's revolutionize music
but blues is better
ragtime is cool too
Yeah and someone was building cars before Henry Ford but no one gives a shit about him cause he's fucking irrelevant
Are we using the one drop rule?
If so then this
t. Schlomo
For some reason, from the 1920s onwards the Jews (and yes really, JEWS, people like George Gershwin and Irving Berlin) tried to redefine jazz as some haute couture music which is completely retarded. Disregarding the fact it's a shitty bar music for drunk parties, its basis is literally improvising and polyrthytm AKA musicians playing whatever the fuck they want without any sort of proper structure or system. It's a fucking mess to listen to, most overrated musical genre to ever exist.
>it's a shitty bar music for drunk parties
it's not the 20s anymore user, jazz has been " classy" since the 70s at least which is impressive considering its plebeian roots
music is literally built upon other peoples' thoughts and work. you can't make a production line for music, unless you hold Pop as the height of music. Arguably Robert Johnson influenced the majority of Blues artists that crossed into Rock n Roll.
I don't even know what you're arguing, can't you just let the coons have one win?
>It's a fucking mess to listen to
You are legitimately low IQ.
>jazz has been "classy"
That's what I was addressing, Jewish composers and music theorists attempted to make it high culture music, which is on par with equating Donald Duck comic strips to Rembrandt. Then again you're probably American so you do exactly that.
I'm not a big fan of the Nazis, but banning jazz is one of the few truly great things they did.
>Afro-Americans post-slavery were actually pretty based up until about 1975-1980
This is a meme, my man. Propaganda at best. Blacks in the US have been lost since the day they were freed. W.E.B. DuBois knew we were fucking them over without integrating them properly, and in hindsight its easy to see that he was right.
They have never integrated, never adapted. They're a microcosm of our worst traits, all the lazy, poor, stupid, violent ones. And at the end of the day, it really is our forefather's faults thinking that they'd figure it out on their own.
>we were fucking them over
Speak for yourself.
Learn to spell, Nigel.
>black history
>enslaved by other races
>invented peanut butter
Nothing really to talk about lol
When we took a group of people that existed for generations as literally nothing better than farm equipment and went "Surprise! You're free now!" and walked off, yeah, we did them no favors. And guess what? Now we're paying for that halfassed approach.
You let a dog free in the woods, what does it do? It either dies, or it becomes base and feral. Same thing here.
Well, they tried in Tulsa, but then some elevator operator got accused of hooting at a white wimin so they burned all of black wall street and bombed them with biplanes while the lynch mob was shooting anything darker than tanned.
You probably don't even know about the Civilized Tribes that integrated into the colonial culture in the early days of America which were basically white-wigged and well-dressed victorian red-men. They met the same fate as their tribal, drunken gambling brethren.
Countries that spell colour
>new zealand
>almost every former british colony
Countries that spell color
Are you really trying to pay out white people?
You just proved that you are a shitskin lol
Hows it feel knowing you will go through your whole life never being white?
Who the fuck is this "we" you're talking about you faggot baboon. I didn't enslave anyone.
Countries that have not been to the moon
>new zealand
>every former british colony
Countries that have
Just because the immigration office taught you basic English does not mean you know how to speak it, Mohammad.
We as in the people of the United States, you fucking moron.
You know what, Brits. You're right. I give up. Tired of defending halfwits like this. We're all retarded.
You're a Jew.
I'm aussie lol
America is litterally a mixed raced country, you're not even white anymore, this is the average 'White" in america.
Literally revisionist history, bullshit trumped up a thousand times higher than it ever was. I mean, Black Wall Street? C'mon.
Great argument! Neva happened? I'll really have to contemplate this newly uncovered evidence versus literally every other single source that says you're wrong.
not understanding jazz as a revolutionary genre is brainlet activity
You forgot the part where whitey gentrified the fuck out of their hell holes and drove them out to more squalid arrangements.
The BBC News Hour or just regular news? Because the BBC doesn't air on NPR on the weekends