Has this been debunked yet?

Has this been debunked yet?

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I never doubted for a second that the country now known at br*Tain was populated by the original BLACK Asiatic man and was ruled by great BLACK men like King Arthur and his warrior princes ("knights"). Only later were they overrun by romans and g*rmanics

I read the paper. It's ogre. They tested him for three dozen SNPs linked with skin color and the result was still black. It's all over.

There's nothing to debunk. Anglos were shitskins back then and are still shitskins. WASP is literally an oxymoron as you can't be White and Anglo at the same time.

imagine making this image

Can't get over how shitty the reconstruction is.

They were missing two genes for totally pale Snow White skin, that doesn’t mean they were darker than Ethiopians. It’s politicized nonsense as always.

Why do /pol/tards have a hard time accepting that their ancestors might not have been as pale as them 10,000+ years ago?

I would go so far and say the blue eyes are unnecessary white washing. Dark skinned people can have the genetics for blue eyes but the high melanin levels will make it unlikely to physically express as blue eyes.

Don’t forget, “knight” means BLACK WARRIOR

I don't necessarily doubt that, but this whole story smacks of propaganda.

Go on.

>Has truth been debunked yet?


[citation needed]

You're an idiot.

>germanic vs anglo


>u r x

Nay, not two. Three dozen.
>However, here we integrate 36 rather than 2 SNPs allowing more precise

>denying the truth
You are all a bunch of mutts.

because ethnicity isn't biological duh.

They wouldn't have had the gene for blue eyes if it wasn't expressed. It's as simple as that, they had very blue eyes and it gave them a very big advantage.

Blue eyes are a result of light scattering. The light scattering will obviously be different for people with high levels of melanin.

"How do you know his skin colour?

We were able to extract enough information from Cheddar Man’s DNA to run it through a forensic tool that predicts differences in the level of skin pigmentation in modern world populations3. The results indicated that Cheddar Man’s skin pigmentation was most likely in one of the two most highly-pigmented of five categories ('dark' or 'dark to black'), and definitely not in the lightest categories."
source: nhm.ac.uk/our-science/our-work/origins-evolution-and-futures/human-adaptation-diet-disease/cheddar-man-faq.html

Below that answered question you'll also find that he is linked to individuals from Spain and Luxembourg, both of whom were "dark"-skinned.

One of the oldest European alleles for light skin was found in a CHG's (Caucasian Hunter-Gatherer) remains from 13,000yrs ago. It then arrived in Europe first from Anatolia via farmers who had the genes.

They had darker skin but this artist got little bit carried away while wewuzzin.
Why do people in Southern Eurasia have lighter skin than him?

My point being: Black/brown people can't have real blue or green eyes. They can however have brown, light-brown, yellow and grey eyes.

>Why do /pol/tards have a hard time accepting

You answered your own question.

The hunter in the dark forest requires night vision.
Blue eyes confer night vision(to a limited extent)
Your idea that they were just randomly fixed for an unexpressed blue eye gene isn't only retarded but violently retarded.
Besides, dark skin African individuals have no problem having blue eyes. They just rarely have the gene for it as it's maladaptive for Africa.

Nope. EHG had lighter skin than farmers and without any admixture from them.

Yamnaya were genetically half-CHG.

Who cares? You always repeat the same lies. Scandinavia had pale EHG derived people when the first darker-but-not-black farmer arrived there.

Well, find me this evidence that the HG of Scandinavia had the alleles for light skin. Because the alleles from the caucasus came to Europe via Anatolia during the Neolithic, and the steppe migrations began near the end of the Neolithic.

when the news reported it here they had an academic talking about how this finding can be used to deconstruct whiteness

>These adaptations include high frequencies of low pigmentation variants
They mean specifically the derived alleles for SLC24A5 and SLC45A2 which old Cheddar man didn't have because he wasn't EHG descended.
But that's not all, they also had blue eyes and light hair.


>native to Europe
>is a black person
Are the scientist who researched this retarded? They do know that niggers literally have BEEN IN AFRICA FOR TENS OF MILLENIA UNTOUCHED BY NON NIGGERS.

>Britons aren't blac-

He wasn't African

Reminder: Many Sub-Saharan Africans have had the light skin genes inside them for a very long time. The San in particular have the same ones Europeans do now. Light skin didn't exist in the majority of Europeans until further into the Neolithic Age.

>The team also found variants of two neighboring genes, HERC2 and OCA2, which are associated with light skin, eyes, and hair in Europeans but arose in Africa; these variants are ancient and common in the light-skinned San people. The team proposes that the variants arose in Africa as early as 1 million years ago and spread later to Europeans and Asians. “Many of the gene variants that cause light skin in Europe have origins in Africa,” Tishkoff says.


I highly suggest you all read this.

Slavs look more Germanic than Brits do. That's patethic considering they speak slavic and you germanic lol.

Dark skin doesn't equal black you fucking faggot. This woman with her DSL is of the Khoisan race that came before Black Africans did, and she is light brown. Indian people are also varying shades of brown, are they black too? How about Aboriginal Australians? Papuans?

What difference does it make? They didn't spread to Europe from Africa. Besides, the same mutation is likely to occur more than once.

It does equal black to the diversity mongoloids, they are using this human from an unknown race to pass the idea that Bongistan should be a nigger shithole.

Blacks aren't Britons

Good read and very informative. Thanks, user.

>they didn't spread from Europe to Africa

You're right. These genes have been in Africa since before Homo sapiens even evolved. I'm just saying that for the people who are doubting Cheddar Man's skin color are silly, all though it's more likely he was brown rather than dark brown. We've know early Europeans had dark skin for a long time, what's the big deal?

Why the hell are you making it about what some other dipshit that isn't even in this thread has to say? You were the one here sperging out about how black=African.

>what's the big deal?
Not him, but the big deal is that making Cheddar man dark brown is being used as a way to undermine British identity